Posted by rainbowlight on June 27, 2002, at 19:09:24
Reading over lots of old posts I ran across this that you wrote:
The thing about stimulants that I have noticed (*all* of them), is they tend to cause mood SAMENESS all day for me (that is if the blood levels are reasonable constant). Now, the SAMENESS might not be that super of a feeling. They tend to make me too nervous and jittery, but it is the SAME feeling all daylong, day after day. When I was on the dex for a month-my mood chart just shows nothing but goose-eggs (0) for mood.
I thought this was interesting, as during my Adderall experience I noticed that I "felt" nothing, no highs, no lows, NOTHING! Have you found a stimulant that still lets you retain some range of emotion? (I think my next trial is plain Ritalin, Adderall was HORRIBLE)p.s. You are such a wealth of knowledge, I hope you don't mind me "picking your brain", I have so much to learn!