Posted by LlurpsieNoodle on August 3, 2007, at 16:21:54
I'm kind of at this awkward stage in my life right now. I went to school, tried out a lot of things, figured out what I like, what I don't like, etc.
Then I moved to my new home, and am torn between doing an underpaid job that I was trained to do, one which might eventually support a more well-paid position, albeit extremely stressfull.
working part time somewhere low-key (starbucks interview next week). And working on my writing the other part of my time. This would also help support me as I search for a well-paid position.
I am not ready for the big job-hunt right now. My brain is battered, and I still have too many unfinished loose ends from graduate school.
I could take a job nearby that would probably pay a nice salary (but would disappoint my professors) or I could take a job that would help people (but wouldn't be paid very well) or I could just mope at home, which doesn't pay very well. Or I could write a book. Which is scary prospect.
anyone ever written a book before?
oh yeah. I guess my dissertation counts. well, whatever...