Posted by NikkiT2 on May 17, 2004, at 12:06:54
OK, this is starting as a quick rant on parties.. I haven't had a birthday party since I was 12.. so, I decided that this year I am having a birthday party. *I* am arranging it, I am paying for it, I am cooking the buffet.. so why the *&^% does everyone else want to stick their oar in?? One brother is moaning that the party is being held near where *I* live and not near where he lives, another brother moaning I can't put him, his wife and daughter up for the night (we live in a V small one bedroomed flat), mum is moaning I don't want to invite x, y and z (second cousins who I can't stand!), another friend moaning about thye fact there will music and then more that I won't meet up wih him that afternoon (cos apparently his day would be a waste of time if he didn't enjoy it).. I'm like, if you don't like it, don't come.. but apparently thats upsetting people. And its like 6 months away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway.. We should have a 5th anniversary party here next year!!! OK, so most of us have been here longer, but well, I doubt any of know the exact date, but we do know for a fact we were here in 2000 (hence being on 2000 board *l*)
Damn I'm bored.. 8th day of bad insomnia and my brain is mushed to hell..
Is it OK if I just ramble on!!!
Nikki x