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Posted by sasha71 on November 18, 2003, at 20:27:11
In reply to I need more sleep!! Please help!, posted by Lacey2001 on November 18, 2003, at 16:52:05
this is strictly what I've done - please be aware of drug
interactions and Your Mileage May Vary issues....<done with disclaimer>
When my E. kicks in the insomnia button, I'll take
Tylonel PM. I usually take 2 tablets. It's enough
to offset the insomnia and I can go to sleep and wake
up in the morning decently rested (depending on
how long I was stubborn before getting the Tylonel)
and not groggy like when I tried Benedryl or Nyquil
(warning: I had icky interaction issues with
Nyquil, wasn't fun at all, but again, YMMV.)I hope you can find something that works for you.
This isn't something I have to do alot - maybe
once a month or so. I've been on E. almost 2 years now.Good luck.
Posted by camel on November 18, 2003, at 20:28:04
In reply to Re: I need more sleep!! Please help!, posted by crazy canadian on November 18, 2003, at 19:47:40
I've said this before and I'll say it again...if you can ...take a nap...if not then purchase some relaxing CD's...I use the ocean...put them in at bedtime and try to put yourself in that "calm" takes awhile but if you concentrate after a few days you should be able to concur the insomnia...of course it doesn't work ALL the time but I find it helps!
Posted by camel on November 18, 2003, at 20:35:49
In reply to I need more sleep!! Please help!, posted by Lacey2001 on November 18, 2003, at 16:52:05
Lacey........if you can...try to take a nap in the early afternoon...if not....try some relaxing CD's...I use the "ocean"....put it in and try to put yourself in "that" place. It may take several days but stay with the end I have found that it works and I get a good nights sleep....
Posted by pekostar on November 18, 2003, at 22:04:03
In reply to Re: I need more sleep!! Please help!, posted by camel on November 18, 2003, at 20:28:04
I have tried so many meds. Effexor really works for me. I have tried taking kava kava to help me sleep while taking effexor....but if you read the tells you to contact a physician before using it in conjunction with this kind of med.
Currently I take Trazadone or xanax if I need it.
The night sweats suck for me.PS does anyone else experience "break through panic attacks" while on this med?
Posted by dagon on November 19, 2003, at 0:25:05
In reply to Re: Weaning from Effexor - Nightmares » Mercedes, posted by dagon on November 17, 2003, at 19:18:17
Wedneysday; I took my last (150) friday. there's a wtinge of eunease left but this night I slept. Conclusion: I'm off it.
The paranoid urge I referred to has gone. My angry reaction I referred to was justified, though agression wouldn't have been, ofcourse.
No I feel happy and optimistic and ready to take on the world. I'm gonna do great stuff and I;m inspired, *wow* in my artistic organs. And stuff needs to be done. I have started on a book, this one a killer that'll shake people to the core in its's field, and I'm gonna do stuff in the "wylder" scene. anyone? Stuff is happening over here in amsterdam.
Posted by Lacey2001 on November 19, 2003, at 0:32:09
In reply to Re: I need more sleep!! Please help!, posted by pekostar on November 18, 2003, at 22:04:03
Okay thanks. I will try the ideas that everyone gave me. I am willing to do anything at this point. What is strange is I feel exhausted but when I go to lay down, I cannot sleep. Very strange!
When does everyone take Effexor XR?
Morning or at night? When I took them in the morning, I would feel so drowsy during the day and then couldn't sleep at night. So I figured that it would be wiser to take them at night
so that I would fall asleep being drowsy.
But it didn't work out that way! When I take them at nighttime, I do not sleep well and then I am drowsy the next morning. I have read a few posts saying to take them in the morning.
I actually had problems with insomnia beforehand and needed sleeping aids before taking the Effexor. So it may have nothing to do with the actual prescription. I have used Gravol a lot and also Trazadone. I worry about side effects and/or conditions if I take Trazadone too long. Anyone know of any studies or medical reports?Thank you,
Posted by dagon on November 19, 2003, at 2:33:41
In reply to Sleep issue and a few more questions for the board, posted by Lacey2001 on November 19, 2003, at 0:32:09
What worked for me is sensory deprvation and a warm bath. Just float, in total darkness or with something light covering your eyes. I experienced valuable lifting of the anxiety and bad dreams and I got a few catnaps floating away. Also a good idea is to avoid sugar or heavy digestables. Eating sugary stuff when coming down from effexor worsened the crash nearly immediately. The stomach is very vulnerable. Personally I have gone on atkins recently and that has been an interesting benefit.
Posted by gfreyg on November 19, 2003, at 4:04:11
In reply to Re: ease going on vs. ease going off - a correlation? » Paco, posted by Krissy P on March 24, 2003, at 22:51:27
I had no problems what-so-ever starting effexor, and I am terrified of trying to quit it becuase of the withdrawl symptoms I get from taking a dose a few hours late, even from when I was only taking 150 mg a day. (I am now taking 225.) The dizzyness, motion sensitivity, headache,inability to concentrate, agitation, nausea, balance and visual changes that occur are debilitating and frustrating. I don't see any corelation between easily starting effexor and easily quitting.
good luck to all getting rid of this evil addicting drug!
Posted by Mercedes on November 19, 2003, at 4:41:59
In reply to Re: Weaning from Effexor - Nightmares » Mercedes, posted by dagon on November 17, 2003, at 19:18:17
Oh, I can so relate. I had the "kick somebody's butt" syndrome really bad while I was on effexor. Now that I'm off it, it's more like I'm invincible (except for the nightmares, where I feel like such a weak person). I've been though withdrawal? feelings of just wanting to drive at high speeds.....and have done it. And I hate driving. But withdrawals put me in a high speed chase all by myself, thank God it was just country roads, no one else around.
Effexor was ok for awile, took me out of depression but the SE's were horrible. I may be speaking too soon here but 1 month w/o effexor and haven't felt depressed, just crazy out of my mind with the dreams, feeling invincible and dark thoughts and withdrawal side effects!
Posted by Mercedes on November 19, 2003, at 4:52:24
In reply to Re: Weaning from Effexor - Nightmares » Mercedes, posted by sasha71 on November 17, 2003, at 19:09:11
Sasha, glad I'm not alone. I felt bad after posting such a long detailed post but happy at the responses. I felt like the worst was over, withdrawal wise, electric shocks, porqpine needles, but the nightmares...! Funny how while taking effexor, couldn't off effexor, I'm afraid to go to sleep...gotta laugh!
Thanks everyone for your comments!
> OMG! I have dreamt just like that! Dreaming but convinced
> I'm awake trying to do something (the something
> was to find the crying baby somewhere in the house)
> and would wake up totally disoriented because the
> last I knew I was supposed to be somewhere like the
> hallway, kitchen, laundry room -- looking for the
> baby and here I was in bed, obviously waking up....
> what the hell was going on? This went on for about 6 hours
> as best I can figure out. And I'm not trying to
> withdraw from the Effexor. I've done this to lesser
> degrees, and at least for me, I'm more likely to do
> this if I've missed a dose in the last week or so
> and over-tired.
> Of all the side effects of E. -- the dreams/nightmares
> are by far the worst for me. I can deal with the rest -
> overheating, night sweats, tremors, twitching....but
> the dreaming will just wring me out and hang me out to dry.
Posted by Mercedes on November 19, 2003, at 5:10:16
In reply to Sleep issue and a few more questions for the board, posted by Lacey2001 on November 19, 2003, at 0:32:09
I wish I would have known about the tylenol p.m. when I had/have the insomnia. Regular Tylenol is all I would ever take like for a fever or a cold. It's the only thing that I wasn't afraid would interact with the other drugs/meds I was taking. But I never thought to buy the P.M. for the insomnia..
Thanks Sasha, (I think it was Shasha) who suggested it, of course with the disclaimer.
Oh, first took Effexor in p.m., no sleep, then mid morning was better but never really had a full nights sleep. So for me, it didn't matter. Actually the only time I really got a good night's sleep was when i had a drink (alcohol) which i did very seldom cause you're not supposed to drink while taking effexor or other potent A.D.'s But that's the truth. I'm disclaiming this comment too. I do not condone alcoholic drinks while on meds (but I sure slept like a baby).
> Okay thanks. I will try the ideas that everyone gave me. I am willing to do anything at this point. What is strange is I feel exhausted but when I go to lay down, I cannot sleep. Very strange!
> When does everyone take Effexor XR?
> Morning or at night? When I took them in the morning, I would feel so drowsy during the day and then couldn't sleep at night. So I figured that it would be wiser to take them at night
> so that I would fall asleep being drowsy.
> But it didn't work out that way! When I take them at nighttime, I do not sleep well and then I am drowsy the next morning. I have read a few posts saying to take them in the morning.
> I actually had problems with insomnia beforehand and needed sleeping aids before taking the Effexor. So it may have nothing to do with the actual prescription. I have used Gravol a lot and also Trazadone. I worry about side effects and/or conditions if I take Trazadone too long. Anyone know of any studies or medical reports?
> Thank you,
> Lacey
Posted by camel on November 19, 2003, at 7:09:15
In reply to Sleep issue and a few more questions for the board, posted by Lacey2001 on November 19, 2003, at 0:32:09 GP recommended taking my dose in the AM as opposed to when I was on Paxil and took them at dinner time.
Posted by sasha71 on November 19, 2003, at 7:17:45
In reply to Re: I need more sleep!! Please help!, posted by pekostar on November 18, 2003, at 22:04:03
Not often but yes, I do have the occassional break
thru panic/anxiety attack. Yesterday afternoon I was trying to fight one off between class changes. (I absolutely dread teaching the last class of the day, it's self-contained behavior disordered teenage boys.)I managed to delay the attack basically until after school was out for the day. So far, that's the best I can do - not totally avoid them - just delay. But then, after the event is done, BAM! It lands all over me.
I feel that the occassional attack (once a month or less) is much better than off the meds (2-3x/week) so I really am not too concerned at this point about it.
Are you having lots of break thrus? You might not be at a theraputic level yet - talk with your dr.
Posted by moose100 on November 19, 2003, at 8:32:38
In reply to Sleep issue and a few more questions for the board, posted by Lacey2001 on November 19, 2003, at 0:32:09
Hi Lacey; I take my E first thing in the morning along with my blood pressure and lipitor. I have no adverse reaction during the day other than occasional cold sweats. I have no trouble sleeping aside from dealing with my 3 and a half year old son who frequently likes to chat with me at three in the morning. Some folks on the board have written that they are on the Atkins diet and that high protein/low carb seems to help. I, too, am on Atkins. Can't tell though if the lack of carbs/sugar makes me sleep better.
Posted by Mercedes on November 19, 2003, at 11:20:31
In reply to Re: I need more sleep!! Please help!, posted by pekostar on November 18, 2003, at 22:04:03
Pekostar, pls explain what do you mean by:
Pakostar writes: "PS does anyone else experience "break through panic attacks" while on this med?"....end
I had these "attacks" that for 7 yrs no doctor, pdoc, neuro, was ever able to quite understand.
One Pdoc called my attacks "anxiety breakthoughs"
but they were never cured with any med. including seizure meds amoungst others I was on.I don't want to go into detail about my 'attacks' until I hear about your's. I actually posted in detail about my "attacks" back in July 03.
It appears Sasha knows what you mean, so either of you care to comment on what happens to you when have these "Break Through Panic Attacks" please?
Posted by zinya on November 19, 2003, at 12:10:10
In reply to Re: Break Through Panic Attacks? » pekostar, posted by Mercedes on November 19, 2003, at 11:20:31
Well, aargh. In the interest of 'full disclosure' (and that *is* our interest here, right? :))
JUST a few days ago - like maybe Saturday? - i responded to a poster (can't recall who - forgive me) that indeed the sweating does finally end after i'd gotten below 37.5 mg again on the Effexor onramp...
well, as if to prove me hasty and wrong, the VERY next day and for the past 3 days, alas, the very Effexor-specific kind of hot-body clammy-skinned sweating returned, enough to make getting dressed to go out become just heat/sweat-inducing enough that it was the final straw to add to some other problems (carpal tunnel and other pains) and decide "screw it - i'm not going" and undressed so i could stop sweating...
That added to my decision to quit even the 9 mg level of Effexor i was at for the last couple weeks and starting with yesterday, i've now quit completely unless i get some bad zaps that make me take another 9 mg to ease the transition to nada.
good wishes to all,
Posted by sasha71 on November 19, 2003, at 12:17:25
In reply to Re: Break Through Panic Attacks? » pekostar, posted by Mercedes on November 19, 2003, at 11:20:31
I guess I'm interpreting "break through panic attacks"
as having an attack in spite of being on a level of
medication thought to be theraputic.My attacks are extremely, physically painful and once
got me a trip to the ER via an ambulance and I kept
thinking "I'm too young to be having a heart attack"....Extreme chest pains, numbness down both arms (usually
worse in left arm), sharp metallic-like clawing
rips of pain up through my neck and jaws, difficulty
breathing, and an extreme desire to not have anyone
else around - can't tell if it's an embarrassment to
have someone witness the attack or just not wanting people
around period.Typical attack lasts 20-30 minutes leaving me with
very bad headaches and feeling completely wiped out.I've had attacks last almost 2 hours. Those can
take a day or more to recover from.It is also very hard to come back mentally from
an attack. I'm left feeling very vulnerable,
weepy and sad for a long time.If Pakostar meant something else by Break Through
Panic Attacks, hopefully they'll post with an
Posted by sasha71 on November 19, 2003, at 12:26:43
In reply to 'Fraid I spoke too soon (about sweating) :)), posted by zinya on November 19, 2003, at 12:10:10
Yup - been there....still there....although not
as badly as it used to be.When I was first getting accustomed to E. just
brushing my teeth was enough to have me sweating
buckets. I had to take a change of clothes wiht me
to school sometimes to be able to make it through
the day without grossing myself out!As for deciding to get off E. -- my thoughts right
now, the good I'm getting far outweigh any S.E.
that I'm having (nightmares included).I'm able to function fairly well so I no longer
feel that my children are having to tend to themselves
and my classroom is being ignored.I can talk to my husband when he calls without
immediately going into crying jags.And in general, the black hole inside of me hasn't
opened up too badly the last year or so (except for
about 2 weeks back in August - but extenuating
circumstances happened).So - unless published studies come out with
serious long-term problems of E., I'll stay on it
until my Dr. suggests otherwise. I have complete
faith in my Dr. - I love that he has medical
students come in. That shows me he has access to their
up to the minute, latest information and he cares
about passing on the traditions of being a dr.
Posted by zinya on November 19, 2003, at 12:26:49
In reply to Re: Weaning from Effexor - Nightmares » Mercedes, posted by dagon on November 17, 2003, at 19:18:17
Two suggestions, dagon.
First, as i've already urged others repeatedly, do NOT do this cold turkey. Even if you've gone several days without taking 150, take half a dose of it NOW and then stay on 75 for a while (a couple of weeks) and then reduce it again.
Remember, what Effexor has done -- as i have come to understand it from readings here and elsewhere -- is to restructure our brains ... We cannot just stop cold turkey without doing the equivalent of throwing your car into reverse while going 70 mph. Don't do it, please. It's not being "tough" or making the end result come any sooner to go cold turkey, i'm sure of it. The end result will come just as soon and with less pain in the interim if you taper off gradually - and it's not too late even now to do so by taking another dose - it's NOT going to "re-addict" you... i'm sure of it...
Secondly, i highly recommend leaving a TV or radio on all night while you sleep as a way of shortcircuiting the nightmares... If your brain has something else to "listen to" it won't conjure up those awful nightmares... At least it worked for me...
GOOD luck,
Posted by KimberlyDi on November 19, 2003, at 13:29:00
In reply to Re: Break Through Panic Attacks? » pekostar, posted by Mercedes on November 19, 2003, at 11:20:31
What is a "break through" panic attack?
During my crying jag (2nd one for yesterday), I was in my bedroom sitting on the floor in the corner. I've had my house for near 10 years now. I've lost loves, had friends die, pets die, opportunities die, and I sat there crying for everything that was lost. Helpless, couldn't stop. No panic though, except that I couldn't stop crying. Must be plain jane depression.
KDi in TX
Posted by Godzilla on November 19, 2003, at 13:43:18
In reply to starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?, posted by jp on October 25, 1999, at 12:01:53
> so I went to see my GP today (psychiatrist appointment
> is only in 2-3 weeks)... and got a prescription
> for effexor. the gp advised that I start on the
> normal version, at 37.5mg twice a day, and then,
> if I tolerate it, move to the XR version.
> Will such a low dose have any effect at all? what am
> I to expect. how soon does it produce a noticable
> and favourable effect? Anyone on such a low dose?
>I started it at that dose yesterday afternoon. About an hour after I started to feel floaty. Another hour past and my friend called. While talking to her I realized that nothing was going on in my head and I was really relaxed. That lasted the whole night and if i tried to think, my head would hurt. Something else that happened was when i was talking to people on the computer the back of my head started to tingle and my eyes teared up. When I turned off the light to go to sleep I started to see all these colors and patterns that kept changing and moving. My thoughts had then come back and i couldn't sleep, when i did get to sleep i woke up with a horrible stomach ache. When i woke up this morning i was swaeting, shaking, my eyes blurred things to a blue tint and I had headaches. I didn't have to go to school today because of this and I am the same as i was this morning without the shaking. I know this post hasn't helped you, but I was wondering if anyone knows whats going on with me, could they speak up? my parents called the doctor this morning, but he isn't returning calls till the afternoon.
this is the first time i've been put on anything and i am really scared. my mom says that the doctor probably didn't take into account that i am such a small person. i'm 14, five feet two inches and 94 lbs. i know that this group is not full of professionals, but has this happened to anyone else? my sister is on paxil and nothing like this happened to her when she started. but i guess that effexor xr is stronger?
Posted by Chellie on November 19, 2003, at 14:22:49
In reply to Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?, posted by Godzilla on November 19, 2003, at 13:43:18
I think the doctor may have started you out at too high a dose. I started at 12.5 for 4 days then 25 mg for 4 days then 37.5. Right now i'm at 75 and will prob up on my next visit to 150. As far as the terrible stomach ache, i've had that for 2 days everytime my dose was uped. Nothing to look forward to. The other side effects are prob happening because you are taking too much too soon. Most of my sweating occurs only while I sleep not during the day......not yet anyway. Good luck, hope this helped a little.
Posted by zinya on November 19, 2003, at 15:00:14
In reply to Re: Break Through Panic Attacks? » Mercedes, posted by KimberlyDi on November 19, 2003, at 13:29:00
dear, dear Kim...
i'm sending you an enormous enveloping hug.
i'm sure there are no words, but just know how strongly i feel your sense of losses and how much i hear you and embrace you,
Posted by KimberlyDi on November 19, 2003, at 15:21:07
In reply to Re: Break Through Panic Attacks? » KimberlyDi, posted by zinya on November 19, 2003, at 15:00:14
Posted by Samadhi on November 19, 2003, at 20:55:36
In reply to Re: Break Through Panic Attacks? » pekostar, posted by Mercedes on November 19, 2003, at 11:20:31
Well, here I am folks, day two of NO Effexor XR. I reduced to 75mg for a bit over a week, then realised my Effexor had run out and I had no repeat precriptions. It seemed timely to just stop taking it, rather than go to the doctor and get more prescriptions. I had weaned off slowly and was coping with the withdrawals and thought I would be ok.
Well, I am ok (I am at work typing this, and have managed to conceal the fact I am not exactly feeling 100%), in that I am soldiering on...but the brain shivers...ohmigod. If I keep completely still I am ok, but the minute I move, talk, brain sort of wobbles and it's like every part of my body scrambles for a moment and goes haywire and it takes a moment for it all to align and get working again...and by the time it's all ok again the next brain shiver has started basically it's constant. It's the WORST withdrawal SE so far. A little mild insomnia at first last night, and weird dreams, but nothing any worse than what I experienced the whole time I was on the drug anyway. A bit of an upset tummy, some nausea, some appetite disturbance, the usual twitches and's all still there...the sweating...but it would all be not the slightest bother to me if I didn't have these damn brain shivers. "Brain Shiver" sounds so harmless, but it's awful. I'm having trouble sticking the day out today - I just want to get home and lie still and relax and not have to move, so I can ride out these awful SEs.
But it's not so bad that I regret stopping...I'm sure I'll be fine in a few days...right now I'm sure riding the bumpy offramp though!
Anyone else weaned down gradually from 225mg or similar, and experienced the brain shivers and full withdrawals? I'd welcome any advice or shared experiences. This board is such a support to me at the moment!
Stay well guys.
Samadhi xxx
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