Shown: posts 23 to 47 of 88. Go back in thread:
Posted by SLS on October 13, 2012, at 9:55:14
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 13, 2012, at 8:42:39
Lou Pilder:
You trust who you trust. That is a personal decision. Personally, I don't trust eHealthme or the singular instance that someone from the Mayo Clinic cited them as a source of a single statistic. I looked into it. I challenge you to produce evidence that The Mayo Clinic in any way endorses eHealthme as a source of information. I think the author of that one article was foolish to use eHealthme as a source. This is just my opinion.
Regarding the statistics I asked for, I now petition you yet again to produce the number of people on Psycho-Babble who have died from drugs, and describe your procedure for determining the cause of death of these "many" people that you refer to.
Let us see if you can substantiate your claims regarding Psycho-Babble using facts. I can think of two people who have lost their battle with mental illness here. I find that to be an astonishingly low number considering the rate of suicide in the general population. My guess is that the education and support that people on Psycho-Babble afford each other is responsible for this low incidence of death.
Good luck.
- Scott
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 13, 2012, at 17:50:08
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 13, 2012, at 8:42:39
> > > > > > Friends
> > > > > > I can compute the probability of you dying in relation to how many years you have left to live based on the drugs yoiu take and for how long.
> > > > > > If you would like me to compute your chances of living as to how many years until your death, post here the following:
> > > > > > A. The drugs you take now
> > > > > > B. The amount of time you have taken each drug.
> > > > > > I will use advanced statistics to compute your chances of living. The death-o-meter is a general prediction so your results may vary. This is not to tell you to stop your drugs, for people kill themselves when in withdrawal. If you want to withdrawal from these drugs, I could help you, but the prohibitions here from Mr Hsiung to me prevent me from posting what is needed by me that IMHHHO could save your life.
> > > > > > Lou
> > > > >
> > > > > Friends,
> > > > > Many of you already know that there are members here that are searching for a way out. A way out of addiction, depression, anxiety fear of death and such. It has been revealed to me how one could do that. It seems to me that members here would want to know that and go to Mr Hsiung to have him change his policy as to the foundation of Judaism as revealed to me so that I could post here what could lead you out of the darkness of depression and adddiction into a marvelous light.
> > > > > This thread was innitated by me for those that want to kno how many years they could go by taking their drugs before the drugs kill them as there are statistics that can reveal that that I can tell you.
> > > > > Now I have posted here that I do not want to have you stop your drugs because in wihdrawal there are people that kill themselves. And I could help people withdrawal without killing themselves if the posts that could arouse antisemitic feelings that are allowed to stand and I have outstanding requests about, were made not outstanding. Can't you see, that when you are told that others are superior to Jews and that Jewish children can not have forgiveness from and eternal life from the God that they give service and worship to because they do not (redacted by respondent)Jesus whch Mr Hsiung allows here to stand and even allows the poster to write that the bible says such? I think that the member here have a duty to redacted by respondent) and support life. That is why thois thread is about death. I want you to live, not die. And if you do not like my attempt to save lives here then you can (redacted by respondent).
> > > > > Lou
> > > >
> > > > Friends,
> > > > Many of you may not know that I have been here a long time, even from the start. I have seen many members die here from the drugs. But now there is not much time left for some. You see, I see a great statistical anomoly. This is because IMHO there is an indoctrination that could be goin' on here to lead people to believe particular (false) ideas about Jews, and me as a Jew. And because of that IMHHHO there are going to be many people die here soon from the drugs that they take. It stands out to me so visible that I want to warn you of the hard rain that is going to fall. But as in the days of Noah, we have somerhing differnt here. One can get on the ark and the door will not be shut. For I have a way for you to have a way out of the deluge of death that I see coming here.
> > > > Lou
> > >
> > > Friends,
> > > This thread is for people that want to know as to the drugs that they are taking, as to how long they could live until the drugs kill them. If I was to know the drugs taken and the amount of time I could compute statistically a probability for that. I also could use the archive for more definition. Now for those that are not interested, they could go elseware and even start a new thread with their ideas about drugs and death.
> > > So let it be for the interested people here. I come to offer help in relation to warning those that may be misled into thinking that these drugs could not kill them. They kill by many ways. One is by inducing a mind-altered state to compel them to want to kill themselves. This could happen in withdrawal and someone posted here that just switching drugs could cause one to kill themselves.
> > > Yet today, people here offer advise to others to switch drugs. They also offer advise to take a drug that could induce homocidal thinking and/or suicidal thinking.
> > > Here is one case of death here. The FDA now admits that a lot of these drugs can increase suicidal thinking. But it is much more than that. Look at the posts here of all those that want to kill themselves. Look also at the drugs that they list taking. And look at the drugs advised by others for them to take. Is it not plainly visible what is goin' on here? Is the road of druggin' leading to being free from depression and addiction, or are the drugs causing addicton and depression? And telling others to go down that road of drugs, I ask if they know what's waiting 'round the bend.
> > > I am prohibited here from posting what the scriptures that the Jews use prescribe to those that tell others to take mind-altering drugs. I am prohibited here from posting what IMHO could save your life. But I say to you, that 42,000 people or so died last year from these drugs and before that and after that, a progression that sums to a great multitude of deaths. I have seen the Great Multitude, for it has been revealed to me and I am prohibited from posting about that here by the prohibitions made to me by Mr. Hsiung. And going forward I think that the advertising and other aspects could make that number higher and going forward higher and higher. For you that are alive now, just remember those millions of deaths that could be counted of those that the drugs killed going forward and those that have already been killed going back 50 years.
> > > Hear is one post of those that killed themselves that were members here.
> > > Lou
> > >
> >
> > Friends,
> > Here is a video that I would like for interested members here to view.
> > Lou
> > To see this video,
> > A. Pull up Google
> > B. Type in:
> > [youtube, Psychiatric drugs-search warnings,studies & side effects]
> Friends,
> One of the dta bases that I use to compute your chances are of your death from the drugs that you take come from that data base of the FDA. So if you wnt to contest their data, please contact them, not me. I do trust their data and so does the Mayo Clinic.
> Here is a link to show your chances of your death from taking xanax.
> Lou
There are many ways that I use to cpmpute probabilities in relation to the chances of death from mind-altering drugs. One site from many that I use is as follows and you could look through the sit and make your own determination as to its credibility :
Then there are the posts by the members that have died here and as to how one could detrmoine if they killed hemselves. Some have emails from their survivors saying that they killed themselves. Then there are the posts by the members that could say that they had suicidal thinking after taking a drug. hen there is the report that he person died from "accidental overdose". The drug did kill thembut there is the question fo how could someone accidental overose when they were taking psychotropic drugs as prescribed at a particular dosage? ANd who is to determine if the death was accidental and how could that determination be made? Could not the person killed themselves deliberatly?
Then there is the deaths by heart attack or cardiac arrest.
Now in the cases where there was not heart conditions present before the drugs, then that could be evidence that the drug did the killing and there are forensic tests if the family or police and such so want. Then there is liver failure, and other organ failures that can be determined as to if the drug caused the death.
Now the statistics from the FDA say what is what. And ehealthme uses those statistics and others.
Here is another link;
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 13, 2012, at 18:04:40
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 13, 2012, at 17:50:08
> > > > > > > Friends
> > > > > > > I can compute the probability of you dying in relation to how many years you have left to live based on the drugs yoiu take and for how long.
> > > > > > > If you would like me to compute your chances of living as to how many years until your death, post here the following:
> > > > > > > A. The drugs you take now
> > > > > > > B. The amount of time you have taken each drug.
> > > > > > > I will use advanced statistics to compute your chances of living. The death-o-meter is a general prediction so your results may vary. This is not to tell you to stop your drugs, for people kill themselves when in withdrawal. If you want to withdrawal from these drugs, I could help you, but the prohibitions here from Mr Hsiung to me prevent me from posting what is needed by me that IMHHHO could save your life.
> > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > Many of you already know that there are members here that are searching for a way out. A way out of addiction, depression, anxiety fear of death and such. It has been revealed to me how one could do that. It seems to me that members here would want to know that and go to Mr Hsiung to have him change his policy as to the foundation of Judaism as revealed to me so that I could post here what could lead you out of the darkness of depression and adddiction into a marvelous light.
> > > > > > This thread was innitated by me for those that want to kno how many years they could go by taking their drugs before the drugs kill them as there are statistics that can reveal that that I can tell you.
> > > > > > Now I have posted here that I do not want to have you stop your drugs because in wihdrawal there are people that kill themselves. And I could help people withdrawal without killing themselves if the posts that could arouse antisemitic feelings that are allowed to stand and I have outstanding requests about, were made not outstanding. Can't you see, that when you are told that others are superior to Jews and that Jewish children can not have forgiveness from and eternal life from the God that they give service and worship to because they do not (redacted by respondent)Jesus whch Mr Hsiung allows here to stand and even allows the poster to write that the bible says such? I think that the member here have a duty to redacted by respondent) and support life. That is why thois thread is about death. I want you to live, not die. And if you do not like my attempt to save lives here then you can (redacted by respondent).
> > > > > > Lou
> > > > >
> > > > > Friends,
> > > > > Many of you may not know that I have been here a long time, even from the start. I have seen many members die here from the drugs. But now there is not much time left for some. You see, I see a great statistical anomoly. This is because IMHO there is an indoctrination that could be goin' on here to lead people to believe particular (false) ideas about Jews, and me as a Jew. And because of that IMHHHO there are going to be many people die here soon from the drugs that they take. It stands out to me so visible that I want to warn you of the hard rain that is going to fall. But as in the days of Noah, we have somerhing differnt here. One can get on the ark and the door will not be shut. For I have a way for you to have a way out of the deluge of death that I see coming here.
> > > > > Lou
> > > >
> > > > Friends,
> > > > This thread is for people that want to know as to the drugs that they are taking, as to how long they could live until the drugs kill them. If I was to know the drugs taken and the amount of time I could compute statistically a probability for that. I also could use the archive for more definition. Now for those that are not interested, they could go elseware and even start a new thread with their ideas about drugs and death.
> > > > So let it be for the interested people here. I come to offer help in relation to warning those that may be misled into thinking that these drugs could not kill them. They kill by many ways. One is by inducing a mind-altered state to compel them to want to kill themselves. This could happen in withdrawal and someone posted here that just switching drugs could cause one to kill themselves.
> > > > Yet today, people here offer advise to others to switch drugs. They also offer advise to take a drug that could induce homocidal thinking and/or suicidal thinking.
> > > > Here is one case of death here. The FDA now admits that a lot of these drugs can increase suicidal thinking. But it is much more than that. Look at the posts here of all those that want to kill themselves. Look also at the drugs that they list taking. And look at the drugs advised by others for them to take. Is it not plainly visible what is goin' on here? Is the road of druggin' leading to being free from depression and addiction, or are the drugs causing addicton and depression? And telling others to go down that road of drugs, I ask if they know what's waiting 'round the bend.
> > > > I am prohibited here from posting what the scriptures that the Jews use prescribe to those that tell others to take mind-altering drugs. I am prohibited here from posting what IMHO could save your life. But I say to you, that 42,000 people or so died last year from these drugs and before that and after that, a progression that sums to a great multitude of deaths. I have seen the Great Multitude, for it has been revealed to me and I am prohibited from posting about that here by the prohibitions made to me by Mr. Hsiung. And going forward I think that the advertising and other aspects could make that number higher and going forward higher and higher. For you that are alive now, just remember those millions of deaths that could be counted of those that the drugs killed going forward and those that have already been killed going back 50 years.
> > > > Hear is one post of those that killed themselves that were members here.
> > > > Lou
> > > >
> > >
> > > Friends,
> > > Here is a video that I would like for interested members here to view.
> > > Lou
> > > To see this video,
> > > A. Pull up Google
> > > B. Type in:
> > > [youtube, Psychiatric drugs-search warnings,studies & side effects]
> >
> > Friends,
> > One of the dta bases that I use to compute your chances are of your death from the drugs that you take come from that data base of the FDA. So if you wnt to contest their data, please contact them, not me. I do trust their data and so does the Mayo Clinic.
> > Here is a link to show your chances of your death from taking xanax.
> > Lou
> >
> Friends,
> There are many ways that I use to cpmpute probabilities in relation to the chances of death from mind-altering drugs. One site from many that I use is as follows and you could look through the sit and make your own determination as to its credibility :
> Then there are the posts by the members that have died here and as to how one could detrmoine if they killed hemselves. Some have emails from their survivors saying that they killed themselves. Then there are the posts by the members that could say that they had suicidal thinking after taking a drug. hen there is the report that he person died from "accidental overdose". The drug did kill thembut there is the question fo how could someone accidental overose when they were taking psychotropic drugs as prescribed at a particular dosage? ANd who is to determine if the death was accidental and how could that determination be made? Could not the person killed themselves deliberatly?
> Then there is the deaths by heart attack or cardiac arrest.
> Now in the cases where there was not heart conditions present before the drugs, then that could be evidence that the drug did the killing and there are forensic tests if the family or police and such so want. Then there is liver failure, and other organ failures that can be determined as to if the drug caused the death.
> Now the statistics from the FDA say what is what. And ehealthme uses those statistics and others.
> Here is another link;
> Lou
Now here comes some ways that I compute the chances of death. for instance, in the Risperdal stat, which is over 4%, we have the following reasoning depicted by ehealthme. But it is much more than that. Another aspect that I use is if the member is advised to swith their drug . And then does the member have the way to by-pass the psychiatrist/doctor/prescriber and take the advised drug behind the prescriber's back. Now if the psychiatrist/prescriber is doing what is right in relation to giving drugs, then could not one telling the prescriber that they want another drug lead the prescriber to think that they are a bozo for not issueing the drug in the first place? Can you not see that there is a danger here by people advising others to take a drug that is not prescribed to the other? And could not death result if the person skips their doctor's visit to get a prescription for the drug? And could not a case be made to arrest the advisor if the other member dies from the drug advised to take? Maybe that person is allergic to the advised drug and dies from one pill.
Here is another link
Posted by Dinah on October 13, 2012, at 20:06:38
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 13, 2012, at 18:04:40
I always stood up for you, Lou. But I've reached my limit.
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 13, 2012, at 20:59:26
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 13, 2012, at 18:04:40
> > > > > > > > Friends
> > > > > > > > I can compute the probability of you dying in relation to how many years you have left to live based on the drugs yoiu take and for how long.
> > > > > > > > If you would like me to compute your chances of living as to how many years until your death, post here the following:
> > > > > > > > A. The drugs you take now
> > > > > > > > B. The amount of time you have taken each drug.
> > > > > > > > I will use advanced statistics to compute your chances of living. The death-o-meter is a general prediction so your results may vary. This is not to tell you to stop your drugs, for people kill themselves when in withdrawal. If you want to withdrawal from these drugs, I could help you, but the prohibitions here from Mr Hsiung to me prevent me from posting what is needed by me that IMHHHO could save your life.
> > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > Many of you already know that there are members here that are searching for a way out. A way out of addiction, depression, anxiety fear of death and such. It has been revealed to me how one could do that. It seems to me that members here would want to know that and go to Mr Hsiung to have him change his policy as to the foundation of Judaism as revealed to me so that I could post here what could lead you out of the darkness of depression and adddiction into a marvelous light.
> > > > > > > This thread was innitated by me for those that want to kno how many years they could go by taking their drugs before the drugs kill them as there are statistics that can reveal that that I can tell you.
> > > > > > > Now I have posted here that I do not want to have you stop your drugs because in wihdrawal there are people that kill themselves. And I could help people withdrawal without killing themselves if the posts that could arouse antisemitic feelings that are allowed to stand and I have outstanding requests about, were made not outstanding. Can't you see, that when you are told that others are superior to Jews and that Jewish children can not have forgiveness from and eternal life from the God that they give service and worship to because they do not (redacted by respondent)Jesus whch Mr Hsiung allows here to stand and even allows the poster to write that the bible says such? I think that the member here have a duty to redacted by respondent) and support life. That is why thois thread is about death. I want you to live, not die. And if you do not like my attempt to save lives here then you can (redacted by respondent).
> > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > Many of you may not know that I have been here a long time, even from the start. I have seen many members die here from the drugs. But now there is not much time left for some. You see, I see a great statistical anomoly. This is because IMHO there is an indoctrination that could be goin' on here to lead people to believe particular (false) ideas about Jews, and me as a Jew. And because of that IMHHHO there are going to be many people die here soon from the drugs that they take. It stands out to me so visible that I want to warn you of the hard rain that is going to fall. But as in the days of Noah, we have somerhing differnt here. One can get on the ark and the door will not be shut. For I have a way for you to have a way out of the deluge of death that I see coming here.
> > > > > > Lou
> > > > >
> > > > > Friends,
> > > > > This thread is for people that want to know as to the drugs that they are taking, as to how long they could live until the drugs kill them. If I was to know the drugs taken and the amount of time I could compute statistically a probability for that. I also could use the archive for more definition. Now for those that are not interested, they could go elseware and even start a new thread with their ideas about drugs and death.
> > > > > So let it be for the interested people here. I come to offer help in relation to warning those that may be misled into thinking that these drugs could not kill them. They kill by many ways. One is by inducing a mind-altered state to compel them to want to kill themselves. This could happen in withdrawal and someone posted here that just switching drugs could cause one to kill themselves.
> > > > > Yet today, people here offer advise to others to switch drugs. They also offer advise to take a drug that could induce homocidal thinking and/or suicidal thinking.
> > > > > Here is one case of death here. The FDA now admits that a lot of these drugs can increase suicidal thinking. But it is much more than that. Look at the posts here of all those that want to kill themselves. Look also at the drugs that they list taking. And look at the drugs advised by others for them to take. Is it not plainly visible what is goin' on here? Is the road of druggin' leading to being free from depression and addiction, or are the drugs causing addicton and depression? And telling others to go down that road of drugs, I ask if they know what's waiting 'round the bend.
> > > > > I am prohibited here from posting what the scriptures that the Jews use prescribe to those that tell others to take mind-altering drugs. I am prohibited here from posting what IMHO could save your life. But I say to you, that 42,000 people or so died last year from these drugs and before that and after that, a progression that sums to a great multitude of deaths. I have seen the Great Multitude, for it has been revealed to me and I am prohibited from posting about that here by the prohibitions made to me by Mr. Hsiung. And going forward I think that the advertising and other aspects could make that number higher and going forward higher and higher. For you that are alive now, just remember those millions of deaths that could be counted of those that the drugs killed going forward and those that have already been killed going back 50 years.
> > > > > Hear is one post of those that killed themselves that were members here.
> > > > > Lou
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Friends,
> > > > Here is a video that I would like for interested members here to view.
> > > > Lou
> > > > To see this video,
> > > > A. Pull up Google
> > > > B. Type in:
> > > > [youtube, Psychiatric drugs-search warnings,studies & side effects]
> > >
> > > Friends,
> > > One of the dta bases that I use to compute your chances are of your death from the drugs that you take come from that data base of the FDA. So if you wnt to contest their data, please contact them, not me. I do trust their data and so does the Mayo Clinic.
> > > Here is a link to show your chances of your death from taking xanax.
> > > Lou
> > >
> >
> > Friends,
> > There are many ways that I use to cpmpute probabilities in relation to the chances of death from mind-altering drugs. One site from many that I use is as follows and you could look through the sit and make your own determination as to its credibility :
> >
> > Then there are the posts by the members that have died here and as to how one could detrmoine if they killed hemselves. Some have emails from their survivors saying that they killed themselves. Then there are the posts by the members that could say that they had suicidal thinking after taking a drug. hen there is the report that he person died from "accidental overdose". The drug did kill thembut there is the question fo how could someone accidental overose when they were taking psychotropic drugs as prescribed at a particular dosage? ANd who is to determine if the death was accidental and how could that determination be made? Could not the person killed themselves deliberatly?
> > Then there is the deaths by heart attack or cardiac arrest.
> > Now in the cases where there was not heart conditions present before the drugs, then that could be evidence that the drug did the killing and there are forensic tests if the family or police and such so want. Then there is liver failure, and other organ failures that can be determined as to if the drug caused the death.
> > Now the statistics from the FDA say what is what. And ehealthme uses those statistics and others.
> > Here is another link;
> > Lou
> >
> >
> Friends,
> Now here comes some ways that I compute the chances of death. for instance, in the Risperdal stat, which is over 4%, we have the following reasoning depicted by ehealthme. But it is much more than that. Another aspect that I use is if the member is advised to swith their drug . And then does the member have the way to by-pass the psychiatrist/doctor/prescriber and take the advised drug behind the prescriber's back. Now if the psychiatrist/prescriber is doing what is right in relation to giving drugs, then could not one telling the prescriber that they want another drug lead the prescriber to think that they are a bozo for not issueing the drug in the first place? Can you not see that there is a danger here by people advising others to take a drug that is not prescribed to the other? And could not death result if the person skips their doctor's visit to get a prescription for the drug? And could not a case be made to arrest the advisor if the other member dies from the drug advised to take? Maybe that person is allergic to the advised drug and dies from one pill.
> Here is another link
> Lou
I see the door shutting here. As in the days of Noah, there was a warning from one that knew. Now I know from what I see statistically that many could die here, soon. I base this on what is plainly visible to me here. You see, when the dice are rolled over and over, for years upon years, the probability becomes accurate. You could roll the dice 65 times and snake-eyes might not come up. But if you roll the dice 10,000 times and record each number, snake-eyes could approach its true probability. (1 in 36)
So I see a catastrophy here coming. A catastrophy of death.
BUt let's suppose that one takes multiple drugs. Then does not the probability of death equal the sum of the probabilities?
So let's look at:
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 13, 2012, at 21:09:25
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 13, 2012, at 20:59:26
> > > > > > > > > Friends
> > > > > > > > > I can compute the probability of you dying in relation to how many years you have left to live based on the drugs yoiu take and for how long.
> > > > > > > > > If you would like me to compute your chances of living as to how many years until your death, post here the following:
> > > > > > > > > A. The drugs you take now
> > > > > > > > > B. The amount of time you have taken each drug.
> > > > > > > > > I will use advanced statistics to compute your chances of living. The death-o-meter is a general prediction so your results may vary. This is not to tell you to stop your drugs, for people kill themselves when in withdrawal. If you want to withdrawal from these drugs, I could help you, but the prohibitions here from Mr Hsiung to me prevent me from posting what is needed by me that IMHHHO could save your life.
> > > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > > Many of you already know that there are members here that are searching for a way out. A way out of addiction, depression, anxiety fear of death and such. It has been revealed to me how one could do that. It seems to me that members here would want to know that and go to Mr Hsiung to have him change his policy as to the foundation of Judaism as revealed to me so that I could post here what could lead you out of the darkness of depression and adddiction into a marvelous light.
> > > > > > > > This thread was innitated by me for those that want to kno how many years they could go by taking their drugs before the drugs kill them as there are statistics that can reveal that that I can tell you.
> > > > > > > > Now I have posted here that I do not want to have you stop your drugs because in wihdrawal there are people that kill themselves. And I could help people withdrawal without killing themselves if the posts that could arouse antisemitic feelings that are allowed to stand and I have outstanding requests about, were made not outstanding. Can't you see, that when you are told that others are superior to Jews and that Jewish children can not have forgiveness from and eternal life from the God that they give service and worship to because they do not (redacted by respondent)Jesus whch Mr Hsiung allows here to stand and even allows the poster to write that the bible says such? I think that the member here have a duty to redacted by respondent) and support life. That is why thois thread is about death. I want you to live, not die. And if you do not like my attempt to save lives here then you can (redacted by respondent).
> > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > Many of you may not know that I have been here a long time, even from the start. I have seen many members die here from the drugs. But now there is not much time left for some. You see, I see a great statistical anomoly. This is because IMHO there is an indoctrination that could be goin' on here to lead people to believe particular (false) ideas about Jews, and me as a Jew. And because of that IMHHHO there are going to be many people die here soon from the drugs that they take. It stands out to me so visible that I want to warn you of the hard rain that is going to fall. But as in the days of Noah, we have somerhing differnt here. One can get on the ark and the door will not be shut. For I have a way for you to have a way out of the deluge of death that I see coming here.
> > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > This thread is for people that want to know as to the drugs that they are taking, as to how long they could live until the drugs kill them. If I was to know the drugs taken and the amount of time I could compute statistically a probability for that. I also could use the archive for more definition. Now for those that are not interested, they could go elseware and even start a new thread with their ideas about drugs and death.
> > > > > > So let it be for the interested people here. I come to offer help in relation to warning those that may be misled into thinking that these drugs could not kill them. They kill by many ways. One is by inducing a mind-altered state to compel them to want to kill themselves. This could happen in withdrawal and someone posted here that just switching drugs could cause one to kill themselves.
> > > > > > Yet today, people here offer advise to others to switch drugs. They also offer advise to take a drug that could induce homocidal thinking and/or suicidal thinking.
> > > > > > Here is one case of death here. The FDA now admits that a lot of these drugs can increase suicidal thinking. But it is much more than that. Look at the posts here of all those that want to kill themselves. Look also at the drugs that they list taking. And look at the drugs advised by others for them to take. Is it not plainly visible what is goin' on here? Is the road of druggin' leading to being free from depression and addiction, or are the drugs causing addicton and depression? And telling others to go down that road of drugs, I ask if they know what's waiting 'round the bend.
> > > > > > I am prohibited here from posting what the scriptures that the Jews use prescribe to those that tell others to take mind-altering drugs. I am prohibited here from posting what IMHO could save your life. But I say to you, that 42,000 people or so died last year from these drugs and before that and after that, a progression that sums to a great multitude of deaths. I have seen the Great Multitude, for it has been revealed to me and I am prohibited from posting about that here by the prohibitions made to me by Mr. Hsiung. And going forward I think that the advertising and other aspects could make that number higher and going forward higher and higher. For you that are alive now, just remember those millions of deaths that could be counted of those that the drugs killed going forward and those that have already been killed going back 50 years.
> > > > > > Hear is one post of those that killed themselves that were members here.
> > > > > > Lou
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Friends,
> > > > > Here is a video that I would like for interested members here to view.
> > > > > Lou
> > > > > To see this video,
> > > > > A. Pull up Google
> > > > > B. Type in:
> > > > > [youtube, Psychiatric drugs-search warnings,studies & side effects]
> > > >
> > > > Friends,
> > > > One of the dta bases that I use to compute your chances are of your death from the drugs that you take come from that data base of the FDA. So if you wnt to contest their data, please contact them, not me. I do trust their data and so does the Mayo Clinic.
> > > > Here is a link to show your chances of your death from taking xanax.
> > > > Lou
> > > >
> > >
> > > Friends,
> > > There are many ways that I use to cpmpute probabilities in relation to the chances of death from mind-altering drugs. One site from many that I use is as follows and you could look through the sit and make your own determination as to its credibility :
> > >
> > > Then there are the posts by the members that have died here and as to how one could detrmoine if they killed hemselves. Some have emails from their survivors saying that they killed themselves. Then there are the posts by the members that could say that they had suicidal thinking after taking a drug. hen there is the report that he person died from "accidental overdose". The drug did kill thembut there is the question fo how could someone accidental overose when they were taking psychotropic drugs as prescribed at a particular dosage? ANd who is to determine if the death was accidental and how could that determination be made? Could not the person killed themselves deliberatly?
> > > Then there is the deaths by heart attack or cardiac arrest.
> > > Now in the cases where there was not heart conditions present before the drugs, then that could be evidence that the drug did the killing and there are forensic tests if the family or police and such so want. Then there is liver failure, and other organ failures that can be determined as to if the drug caused the death.
> > > Now the statistics from the FDA say what is what. And ehealthme uses those statistics and others.
> > > Here is another link;
> > > Lou
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Friends,
> > Now here comes some ways that I compute the chances of death. for instance, in the Risperdal stat, which is over 4%, we have the following reasoning depicted by ehealthme. But it is much more than that. Another aspect that I use is if the member is advised to swith their drug . And then does the member have the way to by-pass the psychiatrist/doctor/prescriber and take the advised drug behind the prescriber's back. Now if the psychiatrist/prescriber is doing what is right in relation to giving drugs, then could not one telling the prescriber that they want another drug lead the prescriber to think that they are a bozo for not issueing the drug in the first place? Can you not see that there is a danger here by people advising others to take a drug that is not prescribed to the other? And could not death result if the person skips their doctor's visit to get a prescription for the drug? And could not a case be made to arrest the advisor if the other member dies from the drug advised to take? Maybe that person is allergic to the advised drug and dies from one pill.
> > Here is another link
> > Lou
> >
> Friends,
> I see the door shutting here. As in the days of Noah, there was a warning from one that knew. Now I know from what I see statistically that many could die here, soon. I base this on what is plainly visible to me here. You see, when the dice are rolled over and over, for years upon years, the probability becomes accurate. You could roll the dice 65 times and snake-eyes might not come up. But if you roll the dice 10,000 times and record each number, snake-eyes could approach its true probability. (1 in 36)
> So I see a catastrophy here coming. A catastrophy of death.
> BUt let's suppose that one takes multiple drugs. Then does not the probability of death equal the sum of the probabilities?
> Lou
> So let's look at:
Now these:
Posted by jane d on October 14, 2012, at 2:47:50
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 13, 2012, at 21:09:25
Or are you?
You're a smart guy. I think you know what those numbers really say.
They say that of the people who have bothered to report something bad happening while they took the drug (which is only a tiny percentage of users to begin with) x percentage died. It does not say they died BECAUSE of the drug. It certainly does not say that x percentage of everyone who takes the drug dies. None of these drugs confer immunity from accidents, cancer, heart disease or aging. People continue to die from all the things they would have died from before.
To be meaningful you would need to show that more people died while taking a specific drug than would have died otherwise. Rarely, there are statistics like that. Usually the drug gets pulled from the market or gets a warning. An example would be risperdal in the elderly who have dementia which is now a black box warning.
Why not stick to honest criticisms of these meds. And if you believe that religion is always a better choice than meds you're allowed to believe that too - but I do think those arguments should be taken over to the faith board.
Posted by SLS on October 14, 2012, at 6:29:02
In reply to You're totally misreading the numbers on the links » Lou Pilder, posted by jane d on October 14, 2012, at 2:47:50
Hi Jane.
Regarding the eHealthme website:
The most important statistic is missing. There is no value representing the incidence of side effects of all the people who take these drugs. For any one drug, there is no attempt at accounting for the total number of people who use it. Therefore, no percentage of fatality can be ascertained. In my opinion, this is subterfuge.
- Scott
Posted by quasimotor on October 14, 2012, at 7:00:07
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 13, 2012, at 21:09:25
I take:
75 mg phenelzine
100 mg topamaxfor six months about.
so phil....
am i gonna die before the second coming? because that would really bum me out....
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 14, 2012, at 10:04:24
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 13, 2012, at 21:09:25
> > > > > > > > > > Friends
> > > > > > > > > > I can compute the probability of you dying in relation to how many years you have left to live based on the drugs yoiu take and for how long.
> > > > > > > > > > If you would like me to compute your chances of living as to how many years until your death, post here the following:
> > > > > > > > > > A. The drugs you take now
> > > > > > > > > > B. The amount of time you have taken each drug.
> > > > > > > > > > I will use advanced statistics to compute your chances of living. The death-o-meter is a general prediction so your results may vary. This is not to tell you to stop your drugs, for people kill themselves when in withdrawal. If you want to withdrawal from these drugs, I could help you, but the prohibitions here from Mr Hsiung to me prevent me from posting what is needed by me that IMHHHO could save your life.
> > > > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > > > Many of you already know that there are members here that are searching for a way out. A way out of addiction, depression, anxiety fear of death and such. It has been revealed to me how one could do that. It seems to me that members here would want to know that and go to Mr Hsiung to have him change his policy as to the foundation of Judaism as revealed to me so that I could post here what could lead you out of the darkness of depression and adddiction into a marvelous light.
> > > > > > > > > This thread was innitated by me for those that want to kno how many years they could go by taking their drugs before the drugs kill them as there are statistics that can reveal that that I can tell you.
> > > > > > > > > Now I have posted here that I do not want to have you stop your drugs because in wihdrawal there are people that kill themselves. And I could help people withdrawal without killing themselves if the posts that could arouse antisemitic feelings that are allowed to stand and I have outstanding requests about, were made not outstanding. Can't you see, that when you are told that others are superior to Jews and that Jewish children can not have forgiveness from and eternal life from the God that they give service and worship to because they do not (redacted by respondent)Jesus whch Mr Hsiung allows here to stand and even allows the poster to write that the bible says such? I think that the member here have a duty to redacted by respondent) and support life. That is why thois thread is about death. I want you to live, not die. And if you do not like my attempt to save lives here then you can (redacted by respondent).
> > > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > > Many of you may not know that I have been here a long time, even from the start. I have seen many members die here from the drugs. But now there is not much time left for some. You see, I see a great statistical anomoly. This is because IMHO there is an indoctrination that could be goin' on here to lead people to believe particular (false) ideas about Jews, and me as a Jew. And because of that IMHHHO there are going to be many people die here soon from the drugs that they take. It stands out to me so visible that I want to warn you of the hard rain that is going to fall. But as in the days of Noah, we have somerhing differnt here. One can get on the ark and the door will not be shut. For I have a way for you to have a way out of the deluge of death that I see coming here.
> > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > This thread is for people that want to know as to the drugs that they are taking, as to how long they could live until the drugs kill them. If I was to know the drugs taken and the amount of time I could compute statistically a probability for that. I also could use the archive for more definition. Now for those that are not interested, they could go elseware and even start a new thread with their ideas about drugs and death.
> > > > > > > So let it be for the interested people here. I come to offer help in relation to warning those that may be misled into thinking that these drugs could not kill them. They kill by many ways. One is by inducing a mind-altered state to compel them to want to kill themselves. This could happen in withdrawal and someone posted here that just switching drugs could cause one to kill themselves.
> > > > > > > Yet today, people here offer advise to others to switch drugs. They also offer advise to take a drug that could induce homocidal thinking and/or suicidal thinking.
> > > > > > > Here is one case of death here. The FDA now admits that a lot of these drugs can increase suicidal thinking. But it is much more than that. Look at the posts here of all those that want to kill themselves. Look also at the drugs that they list taking. And look at the drugs advised by others for them to take. Is it not plainly visible what is goin' on here? Is the road of druggin' leading to being free from depression and addiction, or are the drugs causing addicton and depression? And telling others to go down that road of drugs, I ask if they know what's waiting 'round the bend.
> > > > > > > I am prohibited here from posting what the scriptures that the Jews use prescribe to those that tell others to take mind-altering drugs. I am prohibited here from posting what IMHO could save your life. But I say to you, that 42,000 people or so died last year from these drugs and before that and after that, a progression that sums to a great multitude of deaths. I have seen the Great Multitude, for it has been revealed to me and I am prohibited from posting about that here by the prohibitions made to me by Mr. Hsiung. And going forward I think that the advertising and other aspects could make that number higher and going forward higher and higher. For you that are alive now, just remember those millions of deaths that could be counted of those that the drugs killed going forward and those that have already been killed going back 50 years.
> > > > > > > Hear is one post of those that killed themselves that were members here.
> > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > Here is a video that I would like for interested members here to view.
> > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > To see this video,
> > > > > > A. Pull up Google
> > > > > > B. Type in:
> > > > > > [youtube, Psychiatric drugs-search warnings,studies & side effects]
> > > > >
> > > > > Friends,
> > > > > One of the dta bases that I use to compute your chances are of your death from the drugs that you take come from that data base of the FDA. So if you wnt to contest their data, please contact them, not me. I do trust their data and so does the Mayo Clinic.
> > > > > Here is a link to show your chances of your death from taking xanax.
> > > > > Lou
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Friends,
> > > > There are many ways that I use to cpmpute probabilities in relation to the chances of death from mind-altering drugs. One site from many that I use is as follows and you could look through the sit and make your own determination as to its credibility :
> > > >
> > > > Then there are the posts by the members that have died here and as to how one could detrmoine if they killed hemselves. Some have emails from their survivors saying that they killed themselves. Then there are the posts by the members that could say that they had suicidal thinking after taking a drug. hen there is the report that he person died from "accidental overdose". The drug did kill thembut there is the question fo how could someone accidental overose when they were taking psychotropic drugs as prescribed at a particular dosage? ANd who is to determine if the death was accidental and how could that determination be made? Could not the person killed themselves deliberatly?
> > > > Then there is the deaths by heart attack or cardiac arrest.
> > > > Now in the cases where there was not heart conditions present before the drugs, then that could be evidence that the drug did the killing and there are forensic tests if the family or police and such so want. Then there is liver failure, and other organ failures that can be determined as to if the drug caused the death.
> > > > Now the statistics from the FDA say what is what. And ehealthme uses those statistics and others.
> > > > Here is another link;
> > > > Lou
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > Friends,
> > > Now here comes some ways that I compute the chances of death. for instance, in the Risperdal stat, which is over 4%, we have the following reasoning depicted by ehealthme. But it is much more than that. Another aspect that I use is if the member is advised to swith their drug . And then does the member have the way to by-pass the psychiatrist/doctor/prescriber and take the advised drug behind the prescriber's back. Now if the psychiatrist/prescriber is doing what is right in relation to giving drugs, then could not one telling the prescriber that they want another drug lead the prescriber to think that they are a bozo for not issueing the drug in the first place? Can you not see that there is a danger here by people advising others to take a drug that is not prescribed to the other? And could not death result if the person skips their doctor's visit to get a prescription for the drug? And could not a case be made to arrest the advisor if the other member dies from the drug advised to take? Maybe that person is allergic to the advised drug and dies from one pill.
> > > Here is another link
> > > Lou
> > >
> >
> > Friends,
> > I see the door shutting here. As in the days of Noah, there was a warning from one that knew. Now I know from what I see statistically that many could die here, soon. I base this on what is plainly visible to me here. You see, when the dice are rolled over and over, for years upon years, the probability becomes accurate. You could roll the dice 65 times and snake-eyes might not come up. But if you roll the dice 10,000 times and record each number, snake-eyes could approach its true probability. (1 in 36)
> > So I see a catastrophy here coming. A catastrophy of death.
> > BUt let's suppose that one takes multiple drugs. Then does not the probability of death equal the sum of the probabilities?
> > Lou
> > So let's look at:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Friends,
> Now these:
> Lou
Let's look at more of that I use to determine how long one could live with the knowledge of what drugs they take and for how long. There is much more that I use also. The site , ehealthme, has statisics that I use but that is only one part of what I use. The site uses a {population}. The population is those that have recorded FDA and other agencies reports from those that use the drug in queston. That is only one population that I use. There are many other populations such as {clinical trials} and more.
So I am not only using the data from ehealthme, which they obtain a lot from the FDA.
There is a lot of mathematics involved here. One concept that is important here is {ratio and proportion}. Another is what is known as the {standard deviation} and another known as the{mean proportional}. This is some of what is involved in the statistical analysis of data. This leads to interpretaion of {causation}.
I intend to develop this here so that your undertanding of data could be understood better.
Now the concept of {ratio} is ancient and what people here could be disallowed from knowing by the nature of the prohibitions to me here by Mr Hsiung, is that he word {ratio}comes from the ancient Greek language as {logos} as their word for {reason} or, {word} which involves tha foundation of Judaism as revealed to me that is prohibited by Mr Hsiung to me to post here.
Now some of you may have a door opened here to see a light penatrating here if you have been following my attempts to save lives here by and through the {Word} or {logos}.
Posted by SLS on October 14, 2012, at 10:20:34
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 14, 2012, at 10:04:24
- Scott
Posted by Phil on October 14, 2012, at 11:27:47
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 11, 2012, at 20:08:27
Posted by schleprock on October 15, 2012, at 20:11:24
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 11, 2012, at 20:08:27
> Friends
> I can compute the probability of you dying in relation to how many years you have left to live based on the drugs yoiu take and for how long.
> If you would like me to compute your chances of living as to how many years until your death, post here the following:
> A. The drugs you take now
> B. The amount of time you have taken each drug.
> I will use advanced statistics to compute your chances of living. The death-o-meter is a general prediction so your results may vary. This is not to tell you to stop your drugs, for people kill themselves when in withdrawal. If you want to withdrawal from these drugs, I could help you, but the prohibitions here from Mr Hsiung to me prevent me from posting what is needed by me that IMHHHO could save your life.
> LouLooks like Lou's trying for Troll of the Year.
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 15, 2012, at 20:24:33
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 14, 2012, at 10:04:24
> > > > > > > > > > > Friends
> > > > > > > > > > > I can compute the probability of you dying in relation to how many years you have left to live based on the drugs yoiu take and for how long.
> > > > > > > > > > > If you would like me to compute your chances of living as to how many years until your death, post here the following:
> > > > > > > > > > > A. The drugs you take now
> > > > > > > > > > > B. The amount of time you have taken each drug.
> > > > > > > > > > > I will use advanced statistics to compute your chances of living. The death-o-meter is a general prediction so your results may vary. This is not to tell you to stop your drugs, for people kill themselves when in withdrawal. If you want to withdrawal from these drugs, I could help you, but the prohibitions here from Mr Hsiung to me prevent me from posting what is needed by me that IMHHHO could save your life.
> > > > > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > > > > Many of you already know that there are members here that are searching for a way out. A way out of addiction, depression, anxiety fear of death and such. It has been revealed to me how one could do that. It seems to me that members here would want to know that and go to Mr Hsiung to have him change his policy as to the foundation of Judaism as revealed to me so that I could post here what could lead you out of the darkness of depression and adddiction into a marvelous light.
> > > > > > > > > > This thread was innitated by me for those that want to kno how many years they could go by taking their drugs before the drugs kill them as there are statistics that can reveal that that I can tell you.
> > > > > > > > > > Now I have posted here that I do not want to have you stop your drugs because in wihdrawal there are people that kill themselves. And I could help people withdrawal without killing themselves if the posts that could arouse antisemitic feelings that are allowed to stand and I have outstanding requests about, were made not outstanding. Can't you see, that when you are told that others are superior to Jews and that Jewish children can not have forgiveness from and eternal life from the God that they give service and worship to because they do not (redacted by respondent)Jesus whch Mr Hsiung allows here to stand and even allows the poster to write that the bible says such? I think that the member here have a duty to redacted by respondent) and support life. That is why thois thread is about death. I want you to live, not die. And if you do not like my attempt to save lives here then you can (redacted by respondent).
> > > > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > > > Many of you may not know that I have been here a long time, even from the start. I have seen many members die here from the drugs. But now there is not much time left for some. You see, I see a great statistical anomoly. This is because IMHO there is an indoctrination that could be goin' on here to lead people to believe particular (false) ideas about Jews, and me as a Jew. And because of that IMHHHO there are going to be many people die here soon from the drugs that they take. It stands out to me so visible that I want to warn you of the hard rain that is going to fall. But as in the days of Noah, we have somerhing differnt here. One can get on the ark and the door will not be shut. For I have a way for you to have a way out of the deluge of death that I see coming here.
> > > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > > This thread is for people that want to know as to the drugs that they are taking, as to how long they could live until the drugs kill them. If I was to know the drugs taken and the amount of time I could compute statistically a probability for that. I also could use the archive for more definition. Now for those that are not interested, they could go elseware and even start a new thread with their ideas about drugs and death.
> > > > > > > > So let it be for the interested people here. I come to offer help in relation to warning those that may be misled into thinking that these drugs could not kill them. They kill by many ways. One is by inducing a mind-altered state to compel them to want to kill themselves. This could happen in withdrawal and someone posted here that just switching drugs could cause one to kill themselves.
> > > > > > > > Yet today, people here offer advise to others to switch drugs. They also offer advise to take a drug that could induce homocidal thinking and/or suicidal thinking.
> > > > > > > > Here is one case of death here. The FDA now admits that a lot of these drugs can increase suicidal thinking. But it is much more than that. Look at the posts here of all those that want to kill themselves. Look also at the drugs that they list taking. And look at the drugs advised by others for them to take. Is it not plainly visible what is goin' on here? Is the road of druggin' leading to being free from depression and addiction, or are the drugs causing addicton and depression? And telling others to go down that road of drugs, I ask if they know what's waiting 'round the bend.
> > > > > > > > I am prohibited here from posting what the scriptures that the Jews use prescribe to those that tell others to take mind-altering drugs. I am prohibited here from posting what IMHO could save your life. But I say to you, that 42,000 people or so died last year from these drugs and before that and after that, a progression that sums to a great multitude of deaths. I have seen the Great Multitude, for it has been revealed to me and I am prohibited from posting about that here by the prohibitions made to me by Mr. Hsiung. And going forward I think that the advertising and other aspects could make that number higher and going forward higher and higher. For you that are alive now, just remember those millions of deaths that could be counted of those that the drugs killed going forward and those that have already been killed going back 50 years.
> > > > > > > > Hear is one post of those that killed themselves that were members here.
> > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > Here is a video that I would like for interested members here to view.
> > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > > To see this video,
> > > > > > > A. Pull up Google
> > > > > > > B. Type in:
> > > > > > > [youtube, Psychiatric drugs-search warnings,studies & side effects]
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > One of the dta bases that I use to compute your chances are of your death from the drugs that you take come from that data base of the FDA. So if you wnt to contest their data, please contact them, not me. I do trust their data and so does the Mayo Clinic.
> > > > > > Here is a link to show your chances of your death from taking xanax.
> > > > > > Lou
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Friends,
> > > > > There are many ways that I use to cpmpute probabilities in relation to the chances of death from mind-altering drugs. One site from many that I use is as follows and you could look through the sit and make your own determination as to its credibility :
> > > > >
> > > > > Then there are the posts by the members that have died here and as to how one could detrmoine if they killed hemselves. Some have emails from their survivors saying that they killed themselves. Then there are the posts by the members that could say that they had suicidal thinking after taking a drug. hen there is the report that he person died from "accidental overdose". The drug did kill thembut there is the question fo how could someone accidental overose when they were taking psychotropic drugs as prescribed at a particular dosage? ANd who is to determine if the death was accidental and how could that determination be made? Could not the person killed themselves deliberatly?
> > > > > Then there is the deaths by heart attack or cardiac arrest.
> > > > > Now in the cases where there was not heart conditions present before the drugs, then that could be evidence that the drug did the killing and there are forensic tests if the family or police and such so want. Then there is liver failure, and other organ failures that can be determined as to if the drug caused the death.
> > > > > Now the statistics from the FDA say what is what. And ehealthme uses those statistics and others.
> > > > > Here is another link;
> > > > > Lou
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Friends,
> > > > Now here comes some ways that I compute the chances of death. for instance, in the Risperdal stat, which is over 4%, we have the following reasoning depicted by ehealthme. But it is much more than that. Another aspect that I use is if the member is advised to swith their drug . And then does the member have the way to by-pass the psychiatrist/doctor/prescriber and take the advised drug behind the prescriber's back. Now if the psychiatrist/prescriber is doing what is right in relation to giving drugs, then could not one telling the prescriber that they want another drug lead the prescriber to think that they are a bozo for not issueing the drug in the first place? Can you not see that there is a danger here by people advising others to take a drug that is not prescribed to the other? And could not death result if the person skips their doctor's visit to get a prescription for the drug? And could not a case be made to arrest the advisor if the other member dies from the drug advised to take? Maybe that person is allergic to the advised drug and dies from one pill.
> > > > Here is another link
> > > > Lou
> > > >
> > >
> > > Friends,
> > > I see the door shutting here. As in the days of Noah, there was a warning from one that knew. Now I know from what I see statistically that many could die here, soon. I base this on what is plainly visible to me here. You see, when the dice are rolled over and over, for years upon years, the probability becomes accurate. You could roll the dice 65 times and snake-eyes might not come up. But if you roll the dice 10,000 times and record each number, snake-eyes could approach its true probability. (1 in 36)
> > > So I see a catastrophy here coming. A catastrophy of death.
> > > BUt let's suppose that one takes multiple drugs. Then does not the probability of death equal the sum of the probabilities?
> > > Lou
> > > So let's look at:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Friends,
> > Now these:
> > Lou
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Friends,
> Let's look at more of that I use to determine how long one could live with the knowledge of what drugs they take and for how long. There is much more that I use also. The site , ehealthme, has statisics that I use but that is only one part of what I use. The site uses a {population}. The population is those that have recorded FDA and other agencies reports from those that use the drug in queston. That is only one population that I use. There are many other populations such as {clinical trials} and more.
> So I am not only using the data from ehealthme, which they obtain a lot from the FDA.
> There is a lot of mathematics involved here. One concept that is important here is {ratio and proportion}. Another is what is known as the {standard deviation} and another known as the{mean proportional}. This is some of what is involved in the statistical analysis of data. This leads to interpretaion of {causation}.
> I intend to develop this here so that your undertanding of data could be understood better.
> Now the concept of {ratio} is ancient and what people here could be disallowed from knowing by the nature of the prohibitions to me here by Mr Hsiung, is that he word {ratio}comes from the ancient Greek language as {logos} as their word for {reason} or, {word} which involves tha foundation of Judaism as revealed to me that is prohibited by Mr Hsiung to me to post here.
> Now some of you may have a door opened here to see a light penatrating here if you have been following my attempts to save lives here by and through the {Word} or {logos}.
> Lou
If you are considering being a discussant in this thread, or an interested party tryoing to make a more-informed decision as to either take mind-altering psychiatric drugs or considering a way to be free from the drug that you are taking, I am requesting that you read the following.
To see this article:
A. Bring up Google
B. Type in:
[Three New Studies Show Psychiatric Drugs Provide]
Posted by childsafety on Aug 17, 2011
Posted by phillipa on October 15, 2012, at 21:14:39
In reply to Re: Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by schleprock on October 15, 2012, at 20:11:24
I think he won!!!! Phillipa
Posted by zazenducke on October 16, 2012, at 10:40:48
In reply to Shove your death 0 meter right up your **ss (nm) » Lou Pilder, posted by Phil on October 14, 2012, at 11:27:47
psychiatric medication often causes cognitive impairment and hostility as well as apathy
there's death and then there's walking death
your brain your choice
Posted by zazenducke on October 16, 2012, at 10:44:29
In reply to deathometers are not thermometers » Phil, posted by zazenducke on October 16, 2012, at 10:40:48
Posted by zazenducke on October 16, 2012, at 11:01:15
In reply to deathometers are not thermometers » Phil, posted by zazenducke on October 16, 2012, at 10:40:48
> psychiatric medication often causes cognitive impairment and hostility as well as apathy
> there's death and then there's walking death
> your brain your choice
>obviously I was speaking generally and not to Phil in particular
One's brain one's choice
My brain my choice
etc etc etc
Posted by Phil on October 16, 2012, at 13:01:19
In reply to deathometers are not thermometers » Phil, posted by zazenducke on October 16, 2012, at 10:40:48
Haven't noticed side effects over the last 30 years on meds, thanks for the info.
Hostility? At Lou's post maybe? You don't have to take meds to get angry. The post was one of the worst I've seen here. Is he god? That upset me and it still upsets me.
And yes Z, my brain my choice. I know that and ask you to keep that in mind.
I don't like meds, shrinks, big pharma or little drug stores. But I like them all better than being curled up in bed for two weeks pleading with god to let me die.
Maybe I should take mineral, vitamins, colon cleansing, acupuncture, and herbs because people say these things help them. The odd thing is, I never met one of these people. I have a friend I've known since we were 6 years old. She's is currently trying mineral, vitamin type therapy with her shrink and the other doctors help. Do I say B... don't do it. Nope, I call her everyday and say, chin up, I'm praying for you. I care for you and lets hope this does the trick.
In fact, there are times I pray for everyone with MI that one day there will be a cure or treatments that have the side effects of a vitamin.
I truly believe that I would have never needed pills if I had not been exposed at a very young age to things that no child should witness. After I worked with the best therapist I've ever known, she was the one that introduced me to a psychiatrist.
This road has been hard but it's only made worse when someone tells me I'm wrong and you will pay for it. I've paid quite a lot already. If we met, and I don't even know if you're a man or a woman, doesn't matter. You would have no way to tell if I was sick and on meds. I can talk to anyone, I can make them laugh, and I hope I leave them with the feeling that I respect them. Everyone deserves that even people that try to treat their mental illness with pills. We do the best we know how to do.
Would I tell Michael J Fox that he will get brain damage from taking those meds and he should stop. Of course not because you see the before and after. Why would I say the same to someone with mental illness. Perhaps it's because no one can see it therefore it doesn't exist.
I go to a huge forum that has nothing to do with MI. I wrote my story and posted my picture underneath. The next day I was horrified and embarrassed that I did it. But I logged on and was shocked to tears at the 30 responses and multiple pm's and I'm still getting pm's two months later. A guy gave me his # and email so we talked. He ended the conversation with, Phil I'd rather lose two limbs than have this, my wife won't take 5 minutes to learn and she won't talk to me about it.
I wrote in my blog about it because it hit me hard.
If you can't tell I like to write but I write humor for fun. The last story I wrote I had a friend in NYC and another here in Austin say it's time to get a publisher.
So I don't think I have brain damage, I have heart damage. And that's where the humor comes from. OK, better stop.
Thanks for listening.
Posted by Phil on October 16, 2012, at 13:29:56
In reply to Re: deathometers are not thermometers » zazenducke, posted by Phil on October 16, 2012, at 13:01:19
A dear friend in New Yoak City, old what's her name, said I was a good conversationalist. I said of course, I've always cared about the environment. I told a friend about that and he said no Phil, She was saying you know how to bullsh*t. Oh.
I thought, that was nice of her seeing how New Yoakers are all supposed to be assh*les. Anyway so, I wrote this so she would know some shorter words for talking.Me and Phil shot the sh*t yesterday. Well he is one helluva bullsh*tter. What did he have to say? Sh*t I dunno I never listen to him. Me neither, nice guy though. I guess, says the same thing over and over story gets bigger every time. I'm supposed to see him tomorrow myself. What y'all gonna do? Ahh, drink a beer, shoot the sh*t. Well, he's a good bullsh*tter that's for sure. Tell him he still owes me 5 bucks. He's owes you money? No, but he can't remember sh*t so he'll think it's true, made $30 off him last free. Hey why was he in jail last week? Puked on a lady cop. Drunk driving? Naw, he was riding his daughters tricycle down the sidewalk and she saw him. Is that illegal? No, unless it's church time Sunday morning and you're drunk and nekkid. Boy we're gonna hear that story. Yup. Drunk nekkid bullsh*tter riding a tricycle pukes on a sergeant. She tazed him too. Was he being aggressive or something? Nope, he tried to bullsh*t his way out of it then he puked on her again. Boys downtown said she wanted to shoot him but didn't want to waste a perfectly good bullet. Wanna know where she tazed him? In the groin area. What did he say about that? Said it hurt like a mother f*cker but he had the best orgasm of his life. Now that is some bullsh*t there. Well, he is a good bullsh*tter. You got that right. Gotta like the guy though. Sh*t I guess I love him more than my own brother. I didn't know you had a brother. Yup, doing 15 federal time. What the hell did he do? Hijacked a semi hauling cigarettes. Seems like he got off light. He did, cause he got the wrong truck, no cigarettes. What was in it? Kids tricycles. I'll be godd*mn. Yup, we're surrounded by genius'.
Posted by downfallen~~~
Posted by SLS on October 16, 2012, at 18:17:12
In reply to deathometers are not thermometers » Phil, posted by zazenducke on October 16, 2012, at 10:40:48
> psychiatric medication often causes cognitive impairment and hostility as well as apathy
> there's death and then there's walking deathThat's an interesting choice of words. That is *exactly* how I have described my illness in the past.
> your brain your choice
How does one come to choose?
- Scott
Posted by zazenducke on October 17, 2012, at 8:50:07
In reply to Re: deathometers are not thermometers » zazenducke, posted by Phil on October 16, 2012, at 13:01:19
Sorry if I annoyed you. I hope you're ok. I watched the movie Howl on netflix and thought of that prayer. I don't underestimate your pain phil. I can't imagine being able to pass for "normal" at least not for any length of time. Must be interesting like having a cloak of invisibility. I don't like to write. You are good at it. I'm glad you have friends with you online anyway. Remember the Alamo or try to forget it whichever makes you feel better.
Posted by Phil on October 17, 2012, at 11:50:44
In reply to Re: deathometers are not thermometers, posted by zazenducke on October 17, 2012, at 8:50:07
I do have real life friends. One for 33 years and he's heard it all from me. I try not to continually blabber on about my problems. But!! Me and my gf and him were riding around San Antonio one night tripping on acid. I lived there a long time but we were peaking on this stuff and I had no idea where we were. My gf and I went into a convenience store and when we came out he was gone. lol.
Not sure I ever got an explanation but I let it go. My gf at the time hates his guts still.
I've got to add that he is the most intelligent person I have ever known. Photographic memory. I'm the exact opposite. One night we were listening to Alice Cooper and I said R I really wish we could have seen them. He said we did. I said really, how was it, great show Philly, should have been there.Honestly, I could stay busy everyday with friends because in general I'm a pretty good guy, polite, have manners, and I listen. It's me that moans, I love being alone at home and I can be on this computer for 12 hours a day and not be bored.
When I got out of the psych ward and returned to work I made a stealth move for my cubicle. Two guys, both outdoorsy types, 6'5 and big, walked up to me and didn't say a word. Dave looked me in the eyes and shook my hand. Jay did the same and he did say, great to have you back Phil.
When these solid gold human beings walked away I made a beeline for the bathroom. I know I write $100 replies to a $20 question but these guys had never been around MI. Yet, what class. (again I cry) If they wouldn't have laid off so many of us I would still be working with these people and I miss them. I would not be on disability and I would be building my pension.
Not sure what the heck we were talking about ZZ but I appreciate your response and the video which shouldn't take me over a month to figure out what he's talking about.
Wanna hear my favorite Alice Cooper song?
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 17, 2012, at 20:27:42
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 15, 2012, at 20:24:33
> > > > > > > > > > > > Friends
> > > > > > > > > > > > I can compute the probability of you dying in relation to how many years you have left to live based on the drugs yoiu take and for how long.
> > > > > > > > > > > > If you would like me to compute your chances of living as to how many years until your death, post here the following:
> > > > > > > > > > > > A. The drugs you take now
> > > > > > > > > > > > B. The amount of time you have taken each drug.
> > > > > > > > > > > > I will use advanced statistics to compute your chances of living. The death-o-meter is a general prediction so your results may vary. This is not to tell you to stop your drugs, for people kill themselves when in withdrawal. If you want to withdrawal from these drugs, I could help you, but the prohibitions here from Mr Hsiung to me prevent me from posting what is needed by me that IMHHHO could save your life.
> > > > > > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > > > > > Many of you already know that there are members here that are searching for a way out. A way out of addiction, depression, anxiety fear of death and such. It has been revealed to me how one could do that. It seems to me that members here would want to know that and go to Mr Hsiung to have him change his policy as to the foundation of Judaism as revealed to me so that I could post here what could lead you out of the darkness of depression and adddiction into a marvelous light.
> > > > > > > > > > > This thread was innitated by me for those that want to kno how many years they could go by taking their drugs before the drugs kill them as there are statistics that can reveal that that I can tell you.
> > > > > > > > > > > Now I have posted here that I do not want to have you stop your drugs because in wihdrawal there are people that kill themselves. And I could help people withdrawal without killing themselves if the posts that could arouse antisemitic feelings that are allowed to stand and I have outstanding requests about, were made not outstanding. Can't you see, that when you are told that others are superior to Jews and that Jewish children can not have forgiveness from and eternal life from the God that they give service and worship to because they do not (redacted by respondent)Jesus whch Mr Hsiung allows here to stand and even allows the poster to write that the bible says such? I think that the member here have a duty to redacted by respondent) and support life. That is why thois thread is about death. I want you to live, not die. And if you do not like my attempt to save lives here then you can (redacted by respondent).
> > > > > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > > > > Many of you may not know that I have been here a long time, even from the start. I have seen many members die here from the drugs. But now there is not much time left for some. You see, I see a great statistical anomoly. This is because IMHO there is an indoctrination that could be goin' on here to lead people to believe particular (false) ideas about Jews, and me as a Jew. And because of that IMHHHO there are going to be many people die here soon from the drugs that they take. It stands out to me so visible that I want to warn you of the hard rain that is going to fall. But as in the days of Noah, we have somerhing differnt here. One can get on the ark and the door will not be shut. For I have a way for you to have a way out of the deluge of death that I see coming here.
> > > > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > > > This thread is for people that want to know as to the drugs that they are taking, as to how long they could live until the drugs kill them. If I was to know the drugs taken and the amount of time I could compute statistically a probability for that. I also could use the archive for more definition. Now for those that are not interested, they could go elseware and even start a new thread with their ideas about drugs and death.
> > > > > > > > > So let it be for the interested people here. I come to offer help in relation to warning those that may be misled into thinking that these drugs could not kill them. They kill by many ways. One is by inducing a mind-altered state to compel them to want to kill themselves. This could happen in withdrawal and someone posted here that just switching drugs could cause one to kill themselves.
> > > > > > > > > Yet today, people here offer advise to others to switch drugs. They also offer advise to take a drug that could induce homocidal thinking and/or suicidal thinking.
> > > > > > > > > Here is one case of death here. The FDA now admits that a lot of these drugs can increase suicidal thinking. But it is much more than that. Look at the posts here of all those that want to kill themselves. Look also at the drugs that they list taking. And look at the drugs advised by others for them to take. Is it not plainly visible what is goin' on here? Is the road of druggin' leading to being free from depression and addiction, or are the drugs causing addicton and depression? And telling others to go down that road of drugs, I ask if they know what's waiting 'round the bend.
> > > > > > > > > I am prohibited here from posting what the scriptures that the Jews use prescribe to those that tell others to take mind-altering drugs. I am prohibited here from posting what IMHO could save your life. But I say to you, that 42,000 people or so died last year from these drugs and before that and after that, a progression that sums to a great multitude of deaths. I have seen the Great Multitude, for it has been revealed to me and I am prohibited from posting about that here by the prohibitions made to me by Mr. Hsiung. And going forward I think that the advertising and other aspects could make that number higher and going forward higher and higher. For you that are alive now, just remember those millions of deaths that could be counted of those that the drugs killed going forward and those that have already been killed going back 50 years.
> > > > > > > > > Hear is one post of those that killed themselves that were members here.
> > > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > > Here is a video that I would like for interested members here to view.
> > > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > > > To see this video,
> > > > > > > > A. Pull up Google
> > > > > > > > B. Type in:
> > > > > > > > [youtube, Psychiatric drugs-search warnings,studies & side effects]
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > > One of the dta bases that I use to compute your chances are of your death from the drugs that you take come from that data base of the FDA. So if you wnt to contest their data, please contact them, not me. I do trust their data and so does the Mayo Clinic.
> > > > > > > Here is a link to show your chances of your death from taking xanax.
> > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > There are many ways that I use to cpmpute probabilities in relation to the chances of death from mind-altering drugs. One site from many that I use is as follows and you could look through the sit and make your own determination as to its credibility :
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Then there are the posts by the members that have died here and as to how one could detrmoine if they killed hemselves. Some have emails from their survivors saying that they killed themselves. Then there are the posts by the members that could say that they had suicidal thinking after taking a drug. hen there is the report that he person died from "accidental overdose". The drug did kill thembut there is the question fo how could someone accidental overose when they were taking psychotropic drugs as prescribed at a particular dosage? ANd who is to determine if the death was accidental and how could that determination be made? Could not the person killed themselves deliberatly?
> > > > > > Then there is the deaths by heart attack or cardiac arrest.
> > > > > > Now in the cases where there was not heart conditions present before the drugs, then that could be evidence that the drug did the killing and there are forensic tests if the family or police and such so want. Then there is liver failure, and other organ failures that can be determined as to if the drug caused the death.
> > > > > > Now the statistics from the FDA say what is what. And ehealthme uses those statistics and others.
> > > > > > Here is another link;
> > > > > > Lou
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Friends,
> > > > > Now here comes some ways that I compute the chances of death. for instance, in the Risperdal stat, which is over 4%, we have the following reasoning depicted by ehealthme. But it is much more than that. Another aspect that I use is if the member is advised to swith their drug . And then does the member have the way to by-pass the psychiatrist/doctor/prescriber and take the advised drug behind the prescriber's back. Now if the psychiatrist/prescriber is doing what is right in relation to giving drugs, then could not one telling the prescriber that they want another drug lead the prescriber to think that they are a bozo for not issueing the drug in the first place? Can you not see that there is a danger here by people advising others to take a drug that is not prescribed to the other? And could not death result if the person skips their doctor's visit to get a prescription for the drug? And could not a case be made to arrest the advisor if the other member dies from the drug advised to take? Maybe that person is allergic to the advised drug and dies from one pill.
> > > > > Here is another link
> > > > > Lou
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Friends,
> > > > I see the door shutting here. As in the days of Noah, there was a warning from one that knew. Now I know from what I see statistically that many could die here, soon. I base this on what is plainly visible to me here. You see, when the dice are rolled over and over, for years upon years, the probability becomes accurate. You could roll the dice 65 times and snake-eyes might not come up. But if you roll the dice 10,000 times and record each number, snake-eyes could approach its true probability. (1 in 36)
> > > > So I see a catastrophy here coming. A catastrophy of death.
> > > > BUt let's suppose that one takes multiple drugs. Then does not the probability of death equal the sum of the probabilities?
> > > > Lou
> > > > So let's look at:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > Friends,
> > > Now these:
> > > Lou
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Friends,
> > Let's look at more of that I use to determine how long one could live with the knowledge of what drugs they take and for how long. There is much more that I use also. The site , ehealthme, has statisics that I use but that is only one part of what I use. The site uses a {population}. The population is those that have recorded FDA and other agencies reports from those that use the drug in queston. That is only one population that I use. There are many other populations such as {clinical trials} and more.
> > So I am not only using the data from ehealthme, which they obtain a lot from the FDA.
> > There is a lot of mathematics involved here. One concept that is important here is {ratio and proportion}. Another is what is known as the {standard deviation} and another known as the{mean proportional}. This is some of what is involved in the statistical analysis of data. This leads to interpretaion of {causation}.
> > I intend to develop this here so that your undertanding of data could be understood better.
> > Now the concept of {ratio} is ancient and what people here could be disallowed from knowing by the nature of the prohibitions to me here by Mr Hsiung, is that he word {ratio}comes from the ancient Greek language as {logos} as their word for {reason} or, {word} which involves tha foundation of Judaism as revealed to me that is prohibited by Mr Hsiung to me to post here.
> > Now some of you may have a door opened here to see a light penatrating here if you have been following my attempts to save lives here by and through the {Word} or {logos}.
> > Lou
> >
> Friends,
> If you are considering being a discussant in this thread, or an interested party tryoing to make a more-informed decision as to either take mind-altering psychiatric drugs or considering a way to be free from the drug that you are taking, I am requesting that you read the following.
> Lou
> To see this article:
> A. Bring up Google
> B. Type in:
> [Three New Studies Show Psychiatric Drugs Provide]
> Posted by childsafety on Aug 17, 2011Friends,
If you are an interested person here, I am requesting that you view the following video.
This video features Dr. Peter Breggin as he explaines how psychotropic drugs effect the brain.
I am requesting that discuusants here view this so that we could referr to what is contained in the video.
Parents may also want to view this in order to make a more-informed decision as to drug your son, your daughter or even yourself.
Later, I wil post how these drugs can kill your child or yourself, or give them a life-ruining condition or addiction. You may also want to view part one and the other parts.
Let us start with part 2.
Posted by Phil on October 18, 2012, at 0:19:41
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-death-o-meter, posted by Lou Pilder on October 17, 2012, at 20:27:42
Now I know from what I see statistically that many could die here, soon.
_____________________How long have I got, Doc? Shouldn't I be dead? 80 meds...30 years, not counting street drugs, cigarettes and unprotected sex?
Why would I want to know when I will die? Do you? You could be in a car crash and die tomorrow. Or have a heart attack or stroke. You could go to a movie theater and get gunned down by a madman. It could happen to me too.
Would it be right for me to know that a friend is on Prozac and I say, friend do you want to know when you're going to die because I'll tell you. I dunno, kind of bad manners I think.
It's water under the bridge. My goose is cooked. If people really believe you are god and you know when they will die, don't you think that may freak them out just a bit?
Shall we take every psychotic person off of their meds so they can live a long psychotic life?
You could have a tumor festering in your brain as we speak which is the only way I can imagine that you're doing this. Good intentions aren't enough on your part. We already have serious mental health issues and all the joy that goes along with that. And now a guy is going to use statistics and horrible judgement to tell me when I'll die?
It's a more or less free country so you can do what you like. But my health will be guided by my research and my doctors. And if they are wrong and I die tomorrow, then I'm dead. No Jesus, no hell, only ashes to be thrown to the wind. Free at last.
Go forward in thread:
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.