Posted by alexandra_k on March 9, 2022, at 20:18:21
so the courts of NZ (the court of appeal and the supreme court) have ordered that I am to pay them more than $20,000 else my cases will not be heard in the court of appeal.
the supreme court ruled that it was not a matter of public interest, at all, that the costs have been ordered to be paid by a person the nz government chooses to keep on 'disabilty' (supported living payment).
i mean..
it's life support -- right?
without it i would be forced to prostitution or crime.
don't you know how lucky i am?
so next week there will be a hearing. the nz government chose to employ 3 judges. i notice that they all have sterotypical names from countries traditionally regarded as 'less developed' than nz.
the nz government chose to hire 3 judges with names that are sterotypical as being names from countries traditionally regarded as 'less developed' than nz -- and they have before then the filings of the lawyers the government chose to pay to articulate the governments case against me.
the government will not employ an adocate.
i am forced to stand before 3 judges who will deliver the judgement that i don't know how lucky i am to live in a developed nation...
1) the university of waikato will not enrol applicants in programmes of study they have applied to (when the programme was not over-subscribed). when they will not get research to externals in order to oprevent and progbit them signing off on timely completion. when they have no researh output. when they thought their job was to prevent and prohibit and bully people into dropping out rather than submitting. and when they would not get submitted theses to externals.
2) the university of otago will not supply applications to enrol. they will also remove applications they have received. this is to ensure that only the murdering rapiing torturing peolpe (or their progeny) are considered to be slaved to the training places where they will never sign off on their degree
3) the university of auckland will not apply their published selection algotithm when processing applications. they are looking for the murdering torturing rapists, too. also they will not allow people to complete the qualifications they enrol them in. they enslave them. then refuse to acknowledge them and replace them with a new intake of slave. only.
4) the new zealand vice chancellors committee will not process any complaints. they will blame the complainant and say that it is oa personal problem that their supervisor will not sign off on or allow them to be seen to be working to internatioal standars.
5) the tenancy tribunal and district court have ruled that it is okay for the nz government to pay thousands per week to keep 'lifewise' tenants (vulnerable teenagers) housed in accommodation that has been electrically wired up in a way prohibited by the engineers/manufactuers.
there is nothing in nz. it is a wasteland destination for pedophiles. so far as i can se.
i've seeenno evidence to the contrary.
i'm looking...
where is the evidence to the contrary?