Posted by tensor on December 21, 2006, at 12:34:09 [reposted on December 23, 2006, at 12:56:33 | original URL]
In reply to Tensor - Re: my RX research post above (or anybody, posted by becksA on December 21, 2006, at 12:19:30
I too dropped out of uni a few years ago. I'm mainly being treated for depression right now. T3(triiodothyronine) or Cytomel is a hormone that is thought/known to enhance noradrenergic neurotransmission, hypothetically by increasing rececptor sensitivity. Maybe they are being desensitized over time with the presence of antidepressants. At least, this is how I hope it could work.
I found out yesterday that T3 is not available here in the nordic but my pdoc said it can be imported with a license. I'm trying to build a strategy for recovering as fast as possible from relapses. But maybe one should be happy to recover at all. I don't know really./Mattias