Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Have I got too many side-effects? » Rickp

Posted by jyl on October 23, 2002, at 8:00:58

In reply to Re: Have I got too many side-effects?, posted by Rickp on October 22, 2002, at 21:32:41

its strange that many people do not feel
being talented in the arts-is not a gift.
rather something that makes the person very odd.


Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME! » dde

Posted by jannbeau on October 23, 2002, at 11:50:17

In reply to Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!, posted by dde on October 22, 2002, at 18:54:37

> Oh, Dear God, DDE! I am so very sorry to hear of the death of your son. Please accept my condolences and those of others who come to PB.

Thank you for your warning! A ten-year old given 225 mg of Effexor?????? for a condition for which the drug has not been approved?????--I am incensed by this horrible tragedy, although I'm sure you know that FDA rules and regulations do NOT prohibit what is known as "off-label" prescribing.

God Bless You. I know that you are suffering horribly! Please do NOT blame yourself for this terrible event. You trusted your son's physician to act responsibly and to know what he/she was doing! It appears this may not have been the case!

Have you considered hiring an attorney to represent your family in this matter? Because of our laws and because the medical community does NOT adequately police itself (I am NOT an attorney. I am married to a doctor, my aughter is a doctor, and I have chronic health problems for which I see several doctors, so I am NOT anti-physician; au contraire, I depend upon them for my very life--as did you), the only way we have to protect ourselves from unscrupulous, negligent, or just plain stupid physicians is through lawsuits.

Again, I am so sorry!

For the others who read this board--take care and listen to this cautionary tale!


My 10 year old son was prescribed Effexor XR for ADHD. 37.5 mg to 225 mg in less than 3 weeks. IT HAS NEVER BEEN APPROVED FOR THAT CONDITION, PER FDA. He committed suicide on August 13th. BE VERY CAUTIOUS. de


Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!

Posted by dde on October 23, 2002, at 12:58:09

In reply to Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME! » dde, posted by Ritch on October 22, 2002, at 22:11:43

Yes, I do think he was misdiagnosed and was more than likely bi-polar. That being the case, Effexor XR would definitely not have been the correct medication as it doesn't address the mania, only depression. Most of his ADHD symptoms are similar to those of mania. The day we buried him there was an article in Newsweek (August 19) about bi-polar and a checklist. It said if the child met 20 of the 40 symptoms, he would be considered bi-polar. My son met 37 of the 40. As for previous medications, he had been on Adderall, which helped immensely for the ADHD "symptoms"....he was able to concentrate, was less agressive, etc. The problem with it was that he lost a lot of weight when his father failed to feed him before administering the meds. He was changed to Concerta LA because of the weight issue. He did miserably on it. So this summer I asked that he be put back on Adderall and that depression be addressed as well. I feel like such a fool, but how is a person to know? In any case, the Psych put him on Adderall XR and Effexor XR to begin with. Symptoms....he didn't sleep, literally, for 6 days, looked like a zombie, was unable to think, was agressive/latent at times, his sleep paterns changed incredibly, he complained of headaches, of his brain rolling around in his head, of being light headed, stomach aches, sore throat, trouble breathing. I finally took him off the Adderall XR and put him back on the normal Adderall. He slept better, but the other symptoms were still there. The nurse practitioner that he saw for followups said it was just his body trying to get used to the meds and bumped up the dosage! Sorry for the book. And thank you for inquiring. de


Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!

Posted by dde on October 23, 2002, at 13:06:06

In reply to Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME! » dde, posted by jannbeau on October 23, 2002, at 11:50:17

Thank you for your kind words, Jannbeau. Yes, I have consulted with an attorney...I am a paralegal, so it was the first thing I did to comfort myself....what I know how to do. To add to this story, my little guy was seen only once by the psychiatrist at this clinic. The med checks were performed by a nurse. That in itself set off bells. Add to it that the doctor spent, literally, less than 10 minutes with him in the initial visit and well, need I say more?

I am just really concerned that this drug is being prescribed, possibly for the wrong diagnosis and hope that my warning will cause people to think about the symptoms and effects and weigh if it really worth it to take it. I mean, if the meds make you feel worse and give you other undesirable side effects, they aren't the right drug for the diagnosis or the diagnosis is wrong altogether.


Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!

Posted by slowhand on October 23, 2002, at 21:58:10

In reply to Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!, posted by dde on October 23, 2002, at 12:58:09

My doc just suggested this medicine to help me out of a rut , death of my mom and loss of a job just an awful time...i took it for 2 days and felt absolutely awful....dizzy, double vision...very nauseous...and very, very, cold...couldn,t stop shaking. Couldn,t recall things that happened 5 minutes ago without serious concentration. After 2 days thought i needed research... i found this site and with all the info about withdrawl and side affects and altered personality i figured thats enough for me...I,m not taking a chance with it. My Doctor said only side affect could be possible constipation...why aren,t Doctors more informed.
Thank god, for information sites like this where you get real feedback. Good luck to you all.
I,m off to see if my head can stop spinning...
Thank-you all for the eye opener..


Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME! » dde

Posted by Ritch on October 23, 2002, at 23:05:36

In reply to Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!, posted by dde on October 23, 2002, at 12:58:09

> Yes, I do think he was misdiagnosed and was more than likely bi-polar. That being the case, Effexor XR would definitely not have been the correct medication as it doesn't address the mania, only depression. Most of his ADHD symptoms are similar to those of mania. The day we buried him there was an article in Newsweek (August 19) about bi-polar and a checklist. It said if the child met 20 of the 40 symptoms, he would be considered bi-polar. My son met 37 of the 40. As for previous medications, he had been on Adderall, which helped immensely for the ADHD "symptoms"....he was able to concentrate, was less agressive, etc. The problem with it was that he lost a lot of weight when his father failed to feed him before administering the meds. He was changed to Concerta LA because of the weight issue. He did miserably on it. So this summer I asked that he be put back on Adderall and that depression be addressed as well. I feel like such a fool, but how is a person to know? In any case, the Psych put him on Adderall XR and Effexor XR to begin with. Symptoms....he didn't sleep, literally, for 6 days, looked like a zombie, was unable to think, was agressive/latent at times, his sleep paterns changed incredibly, he complained of headaches, of his brain rolling around in his head, of being light headed, stomach aches, sore throat, trouble breathing. I finally took him off the Adderall XR and put him back on the normal Adderall. He slept better, but the other symptoms were still there. The nurse practitioner that he saw for followups said it was just his body trying to get used to the meds and bumped up the dosage! Sorry for the book. And thank you for inquiring. de

Thanks, de for that. I have bipolar-II and ADHD. I'm on Depakote for the BP, and I take Ritalin for the ADHD. I also take some Effexor (12.5mg), primarily for anxiety. I am super sensitive to antidepressants. Effexor (and others) in doses that approach anything "typical" cause intense hypomania for me. The max Effexor I have ever taken was 37.5mg and only for a couple of days. Effexor (higher dose) and other SSRI's also tend to cause extreme insomnia with me as well. Stimulants don't disrupt my sleep though. Again I am sorry for what has happened, and thank you for relating your experience.


Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!

Posted by Katia on October 24, 2002, at 1:58:14

In reply to Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!, posted by slowhand on October 23, 2002, at 21:58:10

Hi, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your Mom and your job. It must be incredibly hard for you right now.
In regards to you side effects. A LOT of side effects present themselves in the first month or so and fade away after you body adjusts. Ironically the ONE side effect I'm having from Effexor is CONSTIPATION. And it's pretty bad; almost enough to make me want to go off it and try another AD.
Maybe stick with it for at least a month, while keeping in close contact with your Dr.???
The one thing about chemical treatment with depression is that it takes A LOT OF PATIENCE to find the right fit and to endure the side effects.
good luck

> My doc just suggested this medicine to help me out of a rut , death of my mom and loss of a job just an awful time...i took it for 2 days and felt absolutely awful....dizzy, double vision...very nauseous...and very, very, cold...couldn,t stop shaking. Couldn,t recall things that happened 5 minutes ago without serious concentration. After 2 days thought i needed research... i found this site and with all the info about withdrawl and side affects and altered personality i figured thats enough for me...I,m not taking a chance with it. My Doctor said only side affect could be possible constipation...why aren,t Doctors more informed.
> Thank god, for information sites like this where you get real feedback. Good luck to you all.
> I,m off to see if my head can stop spinning...
> Thank-you all for the eye opener..


Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!

Posted by Mr Cushing on October 24, 2002, at 9:22:16

In reply to Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!, posted by dde on October 23, 2002, at 12:58:09

I am Bi-Polar and when I started taking Effexor XR I was in the middle of a pretty serious manic episode. Effexor XR within 4 weeks managed to pull me completely out of the manic episode and reduced my anxiety to a very mild form of hypomania. With the addition of a mood stabilizer now, I feel great, no more anxiety, every day just seems to be getting better and better.

> Yes, I do think he was misdiagnosed and was more than likely bi-polar. That being the case, Effexor XR would definitely not have been the correct medication as it doesn't address the mania, only depression. Most of his ADHD symptoms are similar to those of mania. The day we buried him there was an article in Newsweek (August 19) about bi-polar and a checklist. It said if the child met 20 of the 40 symptoms, he would be considered bi-polar. My son met 37 of the 40. As for previous medications, he had been on Adderall, which helped immensely for the ADHD "symptoms"....he was able to concentrate, was less agressive, etc. The problem with it was that he lost a lot of weight when his father failed to feed him before administering the meds. He was changed to Concerta LA because of the weight issue. He did miserably on it. So this summer I asked that he be put back on Adderall and that depression be addressed as well. I feel like such a fool, but how is a person to know? In any case, the Psych put him on Adderall XR and Effexor XR to begin with. Symptoms....he didn't sleep, literally, for 6 days, looked like a zombie, was unable to think, was agressive/latent at times, his sleep paterns changed incredibly, he complained of headaches, of his brain rolling around in his head, of being light headed, stomach aches, sore throat, trouble breathing. I finally took him off the Adderall XR and put him back on the normal Adderall. He slept better, but the other symptoms were still there. The nurse practitioner that he saw for followups said it was just his body trying to get used to the meds and bumped up the dosage! Sorry for the book. And thank you for inquiring. de


Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME! » dde

Posted by Dinah on October 24, 2002, at 14:16:07

In reply to Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!, posted by dde on October 23, 2002, at 12:58:09

I am so sorry to hear of your loss.

Effexor can be horrible for some people, especially those on the bipolar spectrum. And anyone taking any antidepressant should take feelings of agitation and increase in suicidal ideation very seriously indeed.

Thanks for sharing your story. Someone reading it may decide to take the symptoms more seriously than they otherwise would have, and be more assertive with their medical professionals.



Re: Can't Think, Brain Dumb, Inspiration Won't Come » LynnPerley

Posted by jannbeau on October 24, 2002, at 18:30:41

In reply to Re: Can't Think, Brain Dumb, Inspiration Won't Come » Ezzy, posted by LynnPerley on October 20, 2002, at 19:00:52

> Hey, Lynn, how about some free lawyer advice??--Just kidding! I stopped taking Effexor because even 37.5 mg made me a zombie and I experienced the same "diddling away" of my time at work! I have hypothyroidism and take thyroxine and Cytomel. Wonder if the rather different metabolic life of brain cells might explain some of the differences in reactions to ADs? Just something to kick around in our spare time (at work??).


The worst symptopm of my depression was the inability to get things accomplished at work (I'm an attorney) and the inability to conentrate. I would not be able to recall accurately how I spent my time all day (which is not good if you bill by the hour!). I agree you should wait until after a critical presentation to start, but give it a try. Remember it often takes several weeks to see the actual benefits from this medication, and you probably will need to play with the time of say you take it. The drowsies became much better after I started taking it in the early to late evening.


Re: Can't Think, Brain Dumb, Inspiration Won't Come

Posted by Ezzy on October 24, 2002, at 21:18:57

In reply to Re: Can't Think, Brain Dumb, Inspiration Won't Come » LynnPerley, posted by jannbeau on October 24, 2002, at 18:30:41

Well, it's day three on 37.5 Effexor, and except for a dry mouth and feeling a bit stoned, I'm not experiencing anything I can really complain about. I don't know if such a low dose will shift depression or anxiety, but I will find out soon enough. In the meantime, I'm trying to take in lots of fibre and water so that I can avoid the constipation that so many people seem to encounter. Thanks for all the info and feed back. ~Ezzy


Effexor; came and went

Posted by Paul 1952 on October 25, 2002, at 23:28:07

In reply to Re: Can't Think, Brain Dumb, Inspiration Won't Come, posted by Ezzy on October 24, 2002, at 21:18:57

Hi- It's gratifying to me to see so many people sharing on these boards. Effexor is new enough- and still enough of an "unknown"- that it's helpful to be able to share information and experiences. My own experience with it has been different than most persons', and maybe the following will help someone:

I was prescribed Effexor not to treat depression or anxiety, but to treat the symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). I had acquired IBS after a serious case of food poisoning which sent me to the hospital. I suffered chronic and debilitating abdominal pains for seven months after the bout of food poisoning, and it wasn't until I began taking Effexor that the pains started to diminish.

My MD said that Effexor- intended, as it is, to "balance" seratonin levels- is in some ways an ideal treatment for stomach problems, because most of the body's seratonin resides in the stomach. My IBS was the result of the confusion of my digestive system's own separate "nervous system" (which was caused by the trauma of the food poisoning), and only a resetting of the seratonin level would allow my digestive system to return to normal functioning. That it did.

After about 20 months of Effexor, wherein I was taking 150mg/day, I finally weaned myself off of it. I backed off to 75mg for several weeks, then 37.5 for several days (probably not long enough, in retrospect), and as of today it's been 7 days since my last dose.

It worked minor miracles for me. Granted, my situation was different and I wasn't taking it specifically to treat classic depression symptoms, but nevertheless it seems to have pretty well fixed my problem.

I did experience some difficulty when I first began taking Effexor. In fact, it made me so dizzy that I abandoned the effort altogether. It was only when my stomach persuaded me that I needed to try something that I made another attempt, and then I found that the initial difficulties subsided fairly quickly.

Getting off the meds was a minor adventure, although had I consulted these boards at the time I would have been better prepared for what my body was going to go through. I experienced a severe bout of melancholy that lasted about 12 hours, I found myself highly irritable, I experienced a day or so of flu-like body aches, and I experienced a worrisome degree of dizziness and brain "noise" when I shifted my visual focus. The first three of those symptoms- the melancholy, irritability and flu symptoms- passed just about as quickly as they had arrived. The dizziness is still present, although it has lessened measurably and I've learned from other posters that the dizziness is likely to subside completely within another week or so.

I've been sobered to read in this forum about the severe problems with this med that other posters have experienced. In retrospect I gather that I may be one of the lucky ones, and at no time did I ever take any additional meds to either assist or counteract the operations of the Effexor. It occurs to me that, since everyone's system is different, reactions to any med (especially fairly new and less-tested ones) figure to run the gamut. At the very least, it's helpful to educate yourself as much as possible. And that's especially true when dealing with a med with which your doctor/s may not be so familiar.

I hope this helps. Best wishes to all of you.


Re: need info on side effects - help » Mrs. M

Posted by Poohz on October 26, 2002, at 1:37:24

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help, posted by Mrs. M on October 21, 2002, at 20:35:05

Please do yourself a great favor and go to the website

It has a lot of information on Effexor that you won't get from your physician, probably because he/she is ignorant of critical information about this drug. It has a section on help for withdrawl from Effexor and a personal account from the person who started the website.

No one should take Effexor without reading the information on this website first.


> Hey, Thanks for the information and suggestions from everyone. It helps. I have been "sidelined" for a couple of days with an especially bad bout of eye pain/headache. It was miserable. (Then something was going "nuts" and I couldn't get my message to post.) I continue to search for answers for my head pain.
> kitkat, I too have acute chronic sinus problems. A few years ago I had to have surgery to correct a diviated septum. It was so bad that I had no choice. What did you decide to do to correct you sinus cavity problem? The ENT doc has ordered two CT scans in the last two months (I am scheduled to see him on Wed.) and hopefully he can give me some information to provide some relief. I have certainly had my share of sinus headaches over the years, but this eye pain/head pain didn't quite feel like that. But, perhaps it is sinus related.
> I have had my eyes checked out, and everything seems to be okay there. I am also trying to double check that there are no med reactions between the effexor and other meds I take.
> Some suggested that my pain might be a migraine headache. I have had a few headaches that I would truly label migraine, and again, this current pain doesn't feel quite like that either. But, perhaps it is vascular related. At this point, I am willing to consider almost anything. I am definitely struggling for answers. This pain gets so very frustrating and discouraging.
> jflange, the information about calcium and magnesium supplements was interesting. I currently take calcium supplements but not magnesium. I have not heard of the theory of that deficiency in migraine sufferers. How much magnesium do you take a day?
> I was encouraged by the reports from some of you that had not experienced much problem with withdrawal when coming off effexor. I think it has helped my depression and anxiety some, however I hope I won't have to take it forever. Some of the encouraging reports makes the time that I could possibly get off effexor a little less scarey.


Re: Effexor XR and ADD/ADHD? » Lost Lamb

Posted by Poohz on October 26, 2002, at 1:58:59

In reply to Effexor XR and ADD/ADHD?, posted by Lost Lamb on October 22, 2002, at 1:32:08

The best thing for ADD/ADHD is behavior modification techniques. If you are interested in some suggestions and a success story, I'd be glad to share them with you. My e-mail address is below.


Has anyone been prescribed Effexor for ADD or ADHD? And has it helped you at all?
> Thanks,
> Lost Lamb


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? lost lamb

Posted by Kathy with a K on October 26, 2002, at 18:41:57

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

To Lost Lamb,

First of all please accept my condolences, if words can be a comfort know that you are not alone in this world and that many people, even strangers do care.

Secondly, you need a good attorney, this is exactly what malpractice is.

Thirdly, people out there need to know that suicidal ideation is extremely dangerous, it is a frequent side effect of many drugs in the class. IF YOU BEGIN TO HAVE SUICIDAL THOUGHTS WHILE ON EFFEXOR CALL YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY. IF YOU CANNOT REACH YOUR DOCTOR AND THESE THOUGHTS PERSIST GO TO AN EMERGENCY ROOM.

I would never have considered myself suicidal under normal circumstances. However, i became suicidal after experiencing suicidal ideation while on 75mg effexorXR/day. Suicidal ideation is almost a hallucination, if one can imagine an emotional psychological hallucination, a hallucination of thoughts and feelings. In that state a person does not need to be depressed or even sad to choose suicide, that's where the danger is. These drugs have serious side effects which most physicians are either not fully understanding or in many cases the benefits seem to outweigh the side effects so we accept them. People want these drugs because they, at least initially, feel better. After immediately stopping effexorXR due to the suicidal ideation i began to feel better because i soon realized i was experiencing serious side effects for at least a month, i took effexor for almost two years prior with no problems. The brain shakes, electric shocks, numbness, severe headaches and dull brain was a pure living hell for over 3 months then it began to taper off. now, 7 months later, i still get little jolts every so often and still have killer headaches but no suicidal thoughts since the last day i took effexorXR. Keep the ibruprofen handy during withdrawal, i needed to take is in large doses and often, it does help... It is also an important time to be very aware of your nutrition. Your brain needs all the help it can get to get through the withdrawal process. good luck to everyone Kathy with a K


Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!

Posted by dde on October 26, 2002, at 19:30:21

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? lost lamb, posted by Kathy with a K on October 26, 2002, at 18:41:57

so you can imagine what was happening to a 10 year old on 225 mg! He didn't seem depressed that day, in fact, he was happy....almost too happy, and content. Many strange conversations were had, strange now that I reflect on them....I am glad you got off the stuff, and yes, we have consulted an attorney....and are going forward with suit.


Re: Adults with ADHD » KarenB

Posted by Billy on October 27, 2002, at 16:49:34

In reply to Re: Adults with ADHD, posted by KarenB on June 12, 2000, at 15:10:12

> Hello, My name is Bill and I am in a very serious relationship with a beautiful woman(living together in our 30's. She has ADHD. I am sure there is another forum out there for me to speak on however, I have not found it. We are haveing major problems which I feel are ending this relationship. She has enxiety, depression and the ADHD. She is taking Effexor, I think 150 mg per day. There is so much besuty and talent in her if she could just believe in herself. Unfortunately it appears as though she is relying on me to make it all better. I cannot handle it!! I am a very good care taker and while living with her, I have almost gotten to be able to tolerate the mess etc.
Of late there have been some major fights (VIOLENT) I dont know what to do. I am a very rational person but, I fear for her safety as well as myself If this continues down this road. She has tried to hurt herself and me. She is taking meds and seeking therpy once a week....i dont know where to turn. It almost seems Bi-polar (not that i know enough to say) but, her doctor and she tell me thats not the case. If anyone has advice or knows of an organization that can help PLEASE respond. Thank you.


Re: Adults with ADHD » Billy

Posted by Ritch on October 27, 2002, at 22:12:39

In reply to Re: Adults with ADHD » KarenB, posted by Billy on October 27, 2002, at 16:49:34

> > Hello, My name is Bill and I am in a very serious relationship with a beautiful woman(living together in our 30's. She has ADHD. I am sure there is another forum out there for me to speak on however, I have not found it. We are haveing major problems which I feel are ending this relationship. She has enxiety, depression and the ADHD. She is taking Effexor, I think 150 mg per day. There is so much besuty and talent in her if she could just believe in herself. Unfortunately it appears as though she is relying on me to make it all better. I cannot handle it!! I am a very good care taker and while living with her, I have almost gotten to be able to tolerate the mess etc.
> Of late there have been some major fights (VIOLENT) I dont know what to do. I am a very rational person but, I fear for her safety as well as myself If this continues down this road. She has tried to hurt herself and me. She is taking meds and seeking therpy once a week....i dont know where to turn. It almost seems Bi-polar (not that i know enough to say) but, her doctor and she tell me thats not the case. If anyone has advice or knows of an organization that can help PLEASE respond. Thank you.

Just curious, but what does she and her doctor say when you question the diagnosis? How has she tried to hurt you or herself? Suicidality isn't a common feature of ADHD. I have bipolar and ADHD, and ordinary doses of many meds can cause more problems than they solve. I would seek a 2nd opinion from another psychiatrist. Your girlfriend doesn't sound like her treatment is working out regardless of whether the diagnosis is accurate or not. She may need alternative treatments.


Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!

Posted by dde on October 27, 2002, at 23:02:24

In reply to Re: Adults with ADHD » Billy, posted by Ritch on October 27, 2002, at 22:12:39

I concur 100%. My ex was bi-polar. He would rage, be extremely unreasonable, hateful, violent, then sob. If you are seeing mood swings, she isn't just depressed. ADHD means that she cannot concentrate on one thing long enough to get it done....on the swing side to that, she may start things and move to another compulsively....I would get the opinion of another psychiatrist. ADHD also means that she has low self esteem, feels everyone is critical of her every word and action, or appears to just plain not care about what other people think. The appearance is misleading and they really are trying to make everyone happy. It is overwhelming to ADHD suffering people to deal with everyday stuff. I can definitely say this, if her medications are not helping her to act "normally", then they are the wrong medications. Period. Medication is meant to help us, not add more to the already muddied water. Best of luck. dde


Re: Adults with ADHD

Posted by Billy on October 28, 2002, at 7:23:43

In reply to Re: Adults with ADHD » Billy, posted by Ritch on October 27, 2002, at 22:12:39

> > > Hello, My name is Bill and I am in a very serious relationship with a beautiful woman(living together in our 30's. She has ADHD. I am sure there is another forum out there for me to speak on however, I have not found it. We are haveing major problems which I feel are ending this relationship. She has enxiety, depression and the ADHD. She is taking Effexor, I think 150 mg per day. There is so much besuty and talent in her if she could just believe in herself. Unfortunately it appears as though she is relying on me to make it all better. I cannot handle it!! I am a very good care taker and while living with her, I have almost gotten to be able to tolerate the mess etc.
> > Of late there have been some major fights (VIOLENT) I dont know what to do. I am a very rational person but, I fear for her safety as well as myself If this continues down this road. She has tried to hurt herself and me. She is taking meds and seeking therpy once a week....i dont know where to turn. It almost seems Bi-polar (not that i know enough to say) but, her doctor and she tell me thats not the case. If anyone has advice or knows of an organization that can help PLEASE respond. Thank you.
> Just curious, but what does she and her doctor say when you question the diagnosis? How has she tried to hurt you or herself? Suicidality isn't a common feature of ADHD. I have bipolar and ADHD, and ordinary doses of many meds can cause more problems than they solve. I would seek a 2nd opinion from another psychiatrist. Your girlfriend doesn't sound like her treatment is working out regardless of whether the diagnosis is accurate or not. She may need alternative treatments.
Thank you for your thoughts Rich. I am actually going today to see the psychologist with her(first time I have been allowed to be involved.) If I am expected to be a part of her life I must be able to know what the real deal is if I am to help. This has gone on for over a year and each "incident" gets worse, more violent. I know fact that ADHD is a strong part of the challeneges with holding a job, school, etc. his has caused her to feel failure to parents, past relationships, etc. So the depression sets in. It is the impulsivity that scares the heck out of me. She takes Adivan or Klonopin as well as Effexor. In her past she shared with me she has tried Welbutrin, Zoloft, Ritalin,and many other drugs for differing symptoms. She was never diagnosed as a kid, only since age 25. I am just really trying to get understanding of all this. I went to the ADHD ADD conference in Chicago this year and have read a few books. The ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, and now Violence is so overwhelming. Despite the efforts......I do not understand.


Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!

Posted by jannbeau on October 28, 2002, at 11:58:28

In reply to Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!, posted by dde on October 26, 2002, at 19:30:21

>Not an unusual demeanor for a person (even a 10-yr old, I would imagine) who has made up his/her mind to end the pain.

Know that we are with you in YOUR pain.

so you can imagine what was happening to a 10 year old on 225 mg! He didn't seem depressed that day, in fact, he was happy....almost too happy, and content. Many strange conversations were had, strange now that I reflect on them....I am glad you got off the stuff, and yes, we have consulted an attorney....and are going forward with suit.


Re: Adults with ADHD

Posted by jannbeau on October 28, 2002, at 15:47:05

In reply to Re: Adults with ADHD » KarenB, posted by Billy on October 27, 2002, at 16:49:34

> Bill, forgive me for speaking frankly. I am NO expert on any psychological problem, but here goes: I think you should NOT be living with this person at the present time! She needs to make big changes in her behavior, with or without medication--and YOU CANNOT RESCUE HER!!!!!

Your partner's illness sounds like much more than ADD, as other PB posters have already suggested, but even if it is NOT, Bill, you should LEAVE this house of madness! Get out--for now, at least. You need "space" to review this situation AND you need a second diagnostic opinion AND you could do with some counseling for yourself to determine why you feel compelled to live this way. You do NOT owe this person a whipping boy! Staying and engaging in violence simply increases the likelihood of violence. Violence begets violence, as the old saying goes. You did not mention children, but if there are children, take them with you!

Good Luck,

Hello, My name is Bill and I am in a very serious relationship with a beautiful woman(living together in our 30's. She has ADHD. I am sure there is another forum out there for me to speak on however, I have not found it. We are haveing major problems which I feel are ending this relationship. She has enxiety, depression and the ADHD. She is taking Effexor, I think 150 mg per day. There is so much besuty and talent in her if she could just believe in herself. Unfortunately it appears as though she is relying on me to make it all better. I cannot handle it!! I am a very good care taker and while living with her, I have almost gotten to be able to tolerate the mess etc.
> Of late there have been some major fights (VIOLENT) I dont know what to do. I am a very rational person but, I fear for her safety as well as myself If this continues down this road. She has tried to hurt herself and me. She is taking meds and seeking therpy once a week....i dont know where to turn. It almost seems Bi-polar (not that i know enough to say) but, her doctor and she tell me thats not the case. If anyone has advice or knows of an organization that can help PLEASE respond. Thank you.


Re: Electric sensations on the top of the head

Posted by janee on October 28, 2002, at 20:16:30

In reply to Electric sensations on the top of the head, posted by Lindsey on September 9, 2000, at 19:23:38

Since I was little I would get this electric sensation from the top of my head to the bottom of my stomache. Doctor's don't know what I'm talking about. It happens when I begin to think too much about too many things at one time. Sometimes it is imobilizing. I'm on Ativan, Trazadone and Effexor and nothing helps with this problem. Please help.


Re: Can't Think, Brain Dumb, Inspiration Won't Come

Posted by Rickp on October 28, 2002, at 20:29:36

In reply to Re: Can't Think, Brain Dumb, Inspiration Won't Come, posted by Ezzy on October 24, 2002, at 21:18:57

> Well, it's day three on 37.5 Effexor, and except for a dry mouth and feeling a bit stoned, I'm not experiencing anything I can really complain about. I don't know if such a low dose will shift depression or anxiety, but I will find out soon enough. In the meantime, I'm trying to take in lots of fibre and water so that I can avoid the constipation that so many people seem to encounter. Thanks for all the info and feed back. ~Ezzy

That was the way I felt also. It will take some time to get used to. If you have any questions just post them and I will respond to them


Re: Electric sensations on the top of the head

Posted by jannbeau on October 29, 2002, at 10:16:57

In reply to Electric sensations on the top of the head, posted by Lindsey on September 9, 2000, at 19:23:38

> I am sorry to hear that your parents passed away. How old were they and what happened to them? How old are you, if I may ask.

Yes, the electric sensations, or "brain zaps" as many of us know them, do stop after you stop taking the medication. At least, for me, this was the case. The tapering is not bad. Don't let this board scare you. You will very likely do fine with the tapering. The secret seems to be not to take it too fast and, if you find that you are feeling too ill with a ster-down, back off, either to the previous dose for a couple of days, or to an intermediate dose.

Good Luck,

Both my parents died in 1998 and I went on Prozac, only to gain weight. After a year, I switched to Effexor, which seemed to be effective for a while. Now, after one year on Effexor, I feel the electric sensations in my head and I am sweating like crazy! I didn't know how to describe the head sensations before until I read postings here. I always described it as a feeling of falling a few inches. I want to get off and am worried about the dreaded tapering off, etc. Do the electric sensations go away after you stop?

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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