Shown: posts 1 to 17 of 17. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by Vincent_QC on May 18, 2013, at 10:51:06
Hi everyone,
Last evening I watch a TV show about Sid Vicious and how he die and they explain that he died from a fatal dose of heroin and also huge dose of Tuinal... and they show those pills on TV and when I saw them I said to myself "Oh my god, those red and blue pills are what I was used to buy when I was a teen"!!!I never know what was those blue and red pills call "peanut" or "downer" back in 1989-1990... I never realise that it was a barbiturate and certainly never realise that it was a dangerous drug!!!
I was used to buy A LOT of them at the same time, it was very cheap and for 5$ we had 10 pills and was used to take 5 pills in the same night...
I remember very well the effect of them, it was so good, I never felt so relax in my life that when I took those pills!!! Was used to take them to calm down after a cahotic trip of PCP or LSD, I guess mixing those pills with those other drugs was very dangerous and i'm glad that I never die from it!!!
I was only 14 yo at the time, at this age we don't realise how dangerous street drugs or pills are, we only want to have fun...
One night I remember that I took 6 pills of Tuinal at the same time insistead of the usual 5 pills and I was walking in the street with my friends and suddenly I felt on the ground, I wasn't able to walk, wasn't able to stay on my legs...Stay sit for hours in the middle of the street laug/ Those pills was a lot stronger and more anxiolytic then the benzo drugs for sure!!!
In 1991 the drug sellers stop selling them, apparently in the Canada they discontinued them so they start selling benzo meds, most of the time it was the Ativan in sample packs of 2 pills of 0.5 mg, they had a weird shape as I remember and it was Ativan pills for sure since I saw some pictures of the sample pack of Ativan pills on Google...
I completly stop buying pills from those sellers cause I didn't liked the effect of the benzo, it wasnt as good as the Tuinal. The last time I bought some pills, it was 7 sample packs of Ativan 0.5mg... I took the 14 pills at the same time, 1 hours later my friends had to bring me home, all that I remember from that night is that I Wake up after I slept for 18 hours in a row, from 10 PM until 4 PM in the next day!!! My parents was out of the town for the weekend and my sister was at home to watch me... she try to wake me up several times that day cause she didn't find it normal that I slept for that long...
I did a quick search on Google but I think the TUINAL drug is discontinued all around the world no? The only one barbaturate they still have in the Canada is the phenobarbita, they use it mostly for rapid withdrawal of benzo meds at the hospital and for seizure...
I Wonder why they stop making those pills, I mean they are soo good for anxiety, they work better than benzo meds... I guess it's because they are not safe when taking in overdose?
I know that now we have safer meds to help with the anxiety, but for someone like me, who is addicted to the benzo meds and immunized to their effect, and who can't take an AD cause he is med sensitive, i'm sure it will be a good second or third line option no?
Someone else here took them and remember their effects???
Well, only wanted to share some good old memories!!!
Posted by Phillipa on May 18, 2013, at 11:43:19
In reply to Anybody here remember the old Tuinal???, posted by Vincent_QC on May 18, 2013, at 10:51:06
Vincent lucky you didn't stop breathing. Barbituates are not good meds. Yes phenobarbital is used sometimes to stop grand mal seizures. The introduction of the benzos was much safer. Phillipa
Posted by Phillipa on May 18, 2013, at 11:46:58
In reply to Anybody here remember the old Tuinal???, posted by Vincent_QC on May 18, 2013, at 10:51:06
Posted by Vincent_QC on May 18, 2013, at 12:35:58
In reply to Re: Anybody here remember the old Tuinal???, posted by Phillipa on May 18, 2013, at 11:46:58
Hi Phillipa, of course I know that the barbiturate are dangerous but taking at the right dose they are better for anxiety, I'm talking about my self experience of course...
Do you tried the Tunial? Or the Soma? I know you took some Miltdown... It's not a barbaturate?
I think some celebrities died from Miltdown overdose no?
Anyway it was just a part of my teenager years that I wanted to share... I was amazed to learn after all those years that those red and blue pills was in fact call Tunial... Back then we didn't had Internet so it was almost impossible to know what was inside the pills... Same thing for the PCP or the LSD... Those chemical drugs are dangerous and i will not be surprise that they trigger my anxiety disorder...
I was taking them and not worry about the possible dangerous effects... But I'm sure that if back then I had access to Internet and searching for informations about those drugs and will never take them!
Benzo are safer for sure but don't alleviate anxiety on me, well they worked 4 months and stop working and only had to increase and increase the dose until my Doc find out years later that I had probably developed a problem to the GABA a receptors who lead to the benzo not being able to bind anymore to the receptors... What to do when it happen??? Nobody know... For now I continue to take my clonazepam even if its not working... The Xanax for me is stronger, when I take small dose before leaving the house I can feel its effect but its last 30 min... And I know that switching to the Xanax will lead to worse addiction cause of the short half life... The clonazepam probably work to a smaller degree level, at least to not enter into a withdrawal process, but it's feeding only my addiction... And it's not the same kind of addiction that drugs can have or cigarettes... It's a forced addiction, I mean that I can stop smoking when I have no choice like being at the hospital for some weeks, I know I will not die, yes I will have some withdrawal symptoms but they are not dangerous... Stop cold turkey a benzo can be dangerous, like when I was so tired to be addicted to the 12 mg day of Xanax and stop it cold turkey and had a seizure!!! I know I will have to reduce slowly my dose, I already cut 1 mg of clonazepam since 1 year, but cutting more is impossible for me... Anyway... Tunial rock!!!
Well, answer to my last email ok!!! Lol
Posted by Phillipa on May 18, 2013, at 20:48:35
In reply to Re: Anybody here remember the old Tuinal??? » Phillipa, posted by Vincent_QC on May 18, 2013, at 12:35:58
I admit to being bad about answering emails. I usually get too tired after listing. Phillipa
Posted by rjlockhart37 on May 18, 2013, at 22:54:30
In reply to Anybody here remember the old Tuinal???, posted by Vincent_QC on May 18, 2013, at 10:51:06
the downer drugs in the 1980's was usally halcion, valium, Xanax which had been released 1981....there where still barb's....but they kinda went down in the 1970' when all this benzo craze with doctors came. You can still find doctors who do use barb's but there usally old school.....they have the classic view of treatment from previous stuff...
all I know is barbs are more sedating than benzos, they cause more of drunk like feeling, numbness....they make you wanna go to sleep.....benzos just relieve tuinal....yea all I know is elvis took that...and there also was a poster here named Ame Sans Vie...he died, he took seconal, Xanax, Adderall, couple other things....he died. That just kinda shows what those combination with barbs do.....there more dangerous.....
but yea....I just have wine when im strung out...and vodka lol
Posted by Vincent_QC on May 19, 2013, at 10:47:49
In reply to Re: Anybody here remember the old Tuinal???, posted by rjlockhart37 on May 18, 2013, at 22:54:30
> the downer drugs in the 1980's was usally halcion, valium, Xanax which had been released 1981....there where still barb's....but they kinda went down in the 1970' when all this benzo craze with doctors came. You can still find doctors who do use barb's but there usally old school.....they have the classic view of treatment from previous stuff...
> all I know is barbs are more sedating than benzos, they cause more of drunk like feeling, numbness....they make you wanna go to sleep.....benzos just relieve tuinal....yea all I know is elvis took that...and there also was a poster here named Ame Sans Vie...he died, he took seconal, Xanax, Adderall, couple other things....he died. That just kinda shows what those combination with barbs do.....there more dangerous.....
> but yea....I just have wine when im strung out...and vodka lol
> rOh that's sad, I didn't know that a poster here die from barb med mix with other ones...
I agree about the Tunial and the drunk feeling, but it was also very pleasant and euphoric feeling and stop all kind of anxiety...the benzo meds don't even toutch my anxiety anymore...they did it only in th first 4 months in 2005, and at the time I was used to drink vodka and a lot of beers with the clonazepam... Of course I don't drink anymore, since 2007 in fact, I think the last time i drink too much I had a 26 oz bootle of jack Daniels, was sick for 3 days and had many panic attacks in those 3 days even with the clonazepam, was at 4 mg day at the time... PDoc double the dose to 8 mg in 2007 and I never felt free of anxiety like when I take my first dose of clonazepam...
Here in the 80's the barb was still use a lot, especially the Tunial and the other one call red devil, I think it was soma or another one but it was bright red pills... We had also another one, a yellow and red pills but I can't find anywhere what kind of barb it was... And I wrote pills but all of them was in capsule... In 1990 they dissapear and was replace by the benzo... The Ativan was the most popular among drug dealers... Valium was also a popular one... But for me it was not fun drugs at the time, as a teen you want drugs who are more powerful! You are not scare of anything until you take bad drugs like too much pills of LSD and do a bad trip and start experiencing panic attacks out of the blue even when you are not on drugs!!! That's what happen to me and I always wonder if drugs was what trigger the panic disorder... Maybe it's also genetic since in my family half of the people's have depression and the other half have some anxiety issue... My grand mother had to be put in psychiatrist hospital often for major depression with anxiety... On both side of my family they deal with depression and anxiety, only my dad and my brother seem to be anxiety and depression free...
Anyway, you are right, Elvis took alt of barb meds, no wonder why he die so young... But he died sit on the toilet, probably straining too hard and causing a vagus nerve stimulation and cardiac arrhytmia or cardiac arrest...
I don't think that where I live I will be able to find a old school PDoc who will be willing to RX a barb med... Had a hard time to find one who wanted to RX the old maoi's like Nardil and Parnate...finally it was my family Doc who RX them to me and not my PDoc!!! Lol Here the PDoc's are not comfortable to even RX benzo meds, they all scare about addiction...but when they RX them and you got addicted, they write in your medical folder that you are a benzo addict and almost put on your face a sticker saying that you are a drug addict!!!
Well that's life, I'm waiting to see a new PDoc, will hope it will be before the next 6 months... My anxiety is quite powerful for now, also dealing with fibromyalgia and cfs apparently, pots and dysautonomia... Most of the time I'm almost bedbound, all my muscles hurt and burn, I'm exhausted all the time and just watch tv or take a shower will put me in an horrible state feeling like I will die, I feel so weak... And even if I feel exhausted, I can't sleep a good night of sleep, will sleep 4 hours maximum in a row and its when I take from 3.5 mg to 7.5 mg of remeron, and need to nap often at day time, if I skip the napping, I will feel a lot more horrible, muscles pain will be worse and I will not sleep better the next night...
I do hope the new PDoc will find more appropriate meds to keep my anxiety under control... I know that a pill can't fix all my problems, but at least it can help me to make some progress on therapy, help me to be able to get out of the house again, drive my car again, feel normal when I'm at home alone or out of the house insisted of feeling like I will die all the time...
Well I hope that you feel good, it was nice to read your answer -:) Have a nice day!!!
Posted by Phillipa on May 19, 2013, at 20:15:59
In reply to Re: Anybody here remember the old Tuinal???, posted by rjlockhart37 on May 18, 2013, at 22:54:30
RJ Ames Sans Vie Did not die of a drug overdose. He went running had an asthma attack. He was doing very well at the time. His Mother and I are friends still. Phillipa
Posted by Vincent_QC on May 19, 2013, at 20:28:29
In reply to Re: Anybody here remember the old Tuinal??? » rjlockhart37, posted by Phillipa on May 19, 2013, at 20:15:59
> RJ Ames Sans Vie Did not die of a drug overdose. He went running had an asthma attack. He was doing very well at the time. His Mother and I are friends still. Phillipa
Oh ok Phillipa...well an asthma attack, poor guy... It happen a long time ago? His mom was also a member on babble?
Do you finish the listing on eBay? I think I wrote to you last Monday and still no answer? Lol
I don't blame you, answer when you will have some free time...-:)
Posted by Phillipa on May 19, 2013, at 20:54:02
In reply to Re: Anybody here remember the old Tuinal??? » Phillipa, posted by Vincent_QC on May 19, 2013, at 20:28:29
Vincent not babble. I know I'm bad. I have a bag getting ready to post that got today. Then I will try. It will be late. I'm sorry. Phillipa
Posted by Vincent_QC on May 19, 2013, at 21:25:30
In reply to Re: Anybody here remember the old Tuinal??? » Vincent_QC, posted by Phillipa on May 19, 2013, at 20:54:02
> Vincent not babble. I know I'm bad. I have a bag getting ready to post that got today. Then I will try. It will be late. I'm sorry. Phillipa
Hey that's ok Phillipa -:) Didn't buy things on eBay since a while, last thing I buy was a used technics turntable, pictures was perfect, but the description wasn't representative of the product, I didn't work, sound and speed problem... Still looking to buy a technics turntable, I like a lot the technics sl-1200 or 1300... Have a lot of LP's to play, love them and much better than cd for sure, if you see one in good order just let me know ok!!!
Posted by Rayzor on August 8, 2014, at 22:27:01
In reply to Anybody here remember the old Tuinal???, posted by Vincent_QC on May 18, 2013, at 10:51:06
Yes I remember taking this and the distinctive feelings and although I didn't take more than two at any one time we did mix it with alcohol and had a most wonderful time. Back in the early to late 70s it was cheap and very easy to get hold of but just suddenly disappeared and we were left to take Valium instead. I remember the distinctive colour and the expectation leading up to the weekend when we were prepared to take it and venture to the local punk clubs and hang out with friends. Then we would drift on a haze of warmth and fuzziness to a house party before waking the next morning with little recollection of just what had taken place the night before.
Good memories for sure.
Posted by sweetgirl78 on October 24, 2016, at 21:22:55
In reply to Re: Anybody here remember the old Tuinal???, posted by Rayzor on August 8, 2014, at 22:27:01
Thank you for the information on this medication. I googled this because I've read every Aerosmith and Steven Tyler book I can get my hands on. ( I'm pretty much a Fan Girl when it comes to S.T. They all talk about taking Quaaludes, Tuinals, and Seconals. I wasn't sure what this were. Sorry I'm late finding your site, but WONDERFUL info# Thanks again and God Bless
Posted by sweetgirl78 on October 24, 2016, at 21:25:03
In reply to Re: Anybody here remember the old Tuinal???, posted by Rayzor on August 8, 2014, at 22:27:01
Thank you for the information on this medication. I googled this because I've read every Aerosmith and Steven Tyler book I can get my hands on. ( I'm pretty much a Fan Girl when it comes to S.T. They all talk about taking Quaaludes, Tuinals, and Seconals. I wasn't sure what these were. Sorry I'm late finding your site, but WONDERFUL info! Thanks again and God Bless
Posted by elanor roosevelt on November 2, 2016, at 19:58:25
In reply to Re: Anybody here remember the old Tuinal???, posted by sweetgirl78 on October 24, 2016, at 21:22:55
ate e all like candy in a past life
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 8, 2016, at 22:57:08
In reply to Anybody here remember the old Tuinal???, posted by Vincent_QC on May 18, 2013, at 10:51:06
Tuinal is a strong strong sleeping pill, it's 2 barbiturates that are fast acting, secobarbital, then amobarbital which is intermidate's highly hypnotic and make you drunk and fall asleep fast, but the after effects the next morning from amobarbital are something to be known about. They used to give amobarbital to soldiers who their nerves where shot, back in World War 2, and i read reviews from observation, they would be asleep, and took nearly 4 hours to get out of the groggy sedated state, amobarbital was the the only thing they had back then, besides phenobarbital......
so amobarbital can make you very groggy and half drunk even after it's left the system......adding secobarbital makes it really strong sedative
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 15, 2016, at 21:26:45
In reply to Re: Anybody here remember the old Tuinal???, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 8, 2016, at 22:57:08
only barbiturates they use today are phenobarbital(siezures) and secobarbital for special insomnia cases, tuinal you would have to find a doctor that would be confident with using it. Barbiturates are old technology, and more sedating, and easy to over-dose on than benzo's. There not the type of drugs you throw a bunch in your mouth and have fun. They have to be monitered more than benzo's because of their withdrawl, and easy over dose
This is the end of the thread.
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