Posted by alexandra_k on April 14, 2022, at 17:26:47
so, let's see...
paul writes about 'machiavelli emotions'. about how you use emotions in order to communicate various things.
you use the display of emotion in order to manipulate others.
you use social disapproval, in particular -- where some people are very sensitive to display of such signals -- to encourage or train people to behave in ways you want them to. you could arrange for people to be shut down, particularly. inhibited. by expressing disapproval.
someone who isn't susceiptible to such signals...
well... this is the basis of shame and guilt. how it is that parents keep their toddlers under control. right? to get them to stop. to shut them down. express disapproval. threaten to withdraw love and support.
the psychopaths, apparently, aren't controllable in this way, by these means. in this fashion.
but they use emotions, strategically, for the purpose of controlling others.
emotions aren't... expressions of your state.
you use them to communicate.
you use them strategically.
you pretend to be offended in order to extract supplication from the other.
there's the social dynamic.
that kind of thing.
hahahhaha they are so clever bullying their studnets into not reciving their qualifications in a timely fashion.
they are so clever for bullying their studnets into not showing tehm their work etc.
so clever.
so clever in havin gthe whole thing shut down.
i guess kim sterelny undermined the research school.
he said that it always was dependent on a few prominant figures. the entire school was fragile because it's entire retputation dependend on a few prominant figures.
when one prominant figure left there was the possibility the whole thing would go under.
and in casting things in that way... they searched for a new prominant figure... a new prominant figure.
a figure made prominant somewhere else. i mean, they wouldn't seriously consider an asutralia or whatever for that role... nobody was allowed to be a promiant figure.
except for him, of course.
and they refused to identify a few more juior people to invest in.
they refused to grow their own prominant figures.
they were all shut down. bullied away.
so the research schools went away...
but they didn't grow or develop because they still don't have grauate level coursework adn they dont' have any breadth or depth to the department and the fields the people are working in ...
i mean... i don't know that they even have universities, to be fair...
i mean... the australian natioanl univesrity is supposed to be the leading university of australasia...
if they arrange for their studnets to be bullied away and wont' get their work to examiners and they arrange for them to get various extensions to extract maximum money out and try and get them slaving for no pay...
if that's the example they choose to lead by...
particularly when someone involved in that writes a book about apprentiseship systems... while refusign to get his studnets work to external examiners and refusing to teach the studnets and refusign to pay the studnets as they progress their trining and refusing to progress the training...
and that person sits around earning most-est money while only working to stabotage and undermine...
what university?