Posted by qbsbrown on August 2, 2009, at 23:37:36
In reply to Re: Does this sound prudent Scott?, posted by qbsbrown on August 2, 2009, at 19:34:29
Yeah, they all suck and have adverse/paradoxical reactions in me. How long do you think i might have to be on tegretol before i tried (if needed, it might not be), like a minute, 2.5mgs of lexapro?
Anxiety so bad that it's hard to eat sometimes because I'm afraid that i will choke on the food. Then again, i ate a ton of food yesterday. A lot of this could be benzo wd flare up. All the other ADs give me worse depression, minus lexapro. But with my already racing thoughts and insomnia, lexapro kinda scares me. I was once able to get all the way down to 1mg of valium on lexapro, only to have the doc raise it from 10 to 20mgs, making me manic, and having to re-instate everything.
So we can see if the tegretol keeps working, and re-*ss*s in a week.