Posted by shelley on January 9, 1999, at 11:01:36
In reply to Re: SSRI induced mania? and psychosis!, posted by Nancy on January 8, 1999, at 16:34:13
> > > > > I was on Zoloft in the past and now on Celexa for the past 6 weeks. With the Celexa, I have noticed what seems to be hypomanic states. This also happened with the Zoloft. Is this weird or does it occasionally happen? I would appreciate any info. Thanks. ~Mel
> > > > Hi Mel!! This happened to me, too. Zoloft and Prozac were the easiest to tolerate. Effexor and Serzone were the worst. I don't know how common this is. I've never had a manic episode without the "help" of an SSRI. Thanks for bringing it up. I'm glad I'm not the only one and am glad to hear others experiences. Thanks for the buzz on Celaxa. I've been wary of trying it for this particular reason. Shell
> > > Hi. Me too guys. SSRIs have sent me into full-blown psychotic manias!!! Talk about trippy. whoa!
> > > I've ended up in restraints in psych wards for days at a time while on my SSRI flight! I'm a certifiable lunatic! Although, I do have moments of lucid clarity. Not very often but, I am blessed with them now and then.
> > Me, too. I was just shy about mentioning the psychosis part of it. I didn't want to scare anybody who hasn't been through it. I'll never forget!!! Glad to see you're hear not there, Nancy!
> Guess we're just the lucky few on the lunatic fringe. ha ha. Psychosis is cool for a little while. Everything is like Disney Land, you know what I mean? Everything appears, well, UNUSUAL. And being Bipolar the voices that I hear say funny things, yea, like jokes and stuff. They can be coming from my clock radio (that's turned off) or from underneath my bed. We just chit-chat and giggle. Sometimes I hear music or chiors. Beautiful stuff. Oh, I could go on there's a lot of nifty stuff that goes along with being Bipolar psychotic (either while depressed or manic)!
> Remember, WE'RE NEVER ALONE...hee hee. I thought you had the experience to appreciate that.
> From the lunatic fringe,
> Nancy
Hmmm. More thoughts. I don't actually remember the year and half I spent hypomanic, manic, psychotic as a result of SSRIs. My doc also had me taking as many as 24 Halcion at night, which has amnesiac effects. All I remeber about being psychotic is lying on the floor, holding onto the walls, and screaming into the phone at my doc. Spotty memories of feeling really good while hypomanic. A note from my insurance company telling me I am now a "high risk" driver as I hit three different thinngs, two cars and a mail box while manic/psychotic, with very vague recollections. I don't know what to say, but be very careful, and if Doc #1 won't address this issue talk to doc #2. At the time I was also recommended for ECT, Nance. But seem to have struck a balance the past few months and the subject has been put on the back burner, so to speak. Let us know how it goes. Shell