Posted by geno on June 20, 2002, at 2:54:26
In reply to Re: seroquel for insomnia, posted by crepuscular on June 18, 2002, at 17:43:46
my pdoc just switched me from remeron 30mg to seroquel 25mg bid to start. I have a clinical pdoc manual that breaks down the neurotransmitters and what receptors they hit. Seroquel has moderal d2 blocade, not nearly as much as haldol, or even zyprexa. It also has histamine blockade, and alpha 1 blockade.
I just too my first seroquel pill 25mg 30min ago. Do feel sedated yet.
Oh, just a point, Antipsycotics may be needed for my problem due to excess dopamine from ghb use. GHB causes a buildup of dopamine, then releases it. This "release" makes me very irritable, insomniac, adjitated.
This tadia dysth. seems to be only at very high doses. I know that when i take ghb, or too much, i begin to twich, loss of facial muscle type, minor drolling. THis is caused by too much dopamine being blocked.
For sleep, i suspect 3 nerutransmitters to be involved. Mainly, histamine blockade. Then dopamine blockade. Then GABA Enhancement. So if one would take remeron or seroquel, with some klonopin, you should sleep fine.