Psycho-Babble Social Thread 20100

Shown: posts 1 to 7 of 7. This is the beginning of the thread.


the school is taking away the one thng that means.

Posted by alley on March 18, 2002, at 9:12:21

okay...well i guess i should start by saying im home tutored through the school...i went to public school all my life up until this past a senior in high school whose co-editor for our art literary magazine and one of the head painteress' in paint crew for our school play...well the other day the advisor(hes the advisor for both things) asked if i could do layout during the day in school in his
classroom...i thought itd be no problem since this whole time id been going to paint crew which is being held after school hours(i dont get to go every day because of the conflict of school but i did go when possible, the administrators just didnt know) and chameleon(the art/lit. magazine) was held during lunch on thursdays..))since my tutoring isnt until later on in the day...well the only thing was this time he told me i had to go get a visitors
pass..which i didnt see why i should if i was still considered a getting tutored through the school, getting a diploma in a couple months, going to prom...but i went on my way to see what i could do even though i didnt want to take the chance of running into a fellow classmate with what i had heard was going around about me...the secretery asked under what circumstanced and i explained...she said shouldnt be a problem...see the assist.
principle...(we have 2 of assist. principles and one principle..dont know why) went to see him and wow....did he degrade me...
the minuet i asked for a visitors pass he asked what makes you think a student or someone other then an adult can get a visitors pass here at our school? i said well considering i am a student here, im just getting homeschooled THROUGH your school, why cant i just have a visitors pass to come in, i dont want to wander the halls i just want to help a teacher out and stay there. and then he asked why i was getting homeschooled, i told him under medical
reasoning and he sighed and said that it was foolish with only three months left..and i told him he doesnt know what i go through only i do..then i asked if it was okay about the chameleon and paint crew thing and he said most certainly not and under no circumstances am i to use the school facilities...if im ready to do that, than im ready to come that point i was in tears and i told him that i didnt understand how i could be considered a
student and get my diploma from their school, go to graduation, and prom, and he said its not meant to understand, if your ready to do that kind of stuff you can come back to our school. thing is he doesnt understand that those two things keep me going...
ive put my whole three years going into my fourth year into this second year being co-editor...same for paint crew...i cant just give that the state im in he really pushed it and my dad called up...and my p-doc is faxing over a medical letter and some other stuff cause hes fuming too cause he said its important for me to have something like these to build up my self esteem and hes damn right...theyre discriminating
me...they took it to the superintendin today and they said they couldnt have me there cause theyre afraid of my anxiety and my conditions that i may lash out like i used to in class and hurt someone...i never hurt anyone...i may have freaked out but i left the room and went to the school psychologist...and i just wanted to know if theyre allowed to do what theyre doing to me...
to say that im giong to hurt someone? im going right up for 45 mins at lunch to one room to see a group of people...people that dont annoy me...i wont be seeing anyone else...and then ill be there after school hours for just another week...with the same group of people...and the funny ironic part of my tutors occasionly tutors me at the school when the librarys closed...i cant use school facilites?? whats that about then?

if anyone knows anything about this type of thing please contact me....its breaking my heart what theyre doing to me...and im afraid theyre going to win this battle like they always do...any feedback would help me to just fight back with words of wisdom...i really appreciate it..and im sorry its soooo long...but im sure you all know what its like when you have nothing..and then you have that one something...its that one something you actually look
forward to...but that one cockydoody head takes it away just because theyre using their power...and then what do you have? you have their voice echoing in the back of your head telling you over and over again...that they know you...and the truth of the matter know its all downhill from there...and its a steep scary bump ride....
Just when you think things can't get any worse, they do. I've learned that life is like hour glass sand. Sooner or later, everything hits rock bottom..



Re: the school is taking away the one thng that means. » alley

Posted by mair on March 19, 2002, at 7:34:14

In reply to the school is taking away the one thng that means., posted by alley on March 18, 2002, at 9:12:21


I'm sorry no one sent you a response. I tried to yesterday but everything was loading so slowly and finally gave up. Is there any chance that you could get a teacher or other students with whom you work on these projects to vouch for you? I assume that how you acted before is what led to you being home tutored. It would also help if your pdoc's letter talked not only about how important this was, but directly addressed the school's apparent contention that you pose some sort of a danger of causing a distrubance, and if you don't pose that danger, you should be back in a regular classroom.



Re: the school is taking away the one thng that means.

Posted by trouble on March 19, 2002, at 8:30:56

In reply to the school is taking away the one thng that means., posted by alley on March 18, 2002, at 9:12:21

Hello Alley,
I agree w/ Mair's advice. Right On the Money.

I do have a few questions in trying to get a clearer sense of what's going on, if you don't feel like going all over it again, that's cool. Otherwise, concerning this line

school play...well the other day the advisor(hes the advisor for both things) asked if i could do layout during the day in school in his
> classroom...i thought itd be no problem

exactly. this is one more person to add to your list of advocates, especially since he is the one who got the ball rolling, he should be front and center for you!

>>...well the only thing was this time he told me i had to go get a visitors pass.

I hope he is questioned by your father about this bizarre decision

>>just when you think nothing can get any worse they do, sooner or later everything hits rock bottom

Not yet, not w/ 2 fuming full grown men on your side, one of them an M.D. Medical doctors are the bomb Alley, it's like having God in your corner

>> my dad called up...and my p-doc is faxing over a medical letter and some other stuff cause hes fuming too cause he said its important for me to have something like these to build up my self esteem and
>> he's damn right...theyre discriminating
>> and boy did he degrade me

this doesn't sound to me like a woman who's given up and hit rock bottom. Give yourself some credit for asserting yourself w/ these intimidating pigs.

Good luck!



stinky school....but i won 8o)....THANKS

Posted by alley on March 19, 2002, at 15:12:40

In reply to Re: the school is taking away the one thng that means. » alley, posted by mair on March 19, 2002, at 7:34:14

well i guess i should of started out by saying how i started out being home was completley in favor of a choice...i hated that school...i hated those people..they would torture me...on a daily basis i would have to storm out of class because of something...whether it was people clicking their pens..or everyone talking amongst me..i hated it..and i know that that kind of thing is natural in life...but when you ask people to nicely stop clicking your pen and and they see that its annoying you because you start picking at your skin and grabbing on to your seat for dear life and breathing deeply so the whole class has to do it...then thats when its a problem...and the whole conversation thing is okay..but when a teacher cant hold a class is sorry i wasnt doing my best and it was way too overwhelming to a point where i was dazing out and i felt not anyrate thanks to my p-doc he got me to be able to go back for my thursday activity at lunchtime 8o) paintcrew is already over, so i missed the rest of that..but thank you mair and trouble for the feedback i really appreciate it...and im glad everything worked out...just hope it stays that way...8o)



I'm so happy for you! (nm) » alley

Posted by Willow on March 19, 2002, at 16:01:13

In reply to stinky school....but i won 8o)....THANKS, posted by alley on March 19, 2002, at 15:12:40


I have totally been where you are » alley

Posted by LiLi80 on March 20, 2002, at 3:31:30

In reply to stinky school....but i won 8o)....THANKS, posted by alley on March 19, 2002, at 15:12:40

I have been discriminated at my college. I was kicked off campus, told i was a burden to the school and my roomates, I wasnt even told I was kicked off they just changed the locks on me. One school officail sent an email around about my depression to other students! I am in a lawsuit with my school now because they keep ruining my life. I was removed from a sorority that i helped found on campus, i was VP of the Outing Club and wasnt allowed to go to activities. My roomates were indimidated by school officials, the girls told the whole campus not to talk to me because i was crazy, they cringe when they see, they turn their backs literally when they see me coming, they sprend rumors like you wouldnt believe, and the sisters flip out because they have to breathe the same air as me in class. I wont win the lawsuit but MA has several discriminatory agencies i can go thru if i dont like the results of the others. I plan on getting my college to continue spending thousands of dollars on every new lawyer they have to hire. And when its all over I know that I can at least get my money that i paid for housing back. I paid housing when i didnt even live there, i wasnt allowed to remove my things (comp, clothes , medication) and i paid damages for my roomates having a party. And when its over i will write to the local newspaper and the headline of the opinion column will read " Payment of any kind is an admission to guilt of discrimination over mental illness/ depression". I plan on hand delivering it to the fuckers that did this to me. Hey if you want to fuck over the principal write a complaint to your states dept of eduaction. He is a high school principle, the school board will toss him to the curb to solve the problem quickly. It may not make you not depressed but the brief thoughts of "fuck you loser" will be worth it. Yes I am still bitter about my school, and I am all for the fight for your rights thing. If you need to talk let me know. Not that many people have been in our situations.


Re: I have totally been where you are » LiLi80

Posted by alley on March 20, 2002, at 10:08:38

In reply to I have totally been where you are » alley, posted by LiLi80 on March 20, 2002, at 3:31:30

wow lili that really sucks some royal butt if you ask me and i thought i had it really sorry to hear what you were and are going through...i dont understand why people are so niave and so misconcerning...i was always known as the girl that would "go ape" when someone would piss me off with the click of a pen or too many distractions...but funny thing is..people still did it to provoke me knowing what it lead to...and they laughed, that was the sick part...and then i was the one who was mentioned at the superinentented meeting saying was a threat to the school...i never hurt a fly, i knew when someone pissed me off like that to drop my stuff slam the door and walk right to one of the school psychologist...this was of course after a lot of skin picking and seat grabbing and panicking...but you know what..they all enjoyed seeing me get like that...and im sure there are plenty of other people just like me that have peeves...but you know what...theyre really the sick ones to sit there and provoke it...and for your friends to cringe at the sight of you and discriminite you and for them to pass around an email for you...there has to be something you can do about that...thats violating your personal life first of all..second of all their taking away a part of what like you said you founded..not cool at you have a p-doc? cause if so...i think having him with the lawyers fax something to your college about how its psychologicly(spelling) good for your self esteem and for them to take that away is morally wrong and the conditions their putting your through are totally discriminting...(make them feel like creeps!!!) it will really help i know im only in high school and its kind of a different story and i only wanted to go back to school for one activity during lunch and i have no idea what that letter my p-doc said...but boy did the other assist. principal call and apologize for what they did to me...lili...and about your friends...screw em...they turn their backs now who were they really? its funny how the ones that were your friends when your depression was present all along but when this issue came about they just decided that they cant breathe the same air? you dont need that in a time like me...i broke up with my boyfriend of fourteen months because of the same thing...and i have one true friend because of this...he made me loose all my friends...and there are plenty of rumors in school spreading that i went crazy and im still going to prom...i asked someone from another school last night infact...and you know what im going to show them all im not afraid of what they have to say about me! listen if you ever need to talk you can email me( everything is going to work out i promise lili...8o)

> I have been discriminated at my college. I was kicked off campus, told i was a burden to the school and my roomates, I wasnt even told I was kicked off they just changed the locks on me. One school officail sent an email around about my depression to other students! I am in a lawsuit with my school now because they keep ruining my life. I was removed from a sorority that i helped found on campus, i was VP of the Outing Club and wasnt allowed to go to activities. My roomates were indimidated by school officials, the girls told the whole campus not to talk to me because i was crazy, they cringe when they see, they turn their backs literally when they see me coming, they sprend rumors like you wouldnt believe, and the sisters flip out because they have to breathe the same air as me in class. I wont win the lawsuit but MA has several discriminatory agencies i can go thru if i dont like the results of the others. I plan on getting my college to continue spending thousands of dollars on every new lawyer they have to hire. And when its all over I know that I can at least get my money that i paid for housing back. I paid housing when i didnt even live there, i wasnt allowed to remove my things (comp, clothes , medication) and i paid damages for my roomates having a party. And when its over i will write to the local newspaper and the headline of the opinion column will read " Payment of any kind is an admission to guilt of discrimination over mental illness/ depression". I plan on hand delivering it to the fuckers that did this to me. Hey if you want to fuck over the principal write a complaint to your states dept of eduaction. He is a high school principle, the school board will toss him to the curb to solve the problem quickly. It may not make you not depressed but the brief thoughts of "fuck you loser" will be worth it. Yes I am still bitter about my school, and I am all for the fight for your rights thing. If you need to talk let me know. Not that many people have been in our situations.
> lili

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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