Posted by Chloe on May 19, 2002, at 19:49:20
I found a great vitamin from Pioneer Nutritional Formulas, but the pill is so huge I keep choking on the damned thing. All the natural vitamins+green foods aren't doing me any good if I end up throwing up trying to get it down. The last straw was getting it stuck in a friend's new car after we had a nice lunch. I threw up all over his new car. Mortifying...
So, I went back to the healthfood store and all the pills are huge. I ended up with twin lab high potency vit/min sup with beta carotene. Nothing special. But I also got this Nature's Plus sustained release "ultra hair" formula, since I have thinning, dry hair and scalp.
If I total the combo of the ultra hair which is mainly A, B's Biotin(2000 mcg!) and a little zinc.+ the twin lab's A, B's, Biotin,etc., I get this:
B1: 40 mg
B2: 75mg
Niacin 130mg
B6: 75 mg
Folate: 600mcg
biotin: 2300mcg!
panthothenic acid: 300mg
zinc: 20 mgIs this too much of a good thing? The twin lab only has 25 mgs of B1, B2 and B6. For me, and all my mood stablizing meds, I think I need more in the B department.
Will I just pee the stuff out, or could I cause harm to myself?
Lastly, Is
Inositol 500 mg
Cholline 250 mg
PABA 125 mg
L-cysteine 100 mgs
in the Ultra hair harmful in anyway?Thanks, if any one knows! And IsoM, if you are out there, Teddy says Hi :)