Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Nyia , Susy, book et. al.

Posted by CherC68 on July 17, 2003, at 17:49:26

In reply to effexor headache, posted by bookgurl99 on July 16, 2003, at 23:52:17

Has anyone seen Nyia online lately? I'm hoping that maybe things are getting much better for her - but if anyone out there has heard from her, please let me know and let her know I'm thinking about her.

Susy, I think your English is just fine and I totally understand you and I know everyone here also does.

I'm from South Side Chicago and my mother-in-law told me I needed to get some help with my grammar, she said it is quite horrible.

I'm almost Forty and lived in the US all my life. For those of you that know the Chicago Accent - I'm one of d'os type of people - Da Bears, Da Cubs Da Sox Da everything - LOL (sorry a little South Side Chicago humor there.)

book, I'm sorry about your migraines - have you ever tried a dark room and a cold compress on your head and eyes to help? I get Migraines a lot and that's what helps, dark, quiet and actually someone rubbing my head really hard but not jarring helps. I was also told recently that taking a tagament 75 before bed helps prevent headaches - (acid in the stomach i know that much) but I been taking tagament before bed. Because of the frequency of my headaches I've had lots of helpful hints from people - Like Gatoraid is suppose to help - minute you get a headache - drink gatoraid - it replenishes your liquids that helps fight off a migraine.

Just my five cents worth.



Re: seizure-like jolt on effexor? » bookgurl99

Posted by noa on July 17, 2003, at 17:52:55

In reply to seizure-like jolt on effexor?, posted by bookgurl99 on July 16, 2003, at 8:28:27

Yes, it is called myoclonus. I get that with Effexor, as I did with Paxil. I believe it is due to serotonin stimulating the 5ht2 receptors in the muscles.

To counter it, I take Serzone with the Effexor. Serzone blocks postsynaptic 5ht2 receptors, as I understand it (my neuro understanding is pretty limited). I also take a benzo (ativan) to counter similar SEs--ie, akithisia/restless legs, though this is a bit different than the myoclonus. Some people take Klonopin or Mirapex for leg movements.


Re: Is there anyone else who is only taking 37.5?

Posted by willie on July 17, 2003, at 18:26:13

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

Well, I've been observing this website for quite some time now and finally got up the nerve to take part. I've been on Effexor for aprox. 8 months now. I started off at the 37.5 and my doctor has kept me at that dosage. I'm being treated for anxiety primarily although I do have a history of depression.

Since I've been on this drug I've gained 12 pounds. This weight gain is actually what lead me to discover this site. Although not mentioned as one of the side effects of this drug I could not understand why I put this weight on so quickly and could not take it off. I had been to Weight Watchers 3 years ago and have successfully been able to remain at my target weight until I starting taking Effexor. I've also been getting bruises, some as large as a tennis ball which I can't explain. They look painful but aren't. Has anyone else experienced this??

I have approached my doctor with these concerns but he atributes the weight gain to my "relaxed behaviour" from this drug. As for the bruises, he said he didn't feel there was any connection but if I develop any more that he'll run bloodwork.

To be honest with you all, I'm terrified of the withdrawal symptoms people are having on this drug. Has anyone had serious withdrawal from the 37.5 dosage?

I'm not even sure if I'll ever come off this drug to be honest. My life was a prison prior to Effexor. I was basically scared of everything and I believe I was on the path to becoming agoraphobic.

I sympathize with the woman who drove to see her grandchild. Until recently I could only drive myself to and from work. Anywhere else would put me into an anxiety attack.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all that it was nice to discover people who are going through similar experiences and that there is information and support available.



to Suzy, personal, re local referral » Susy

Posted by zinya on July 17, 2003, at 18:26:45

In reply to Re: Dentist the shakes - tomorrow, posted by Susy on July 17, 2003, at 10:16:58

Hola Suzy,

I just now heard back from the bereavement counselor I mentioned to you. I'd left her a message yesterday, then we missed each other twice, but she got me now, and she is very happy to have you call her to talk about your situation and the possibility of either your joining one of her own groups or if there might be one even closer to where you live. You recall I was suggesting that this service (which is funded by a grant, you do not have to pay for it at all) is for those grieving a family member, and there are groups particularly dealing with loss of a parent such as you are going through as well as I am.

This counselor's name is Paula, and she's a wonderful, very supportive, very helpful woman who I believe will make you feel very comfortable and at ease immediately. She's very calm, an excellent listener. And she makes a point of returning messages when she knows she has time to give full consideration, not rushed. She told me to have you call her -- her work number is 310-423-9534. You can call her anytime and leave a message if she doesn't answer, with your number and when she could reach you.
Then she'll want to get to know you and your situation somewhat over the phone and then be able to offer some ideas for the best plan.

(Her own office -- as part of Cedars Sinai Hospice service -- is on Robertson Blvd. in Beverly Hills, south of 3rd -- and the groups meet in a different building on La Cienega, also south of 3rd. Just to give you an idea already of what part of town she is in herself. She may know of a place closer to you, but I also know I can vouch for her as a wonderful counselor. But you need something that is convenient enough that you don't have extra problems just because of distance. I realize if you come over the mountain, like on Laurel Canyon, it's probably not too far for you, but still, that would be your decision to make.)

I hope this sounds good to you. I truly think it would be better, as I'm sure there is a strong element of your loss of su madre that is intensifying your stress.

sending you abrazos y besos,

> Just here to say hi to everyone. Cher you scare me your post looked like if you were saying good bye and I said nooooo you can not go now that I finally found someone like you, hopefuly you will be able to keep typing a little everyday? It makes us all feel better when you are here.
> Mercedes, Kim, Zinya, sorry I was reading the posts whenever I had a chance and I don't know if I missed something, yesterday was not one of my best days with a headache all day and my heart pounding like crazy even though I took my Xanex every 5 hours. I don't even know how I did all the things I did. I think I will make an appointment with the only Dr. I know, the one that last time didn't want to give me more Xanex, but I just have like 2 more pills left. =(
> I will see if he can referral (sorry my speling)
> to a Psiquiatry or to a County Hospital,because they don't give me attention there unless I am referred or in emergencies. I will tell you later.
> Hugs, Susy


Effexor XR for menopause?

Posted by rdeoldy2 on July 17, 2003, at 19:14:24

In reply to whats everyone paying for Effexor XR, posted by redman on July 15, 2003, at 20:08:56

This is my 4th day on Effexor, 75mg. I am not depressed, but had a hysterectomy when I was 24 and have really bad hot flashes from it. I was on Celexa for the hot flashes, but it stopped working so I was switched to Effexor. I was wondering if anyone else is taking it for his reason?



Re: Nyia , Susy, book et. al. » CherC68

Posted by zinya on July 17, 2003, at 20:11:06

In reply to Re: Nyia , Susy, book et. al., posted by CherC68 on July 17, 2003, at 17:49:26

Gosh, what interesting remedies!

but you missed the news we're waiting for: What did the doctor say about your hands? What's your news, kiddo?

In any event, you've gotten through a big day, and i hope you're feeling good about that.

(I on the other hand had my car fail to work and wound up sweating so bad just trying to get it to start -- this sweating business on Effexor is really a pain sometimes -- that when success wasn't coming, i just went back in, got out of clothes asap and canceled both of the day's errands, collapsed in zero energy and some considerable sense of frustration. not a day to feel very productive about, i dare say)



thinking about effexor - need advice

Posted by bori on July 17, 2003, at 21:02:21

In reply to seizure-like jolt on effexor?, posted by bookgurl99 on July 16, 2003, at 8:28:27


I am new to this site. I have been having increasing symptoms of anxiety and some OCD like (though not clinical level) symptoms. I also have a history of eating and body image issues. A few years ago I was on prozac and did well on it. My therapist suggested maybe trying it again. However, I also have a vulvar pain issue and some people are taking Effexor XR for that (I guess the part that works on the neuroepinephrine helps with chronic pain). So, I was thinking that if I tried Effexor it might possibly hit two birds with one stone. However, I have heard a lot on this site and my other one about strong side effects on effexor. I didn't have any when on prozac and so am wary to try effexor where prozac worked without all these side effects. Yet, as I said, Effexor could help with pain, and Prozac wouldn't. So, if my anxiety is not severe and it won't necessarily help with the pain, is it worth the risk of all the side effects? Any and all advice is really appreciated.



Re: Effexor XR for menopause? » rdeoldy2

Posted by mercedes on July 18, 2003, at 2:42:26

In reply to Effexor XR for menopause?, posted by rdeoldy2 on July 17, 2003, at 19:14:24

Hi Christie
Never heard of effexor being prescribed for hot flashes but it may be. Anyway, I was curious because I too had a hysterectomy about 6 years ago and took premarin for about 4 yrs then stopped it altogether when the hot flashes stopped and when the news came out that premarin may be linked to cancer, etc. etc.

So I pulled out the information that comes with my effexor xr. I order my meds from Medcohealth (mail order) and this is what it says about the use of effexor xr caps, first of all it says the standard drug name is venlafaxine but the prescription name is Effexor XR. (The last paragraph may apply to you, I don't know.) Here goes:

"What is Venlafaxine?
Venlafaxine is an antidepressant medication. It affects chemicals in your brain that may become unbalanced and cause depression.

Venlafaxine is used to releive symptoms of depression such as feelings of sadness, worthlessness, or guilt; loss of interest in daily activities; changes in appetite; tiredness; sleeping too much; insomnia; and thoughts of death or suicide. Venlafaxine is also used to releive symtoms of generalized anxiety disorder.

Venlafaxine may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide."

It might be a good idea to do more research on it. If I have time, I'll look it up. OH, the one thing I wanted to mention is that one of the side effects of effexor is 'sweating'. I think alot of us have the sweating SE. Hot flashes and sweating...Yiks! Whatever you do, don't stop taking it until you consult your Dr. Good Luck and let's see of anyone else comments.
> This is my 4th day on Effexor, 75mg. I am not depressed, but had a hysterectomy when I was 24 and have really bad hot flashes from it. I was on Celexa for the hot flashes, but it stopped working so I was switched to Effexor. I was wondering if anyone else is taking it for his reason?
> Christie


Re: thinking about effexor - need advice

Posted by willie on July 18, 2003, at 7:10:19

In reply to thinking about effexor - need advice, posted by bori on July 17, 2003, at 21:02:21

>Hi Bori. Although there are side effects to Effexor, I would suggest trying it. I also suffer from OCD. Like you, not to the point where I'd need clinical treatment. The only real side effect I can remember when I began taking it is the lack of sexual sensation. I wanted sex but my body seemed "numb" to touch so it very frustrating for a while. Even through that period I felt so good emotionally that I was prepared to live with that side effect. Fortunately, it went away after being on the drug for aprox. 5 weeks.
I must admit that I still find myself doing some OCD like checking and re-checking my credit cards but I don't get out of bed to re-check that I've locked the door anymore. I was to the point where I would basically body-check my door to ensure it was locked.
I've never been on any other Anti-depressants so unfortunately I have nothing to compare Effexor to. I just know that it has enhanced my life.

> I am new to this site. I have been having increasing symptoms of anxiety and some OCD like (though not clinical level) symptoms. I also have a history of eating and body image issues. A few years ago I was on prozac and did well on it. My therapist suggested maybe trying it again. However, I also have a vulvar pain issue and some people are taking Effexor XR for that (I guess the part that works on the neuroepinephrine helps with chronic pain). So, I was thinking that if I tried Effexor it might possibly hit two birds with one stone. However, I have heard a lot on this site and my other one about strong side effects on effexor. I didn't have any when on prozac and so am wary to try effexor where prozac worked without all these side effects. Yet, as I said, Effexor could help with pain, and Prozac wouldn't. So, if my anxiety is not severe and it won't necessarily help with the pain, is it worth the risk of all the side effects? Any and all advice is really appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Bori


Re: thinking about effexor - need advice » bori

Posted by KimberlyDi on July 18, 2003, at 8:39:12

In reply to thinking about effexor - need advice, posted by bori on July 17, 2003, at 21:02:21

Welcome to Psycho-Babble!
Effexor was a lifesaver for me. Bottom line, if it works for you, the side effects (SE's) are more than worth it. If Effexor doesn't work, then the SE's aren't worth it. Sure, I'm worried about withdrawal when I finally stop taking it. But at this moment, I have no plan to stop. I'm finally living life free of constant anxiety and overwhelming stress. That's a blessing. The chronic pain issue, I can't help you on that. But others can.
Good luck!
KDi in Texas

> Hi,
> I am new to this site. I have been having increasing symptoms of anxiety and some OCD like (though not clinical level) symptoms. I also have a history of eating and body image issues. A few years ago I was on prozac and did well on it. My therapist suggested maybe trying it again. However, I also have a vulvar pain issue and some people are taking Effexor XR for that (I guess the part that works on the neuroepinephrine helps with chronic pain). So, I was thinking that if I tried Effexor it might possibly hit two birds with one stone. However, I have heard a lot on this site and my other one about strong side effects on effexor. I didn't have any when on prozac and so am wary to try effexor where prozac worked without all these side effects. Yet, as I said, Effexor could help with pain, and Prozac wouldn't. So, if my anxiety is not severe and it won't necessarily help with the pain, is it worth the risk of all the side effects? Any and all advice is really appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Bori


Re: to Suzy, personal, re local referral

Posted by Susy on July 18, 2003, at 10:09:11

In reply to to Suzy, personal, re local referral » Susy, posted by zinya on July 17, 2003, at 18:26:45

Zinya, you have to be from another planet!!! I don't recall anyone helping me in a long, long, time, thanks a lot for all the work you took to find me this Mrs. Paula, I will call her, I can drive to Beverly Hills and see some handsome guys over there =)(just kidding)
This is just for grieving you said? I should not mention anything about my anxiety and panic attacks? Just to be sure and don't make mistakes.
By the way I'll will try to see if this Dr is consulting today, I tell you guys later how everything went.
***Thanks again Zinya*****
Hugs, Susy


Re: to Suzy, personal, re local referral » Susy

Posted by zinya on July 18, 2003, at 15:37:03

In reply to Re: to Suzy, personal, re local referral, posted by Susy on July 18, 2003, at 10:09:11


By all means, you should give her a full picture of your situation, anxiety etc. included. She needs to have as complete an idea as possible of what you are going through. But her specific role is as a bereavement counselor for those grieving. For everyone who is grieving, there is always a unique set of symptoms and additional factors, so she is used to knowing about depression and anxiety and stress (For example, she was more familiar with Effexor than I was because she'd worked with other people who had taken it) and I hope will be able to help you get some new ideas on how to see what role the grieving itself might be playing in your total stresses, plus she may have some connections of people to direct you too in terms of someone like a pdoc who can also prescribe medicine (which of course she can't do)...

Let her know about the panic attacks and anything you can about what seems to bring them on, etc.

Of course, until you talk with her, it's hard to know just how much help this will be, but i'm glad to know you are receptive to the idea and I will be rooting for it to be a good source for you and she has been for me as well.

She may encourage you to come to a group meeting with others going through bereavement and I have found that to be very helpful too -- just as we help each other here in, at very least, realizing that we are not alone in what we are experiencing...

wishing you good luck with this, Suzy!


> Zinya, you have to be from another planet!!! I don't recall anyone helping me in a long, long, time, thanks a lot for all the work you took to find me this Mrs. Paula, I will call her, I can drive to Beverly Hills and see some handsome guys over there =)(just kidding)
> This is just for grieving you said? I should not mention anything about my anxiety and panic attacks? Just to be sure and don't make mistakes.
> By the way I'll will try to see if this Dr is consulting today, I tell you guys later how everything went.
> ***Thanks again Zinya*****
> Hugs, Susy


Re: Effexor XR for menopause? » rdeoldy2

Posted by zinya on July 18, 2003, at 15:49:18

In reply to Effexor XR for menopause?, posted by rdeoldy2 on July 17, 2003, at 19:14:24

Hi Christie,

I wasn't sure whether to say this or not, cuz i really know nothing about the various uses Effexor might be for that i'm ignorant of, but I must say i reacted a lot like Mercedes did to your post. Because I am right now at 100 mg of Effexor (my fifth level of increase, taking it much more slowly than 'normal') but at each stage and again now, my single biggest side effect at each stage has been inordinate sweating and feeling heat in ways i haven't before in my life, i thought "yikes! this would seem to make menopausal symptoms worse not better!"

However, I hasten to add that we've all learned this drug affects each of us differently and often in opposite ways (makes one sleepy, the other insomniac, etc.). So it's possible that it could also have an opposite effect on someone who's already experiencing hot flashes. Who knows. One would *hope* your doctor would know enough to only have prescribed it based on such knowledge. But we also know there are a lot of careless doctors who just don't know enough or think things through enough, so i too would urge you to find out more, talk to your pharmacist, talk again to your doctor, etc.

But also if you do go off, make sure even at low dosage, that you go off very slowly. Some people go off from the lowest level (37.5) by taking one every other day for a while. Others of us open up a capsule and divide granules as a way of tapering up or down, so you could do that with 75 mg capsules too, but do NOT stop taking 75 mg cold turkey if you do quit.

good luck! and let us know how it goes and what you learn more about this,


> This is my 4th day on Effexor, 75mg. I am not depressed, but had a hysterectomy when I was 24 and have really bad hot flashes from it. I was on Celexa for the hot flashes, but it stopped working so I was switched to Effexor. I was wondering if anyone else is taking it for his reason?
> Christie


Re: Effexor XR for menopause? » mercedes

Posted by zinya on July 18, 2003, at 15:58:13

In reply to Re: Effexor XR for menopause? » rdeoldy2, posted by mercedes on July 18, 2003, at 2:42:26

hi Mercedes,

i just responded to Christie in much the same vein you did...

but your post to her raised a question: You mention you get your Effexor via Medcohealth by mail order?

Where are they located? how much do you pay ?

Also, as a side note, i meant to add to Christie, just a curiosity of sorts, since she mentioned Celexa -- which I tried once about 3 yrs ago but i had too much nausea and headaches to last more than about 10 days on it and had to quit -- but I just saw a report the other night that somebody is now prescribing Celexa for those obsessed with shopping and who rack up bills they can't afford (which is a classic sign of manic behavior) and allegedly it has helped a number of such obsessed shoppers to stop feeling such urges almost on a dime (though it didn't work for all of them).

Which, assuming this is really true which it seemed to be, just confounds knowledge of these a-d drugs even more. A drug for depression, you'd think, wouldn't help someone with an essentially manic symptom, but if it does, then that's even MORE dramatic evidence that a drug like this is totally individual in its effect. Unless the notion is simply that it regulates -- so that a person whose system is off in one direction gets help but also someone who's off in the other direction.

But then that starts to sound like what a bipolar med should do. So basically i find this rather confusing. Oh my. :)) [sigh]

I've had a rough week of zero energy, much sweating, car problems and thus failed appts. so maybe it's just this week that makes this seem like too much confusing 'data'! :)

hugs to you and all,


Re: Is there anyone else who is only taking 37.5? » willie

Posted by zinya on July 18, 2003, at 16:20:00

In reply to Re: Is there anyone else who is only taking 37.5? , posted by willie on July 17, 2003, at 18:26:13

hi Willie,

i think there was someone else who posted here just a few days ago who was just starting though but had a 60 day prescription at just the 37.5 mg level so presumably his doc is also having him (i apologize for forgetting his name but you could scroll back and maybe find it from the header -- he was asking about cost of prescription -- I think it was a "he")

Since it sounds like you've had a sense of real benefit from the 37.5 level, maybe your doc feels it's a good balance for you of benefit without too much side effect. Did you ever have much in terms of other side efffects at the beginning (besides the weight gain)?

You should know that you're not the only one to experience weight gain. This drug has opposite effects on different people so some have lost weight but i think it's fair to say that more have written to say they've gained weight (of course, this isn't a representative sample of all users) and some have had no weight effect.

For myself, I think i must be on the weight gain side, but it's manifested differently: My appetite has dropped and the amount i'm now eating would normally mean i would be losing weight (i had gained 10 pounds over my norm last fall during a period of grieving and depression prior to starting Effexor, which i only finally did in late May). But nothing has allowed me to lose those 10 pounds, occasionally 3 pounds down but then back again. Since starting Effexor though, i'm eating much less, drinking more water, yet my weight has stayed constant at that new higher level. And i'm a little concerned about it too, but for now i'm taking it in stride.

It could be that your doc is keeping you at 37.5 if you're having success with the level and not wanting you to have more side effects. I think you should make sure your doc realizes that some people DO experience weight gain on Effexor which is not explainable by anything else.

Should you decide ever to quit, i don't think you should be too alarmed about side effects although it seems you MUST still taper off, which you could do by taking one every other day, then every third day, or by opening up capsules and dividing granules to take less and less each day.

good luck!

> Well, I've been observing this website for quite some time now and finally got up the nerve to take part. I've been on Effexor for aprox. 8 months now. I started off at the 37.5 and my doctor has kept me at that dosage. I'm being treated for anxiety primarily although I do have a history of depression.
> Since I've been on this drug I've gained 12 pounds. This weight gain is actually what lead me to discover this site. Although not mentioned as one of the side effects of this drug I could not understand why I put this weight on so quickly and could not take it off. I had been to Weight Watchers 3 years ago and have successfully been able to remain at my target weight until I starting taking Effexor. I've also been getting bruises, some as large as a tennis ball which I can't explain. They look painful but aren't. Has anyone else experienced this??
> I have approached my doctor with these concerns but he atributes the weight gain to my "relaxed behaviour" from this drug. As for the bruises, he said he didn't feel there was any connection but if I develop any more that he'll run bloodwork.
> To be honest with you all, I'm terrified of the withdrawal symptoms people are having on this drug. Has anyone had serious withdrawal from the 37.5 dosage?
> I'm not even sure if I'll ever come off this drug to be honest. My life was a prison prior to Effexor. I was basically scared of everything and I believe I was on the path to becoming agoraphobic.
> I sympathize with the woman who drove to see her grandchild. Until recently I could only drive myself to and from work. Anywhere else would put me into an anxiety attack.
> Anyway, I just wanted to let you all that it was nice to discover people who are going through similar experiences and that there is information and support available.
> Willie


Re: thinking about effexor - need advice » bori

Posted by zinya on July 18, 2003, at 16:35:36

In reply to thinking about effexor - need advice, posted by bori on July 17, 2003, at 21:02:21

hi Bori,

an intriguing name!

I had essentially the same reaction as you when i first found this site, the night before i was planning last November to start on Effexor. The side effects i heard described made me very wary and i decided to at least wait. I tried a zillion other things (not drugs - i'd already tried several a-d's without help or with bad side effects i oculdn't tolerate).

Like you, the reason for Effexor for me is the added norepinephrine (adrenal system) effects since i have a pretty depleted adrenal system and also deal with chronic pain.

I finally decided after a few more months of getting nowhere and realizing it was more than just grieving (i lost my mom last year, who i'd bought a house for to live with me and the loss was profound) and i started the Effexor in late May.

I decided to take it really really slowing, even dividing capsules to start at half the usual dosage - 19 mg, then 37.5, then 56, then 75, and now up to 100, after what? i guess 7 weeks ...

I have had some side effects but so far they've been tolerable. I've felt some good benefits although i'm still waiting for "the biggie" in terms of the norepenephrine side. They say that that only kicks in at levels of 150 mg and higher, although i'm guessing that varies by individual like everything else.

What you need to know most of all is that there is absolutely NO WAY of knowing how your body is going to react until and unless you try it. More than any drug perhaps (but apparently like almost all a-d's) every person has a different reaction (Effexor makes some sleepy, some unable to sleep, some gain weight, other lose, etc. etc.)

I'm glad I am trying it. If anything at this point, i wish i'd started sooner. But i still don't know what the final upshot will be. Part of me wants to get to 150 mg level fast, but the bigger part wants to make sure i don't have a bad reaction i can't handle. It is a potent drug. And i decided to take it very very slowly so my body adjusts the best possible.

I don't want to either encourage or discourage you. It's kind of a gut thing, i think. And for me, my gut instinct at first said wait, but finally it said to start. But the only thing i can say is that the horror stories of some side effects here are not everyone's experience, only some people's, and it seems impossible to predict which effects you would have.

good luck and keep us informed what you decide!


> Hi,
> I am new to this site. I have been having increasing symptoms of anxiety and some OCD like (though not clinical level) symptoms. I also have a history of eating and body image issues. A few years ago I was on prozac and did well on it. My therapist suggested maybe trying it again. However, I also have a vulvar pain issue and some people are taking Effexor XR for that (I guess the part that works on the neuroepinephrine helps with chronic pain). So, I was thinking that if I tried Effexor it might possibly hit two birds with one stone. However, I have heard a lot on this site and my other one about strong side effects on effexor. I didn't have any when on prozac and so am wary to try effexor where prozac worked without all these side effects. Yet, as I said, Effexor could help with pain, and Prozac wouldn't. So, if my anxiety is not severe and it won't necessarily help with the pain, is it worth the risk of all the side effects? Any and all advice is really appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Bori


Re: thinking about effexor - need advice

Posted by Bridget on July 18, 2003, at 16:47:18

In reply to Re: thinking about effexor - need advice » bori, posted by zinya on July 18, 2003, at 16:35:36

My doctor upped me to 150mg. I have six more days of 75mg though. What do you mean by the "biggie" change.

Now I am scared. Will I notice more side effects when the 150 begins? I am doing so well right now. Slept like a baby last night. Need some insight here...HELP!!1


Re: thinking about effexor - need advice

Posted by Yankeegirl on July 18, 2003, at 17:29:38

In reply to thinking about effexor - need advice, posted by bori on July 17, 2003, at 21:02:21

> Hi,
> I am new to this site. I have been having increasing symptoms of anxiety and some OCD like (though not clinical level) symptoms. I also have a history of eating and body image issues. A few years ago I was on prozac and did well on it. My therapist suggested maybe trying it again. However, I also have a vulvar pain issue and some people are taking Effexor XR for that (I guess the part that works on the neuroepinephrine helps with chronic pain). So, I was thinking that if I tried Effexor it might possibly hit two birds with one stone. However, I have heard a lot on this site and my other one about strong side effects on effexor. I didn't have any when on prozac and so am wary to try effexor where prozac worked without all these side effects. Yet, as I said, Effexor could help with pain, and Prozac wouldn't. So, if my anxiety is not severe and it won't necessarily help with the pain, is it worth the risk of all the side effects? Any and all advice is really appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Bori

Hi Bori, I have been on Effexor for 3 weeks and have had no bad side effects at all. A very good side effect has been that I wake up in the morning wide awake; before Effexor I never felt any energy until 3pm. I take Eff for general anxiety and depression - first wk at 37, 2 wks at 75, today I started 75 + 37, although I probably would have been fine going up to 150.

Many people on this site have had problems with Prozac and you say you did not. That may make you more likely to be fine w/Effexor too.

I do not think you should let these posts keep you from trying effexor. I'm assuming that mostly people with side effect problems are going on the internet for info - people like me who are fine with it have less of a reason to be here. I've have read hundreds of posts here for the last 3 weeks, and I think it all boils down to:

1 Everybody has a different reaction to every drug. Many have minor side effects with effexor at first, but they are bearable compared to the depression or anxiety, and they go away as you get used to each dose level.
2 You have to increase effexor doses gradually.
3 If you miss a dose, you will probably have bad side effects within a few hours.
4 When going off effexor, you have to even-more-gradually reduce the dose level over several weeks time.



Re: thinking about effexor - need advice » Bridget

Posted by zinya on July 18, 2003, at 17:55:52

In reply to Re: thinking about effexor - need advice, posted by Bridget on July 18, 2003, at 16:47:56


Please don't be alarmed. I put "biggie" in quotes cuz i don't know whether it will be that much either and surely varies for each of us. One woman here did recently say that during her first two weeks at 150, she had a hyper-energy level and suddenly became a very huggy, touchy-feely person with everyone in her life in a way she'd never been, but that it calmed down. What they SAY is that the Effexor works only on the serotonin system (SSRI) like prozac etc., up until 150 mg and then, for some reason, at that level, it starts to impact the adrenal system (via norepinephrine) as well and gives energy boosting -- which is what i personally am craving. I still have zero energy almost chronically. But the more i understand this drug, the more i'm sure that even that must be different for each individual as to at what level and how the secondary effects would be experienced.

Let us know what happens for you, okay? It should be mostly a good thing, I would think, especially if you haven't had problems at previous dosage levels.

good luck!


effexor, then wellbutrin, now nothing

Posted by melley on July 18, 2003, at 18:24:37

In reply to Re: thinking about effexor - need advice » Bridget, posted by zinya on July 18, 2003, at 17:55:52

I went off of effexor after experiencing side effects I couldn't take. So weaned off of that and at the same time started wellbutrin. I loved wellbutrin. Didn't feel medicated at all, just felt better. However, I have been experiencing joint pain and itching (my lower legs). The dr thinks it might be an allergic reaction (serum sickness). So after tomorrow I will be off everything (started decreasing wed. Then after two weeks they will do a bloodtest and see if it is normal. Had an abnormal one (indicating rheumatoid stuff and inflamation). So I gather this is called a "washout." I am kind of nervous. Well very. At the thought of being on nothing. Any other meds people have tried that they have liked. If I make it through this month alive.



Re: Effexor XR for menopause?

Posted by Susy on July 18, 2003, at 19:16:39

In reply to Re: Effexor XR for menopause? » mercedes, posted by zinya on July 18, 2003, at 15:58:13

Hi Zinya, I do understand your point, I didn't tell you guys before but, my mother had diabetes, arteroescheloris, and high blood pressure, when the sugar was too low and the blood pressure too high she used to have bi-polar disorder episodes. Now, note, that this bi-polar term, is new. Back 8 or 10 years ago, they use to call it. Maniac-Depression, which is very different to the Sadness-Fatigue-Anxiety-Depression.
I remember that during this episodes, she didn't sleep for 3 or 4 days and she was always doing and talking a lot of different things at the same time. Now, I don't recall if she was taking something for these symptons. But I do remember that she didn't suffer that everyday, just two or three times per year, the last time I recall her having some of this Maniac-Depression period, the Doctors had to tied her =( .
Well, that is very sad for me to remember, just trying to see if clears up your confussion about what are this AD's used for.
P.S.Thanks a lot about Paula, I will call her next week. Promise. And I'll let you know.
Hugs, Susy


Re: Dentist the shakes

Posted by Yankeegirl on July 18, 2003, at 20:17:43

In reply to Re: Dentist the shakes » KimberlyDi, posted by mercedes on July 16, 2003, at 17:39:48

> Kim, I had a similar reaction last year at the dentist. No laughing gas though, I was going straight for the needle. Anyway, I've always enjoyed the dentist, at times falling asleep while they so thier thing. Anyway, this one time I went, I was on Depakote at the time and with Depakote, you have to tell the dentist you are taking this med. Anyway, he shot me and in 2 seconds, the left side of my body was shaking uncontrolably (gosh, wish they had spell check on here). Anyway, I think my eyes got as big as golf balls. The dentist asked if I was ok. Yea right! I just kept shaking, my hand, arm, leg, not trembling, I was shaking about 10 inches up, down & sideways..I thought I was going to die for sure.
> This shaking lasted what seemed to be about 5 min. He kept telling me to breath, easy for him to say. He told me it was a reaction to the novocain and the nerve he hit with the needle. My next visit, I was so scared, but nothing happened. I took my nap as usual.
> Pls keep sharing your stories. They are not boring at all. Luv to hear them.
> Mercedes in CA
> **********************
> Let me bore your ears with my ordeal today. The DENTIST. da da da dummmm. I have a phobia of dentists that I *thought* I had overcome... getting to the point of needing only laughing gas. There I was in the waiting room (they were behind schedule as usual), getting more agitated by the minute. When they gave me the laughing gas, it wasn't helping. By the time he gave me the shots of novacain, I was shaking, my heart was racing, and I could hardly breathe. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. It was awful because I couldn't control my body's panicked reaction. I couldn't even take deep slow breathes because I couldn't exhale correctly. It was ragged and that alone scared me. I need to talk to my pdoc about alternatives. She won't prescribe benzo's because I'm a non-practicing alcoholic. I survived the ordeal but it has taken me all day to calm down.
> Chin-up. There will always be trials and tribulations. Everyday presents new hurdles. We're here for ya! {{{{{hugs}}}}}}}
> KDi in Texas

Hi, I was so glad to see the posts from KimberlyDi and Mercedes about the dentist. I had my only-ever panic attack in the dentist chair after having a crown. The panic progressed over the next 8 years to where I can't even bear the sound of the drill anymore. I have found a wonderful office finally where they understand that the attack was like a body memory of some traumatic surgery I had at 4 years old. I had gas at my consultation and it was great. I was going to have gas again on Monday when they do a crown, but I am afraid of what will happen if I hear the drill in another room, even if I am on gas. IV sedation sounds so much more serious, though. Can anybody share what they did and how IV sedation worked for them? Thanks so much. Yankeegirl



Posted by tmgirl on July 19, 2003, at 0:17:48

In reply to Re: thinking about effexor - need advice » bori, posted by zinya on July 18, 2003, at 16:35:36

hi....I too am thinking of being on effexor. I have alreadt started and now on day 4 at 37.5 and going to 75 in a few days. This is a little scarey for me because of all these post and to me I did not think I needed something of this kind of strength. I have "off days" and gripe at my kids and hubby alot, my self asteem has been shot because all the weight I have gained. My husband looks and lives like a 20 yr old. I say that because he plays sports and hangs out at church with all the teens. He is a youth minister and acts just like a kid. Besides all that he keeps a very active life, basketball, fishing, hunting, football....he stays busy all times of the year and me well....I feel like I am 60. Im ony 31 and I am the one who stays with the kids, keeps the house cleaned, clothes washed, homework & projects with kids for school, care for the bills and make dinner. I feel like I gave up my life years ago for my family and I would love to get intrested in something and start living like my husband is. Now with all that said....does it sound like to you that I need this? I am scared of the going off effects but I really do want to be happier than what I am. I do feel very blessed and love my role as mother/wife but just wish I felt like doing more and not being so ill with my family all the time. PLEASE advise!



Posted by sierra1 on July 19, 2003, at 0:33:05

In reply to PLEASE GIVE ADVICE, posted by tmgirl on July 19, 2003, at 0:17:48

to tm....e-mail me


Re: to Suzy, personal, re local referral

Posted by Susy on July 19, 2003, at 0:44:40

In reply to Re: to Suzy, personal, re local referral » Susy, posted by zinya on July 18, 2003, at 15:37:03

Hi Zinya, I am a little tired, it is late already but I couldn't wait no more to tell you.
Today I paid for an hour with a psychologist, (she couldn't give me any medicine) but it was a big relief to tell her everything, about my mother, about my ex, about the neihgbor I have, you remember I told you I was manager here but she always complained, and the owner is on her side and now she is the manager and she always maltreat my children? Well, I told this Dr. everything!
She told me two things new for me, first she told me that what I have is Post Traumatic Panic Disorder, (?) and then she told me that what this neighbor has been doing to me has a name, and it is Mobbing (?) I never knew about this thing before. But you seem to know about everything Zinya, she said something about moral harrasment and that is why I am suffering this Post Traumatic thing, among the other things, of course.
Well, if you know something about Mobbing, (because this word is new for me) please let me know.

Hugs, Susy

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