Posted by wayne on June 22, 2000, at 13:04:19
I have been called jack of all trades master of none.
This has been the story of my life. I know that add is a symptem of this.However I have come to the point in my life where I am sick of trying.I had hundreds of jobs and always seem to walk out. I have had many buisneses then they all seem to fail. I am ashamed of this because I always seem to rely on others to look after me as I do not have the money to support myself. I feel like a total loser. The above story applys to all areas of my life.I do not feel like trying anymore because whats the point it never works anyway.Even though in the past I have had so much passion full of ideas. lots of them have worked but others have profited from them.As I somehow lose interest.I been diagnosed with add. the strange thing is most people who have add HAVE WORK OR JOBS.Am I alone with this? A old friend said I Have messed up all my friend ships and had even
messed up hers and her husbands and then she gave me a whole list of others. My late father had a similar history and all of my family turned against him . I thought he was a bad person but now I WONDER,