Posted by Melanie on January 11, 2001, at 17:40:30
This is my first post and I hope soemone can help me out becasue I'm confused and scared. I know what you mean about the Zoloft thing. Except I was on Paxil and it had the same effect on me. I had a low sex drive and couldn't reach orgasms very easy anways. My sex life sucked with my very understanding bf. That part sucked but the depression kinda went away and I was happy. I told my doctor and he switched me to Welbutrin so it doesn't affect my sex drive etc. Any that didn't work I'd be happy for awhile and then I'd be depressed again. My moods kept goign up and down I didnt' know what to do. Now I just started Serzone yesterday. I hate the withdrawl affects of gogin from one drug to another especially changing medications so much in jsut 3 months time. I'm hoping that this will work and the side affects will go away. I don't if this is the withdral affects or side affects from Serzone but I'm weak, blurred vision, dizziness, headache ( pounding and pressure in my head that won't go away ) fever, chills, nauseas and geez I feel like hell. I just want to find a medication that will be balance me out. I'm trying so hard but its almost depressing wanting to get better and can't find a medication to do it plus its not fair for the people around me. They understand but I feel bad for what they have to put up with. The last two medications helped with my sex drive back to normal but even if I'm sad they dont' work becasue I dont' even want to think about having sex. You can't win it's not fair at all. I'm almost thingking ya maybe I should go back on Paxil even though the sexual dysfunction. On paxil it made it like I coudlnt' even cry which was okay because I'm tired of crying all the time and I had no emotions. Now on the med's I took after I still cryed every once in awhile still. I'm an emotional person and I cry easy yes but I almost wish I had no emtions at all so I wouldn't cry. I can still get sad so I heop Serzone will help me out. Paxil made me happy like there was no way in the world I could get sad and depressed I want that feeling back again but I also dont' want to have sexaul dysfucntion. I try and thing what is more importmant but I dont' knwo what to do. I can't miss school anymore becasue of this my classes are suffering. I want to start out fresh this semster but it's hard and not easy. Can anyone help me out.