Posted by Elisabeth on May 2, 2001, at 16:25:23
In reply to Re: VERY DRUG RESISTANT ??!!, posted by Mr.Scott on May 2, 2001, at 16:01:35
> DID you say 90 MG of Valium and 60 MG of Restoril? Holy Shit!!! How long did it take you to taper off that?
> mr.scottYes....but should have said I took 60 throughout the day in 10mg tabs and 30 at bedtime with the two 30 mg of Restoril.
I started dropping off last June..we sold our house here in was having a wee "high" spot in my life. Got down to 30 Val and 30 Restoril by November...stayed that way through move to UK and took a supply with me. After January I was down to just 20 mg of Valium at night and day divided...but using some natural Valerian too which is useless unless you have really tapered off. I use the tincture under the tongue then chase it with juice.But I use a LOT. It does work if you are way down on your benzos and can stand the taste.
I still am having some wee "fidgets" and "twitches", but never take more than a 10mg Valium in one day or more than 2 or 3 times in a week if in a real crisis. The Valerian is great for night...while I am not getting consistent sleep and get 4 hours together at mind is working again. I can actually THINK. I may get nervous and upset..but am not a zombie and with the Wellbutrin I mentioned I was on, I have a clearer head. I am not used to being so "up" in the's nice, but makes mornings without restful sleep rather nasty until about noon.
Bummer is no Wellbutrin for depression in benzos this will be very interesting.
I would say I was very very lucky to discover I had no problems weaning off the way I did when I now hear of others' troubles. Had no idea that it was difficult, so had no fears...also, I can take or leave alcohol and when I quite smoking (from age 17 to age 32) I just did it cold turkey and never looked back. It's a pain to be so emotionally wrecked in my head yet not be physically addicted...I almost wish it were the other way!