Posted by ClearSkies on August 6, 2007, at 9:53:50
My depression has improved greatly since starting Remeron, and the daytime sleepiness is getting less. I has some optimism that this medication might be a good one for a while for me. Is 30mg considered a standard dose, or do most people go up to 45mg (it seems I've done best at slightly lower dosages on medications)?
I've gained about 6 lbs of weight but have become really out of shape because of being so very lethargic. It seemed to take no time at all to lose the slight muscle tone I had gained, and it was unthinkable that I try to take on any exercise, seeing as I had a hard time just staying awake between morning and night.If there is one thing having a single day of good mood has taught me, though, it's to take things slowly. I'm going to see how thing progress this week; take a walk in the evenings if my body allows, and then if I can maintain some alertness and stay conscious during daylight hours, I'll undertake some more rigorous exercise to get firmed up.
As I mentioned in a post on Social, the combination of sleepiness on this med and the effects of anxiety have made the past several months doubly hard. I'd love to just drink some high-octane coffee and get on with it (whatever it is), but I'm jittery enough as it is. Finding the balance between wakefulness, having some energy to get some very basic tasks accomplished, and the heart-thumping discomfort of anxiety is nasty. For this reason, I think that stimulants aren't a good idea for me. I had a short trial on Provigil a few years ago and found it really unsuitable.
Comments, suggestions, etc. are appreciated. Below are listed all daily medications.
Remeron 30mg
Xanax .5mg, split into two dosesAlso,
Zonegran 150mg (migraine prevention)
hormone treatment for perimenopause - estrogen and progesterone replacementsDx is "mild" bipolar II, which is in the process of being reevaluated (characterized as mostly major depression), GAD, and the occasional, well-placed panic attack.