Posted by Disillusioned on September 18, 2002, at 3:27:12
This is total bullshit!
My psyciatrist has me on Zoloft and Clonopezam. Both of these make me feel sick. When I need the clonopezam, I know it. I can feel the physiological effects. When I need the zoloft, hell I dunno when I need it! I feel emotionally crummy all the time. I desperately want off the clonopezam! I am addicted! More than likely, I need to taper off on the Zoloft too! But, recently I had a very severe depression episode, and I agreed to try effexor. My doc had been wanting me to try it for some time. I kept saying no. Now, thanks to you all, I know it's not for me! I DO NOT WANT TO BE ADDICTED TO ANY DRUG, PRESCRIBED OR ILLEGAL!
THia is it! I've had it! These 'medicines' just make me feel terrible, and make me need more. They are DANGEROUS!
Now, I've used marijuana before, and chronically. I can stop taking it with no side effects! NONE! ZERO! NADA! ZILCH! And you know what? Marijuana doesn't make me feel bad! it make me euphoric! I don't suffer from physiological symptoms when I take it or stop taking it. So why the hell am I taking a KNOWN dangerous drug, when 'they' haven't proven anything about marijuanna being dangerous.
One reason Marijuana is illegal because it is said to be a gateway drug. But hell, some of these prescription drugs require you to take other drugs to get off them, then other drugs to get off of those!
I can truthfully say to you, marijuanna has no physiological symptoms if you stop taking it COLD TURKEY! None of the prescribed drugs can claim that! Not one!
It is claimed that marijuana affects your short term memory. Look at any of these psyochropics! They affect your short term memory too.
Look at the warnings on many of the anti-depressants. You'll see 'may cause depression'! OMG! What is this poison the doctors are prescribing?
I'm taking matters into my own hands. I'm sick of this foolishness! All the doctors come from the same academy: Science! They can't see the forest for the trees! They need test after test and still can't find a solution. Well, damnit, I've found one, and if I "might have to take this the rest of your life", then I'm going to something that really helps!BEWARE! BE AFRAID! BE VERY AFRAID! "Marijuana has a high potential to be abused!" So do patients, by doctors that are locked in a mindset that is going nowhere fast! The drugs they prescribe can actually kill you if you decide to abuse them! Have you ever attempted suicide, or had a suicide plan? I'll bet 10 to 1 that that attempt or plan including using the pills the doctors prescribed you.
I'm outta this 'scientific' scene! Science is lost when it comes to dealing with emotional disorders! The scientists know NUTHING, and are fools for even trying. They have a solution right before their eyes, but it isn't acceptable becuase the government says it isn't.
Yeah, I may find myself in a hypnotic stupor thanks to marijuana, but I can't take the physical discomforts that come with these scientists' 'medicines'.
Thanks for input. All I see here are people messed up on drugs! I don't see one post that says "I'm well again!". Not one!