Posted by Alex on December 11, 1998, at 20:00:03
In reply to Re: Serzone and MDMA, posted by Toby on December 10, 1998, at 16:01:48
> My original answer to Nicole was to provide information that she asked for so she could make an informed decision. I try not to use scare tactics unless I preface them with "my opinion." Alex asked for some references in non-rats. Here are a few of the 157 articles I found.
> Frederick DL, Annals of the NY Academy of Science, May 30 1998, Vol 844, p 183-90. Showed 50% decrease in serotonin in frontal cortex and hippocampus (memory area) of rhesus monkeys 6 months after being given MDMA for only 4 days at doses comparable to human use.
> Scheffel U; Synapse, June 1998, Vol 29:2, p183-92. In baboons, PET scans 13 months after being given MDMA for only 4 days, showed decreased serotonin activity and fewer serotonin transporters. This was confirmed on autopsy of the animal. This indicates that PET scans may be useful in diagnosing MDMA damage in humans.
> Parrott AC; Journal of Psychopharmacology, 1998, Vol 12:1m p 79-83. Tested cognitive performance in regular users (have used 10 times or more), novice users (1-9 uses) and a control group (have never used). Tests done were done on a drug free day. Reaction time was similar in all groups, but immediate and delayed recall was decreased in both MDMA groups.
> Simantov R; FASER Journal, Feb 1997, Vol 11:2, p 141-6. Showed MDMA killed human serotonin cells, changed the cell cycle, arrested cell development and caused DNA fragmentation. MDMA did not affect non-serotonin cells.
> Curran HV; Addiction; July 1997, Vol 92:7, p 821-31. Compared MDMA with Alcohol. Participants consumed either MDMA or alcohol on Day 1 then remained abstinent. Mood and cognitive tests were given on Day 1, 2 and 5. On day 1 MDMA and alcohol users had elevated mood. On day 5, MDMA users had significantly lower mood with some users scoring in the clinically depressed range. Alcohol users felt worst on day 2 with gradually improved mood by day 5. MDMA users also scored worse on cognitive and memory tests than alcohol users throughout the study. The conclusions were that weekend use of MDMA may result in midweek depressions.
> To Mr Zest: There is a theory of "kindling" that says that genetically vulnerable people may have their mental illness "triggered" by particular substances and these may also perpetuate, worsen, and speed up the course of mental illness as well as lead to resistance (due to depletion of certain neurotransmitters and death of brain cells that interact with the various neurotransmitters so that the medications have essentially nothing to work on).Ok, ok, ok,
The last time I really checked into that was good 3-4 years ago, and what you cite looks pretty new and interesting. Maybe I should have gotten an update on that before shouting out where everybody can hear me. I surely will be more careful in the future. I also want to stress that my response was not meant to be understood as an "it is anyway all crap what they say, so lets go for it...", but a response to, at least to what I then considered it to, the usual kind of propaganda they try to sell you nowdays (in the US) with regards to drugs - rather provocative than preventative. Drugs of abuse surely have ruined, as they continue to do so at this very moment, many peoples life's, slowly and with a lot of suffering. Lifes they were able to live in peace before they "tried" it. Keeping in mind that the will to survive and "self-preservation" are our most basic instincts, one should be able to imagine in what terrible of a condition one has to be to act terminally self destructive, and that while being aware of it. To most of us that doesn't happen of course, so why should it happen to me. I am sure that is what everyone thinks/thought. And when it then comes down to the new designer stuff, an additional thing I would keep in mind before I would "try" is that I don't even know what it actually is, nor what what could happen besides the expected, eg. getting Parkinson's Disease with twenty-five, as it happened to the unfortunate ones who thought they'd be buying china white (heroin), or whatever. The b.s started here with a dealer who sold Fentalyl, that was at least what he thought he had cooked, but it turned out to be MPTP, which nobody knew.
These are just two more points, in addition to the neuro-toxitity one , to be aware of when taking a pill from just anybody, something even the normal consumer (not drug related) is being made aware of on a daily basis. "Do not take if seal is broken".