Posted by geno on February 25, 2002, at 21:08:58
Iv been reading this psycotropic drug book. very very knowelgeable. Im going to talk about serquel, remeron, xanax, klonopin.
First remeron is great for sleep. It has histamine blockade, 5ht2 antagonist, 5ht3 antangoist, antinausea, appetite, and at higher dosed, NE blockade, most stimulating.
second, serquel, is a dopamine d-2 blockade, not as powerful as zyprexa blocade, and a 5ht2 blockade, a dual antipscycohotic and antidepressant effect. I suspect if one has excess dopamine rebound, and cannot sleep using ambien or remeron, seroquel is the way to go.xanax at .5mg seems to be the least sedating at .5mg dose. at 1mg, i fall asleep or get really groggy. It hit you alot quicker also.
klonopin, at .5mg seems to be not too sedating, but not good enough for panic attacks. at 1mg, its seems to be mod sedating, makes on calm, and sorta brain fogg. adding a stimulant to such may be still looking into neuronitin, i wanna try this med. i hear it stablizes mood, and anxiety. and may improve mood.