Posted by katekite on July 20, 2002, at 12:18:02
I took remeron once before, years ago, at a dose of 45 mg, for depression. I took one dose and fell asleep with a piece of pizza in my mouth. Woke up 18 hrs later and was in a foggy daze for 2 days. Swore I would never try it again.
But the years have passed and my pdoc did not want to give me trimipramine, so I said why not. Well now I know why not. I took 7.5 mg last night and went to sleep only to wake at 1:30am with hot flashes (which had been better since Monday on BC pills). I slept fitfully (about the same as benadryl). Got up at 10 (later than normal) and am in a mild foggy haze and my temperature sensation is still off. My eyes and mouth are sticky dry from the antihistamine effect. So I have answered the question: is there a remeron dose that induces a hypnotic daze but does not improve sleep?
Yes -- it is possible to take a dose of remeron that does not help sleep but does screw everything else up.