Posted by shar on July 15, 2000, at 19:10:49
I am really interested in trying Adrafinil, but I do not think my all American doc would approve. She might give me an rx for something similar, but I doubt she would like my ordering from overseas. I noticed a drug HYDERGINE was put in the same category as Adrafinil. Has anyone taken that?
Does every one taking Adra. tell their docs? It seems like it would be important info for the doc, but I'd hate it if she said absolutely not. It sounds like a really good med that would address some of the problems I'm having, with very few side effects.
I also wonder about interactions with other meds. I take Effexor and Wellbutrin. Nothing I read contained a big caveat about using it with ADs. Caveats were for diabetics and using a lower dose for hepato.....? compromised people (if I remember correctly).
Thank you for any info you can offer!