Posted by alexandra_k on March 5, 2022, at 22:16:31
Excuses, excuses, excuses.
as to why it doesn't get the work to the external examiners.
it takes the work... it gets the work to the external examiners.
no? it wants to have a cry cry cry... cry cry cry about why it isn't going to the external examiners. just keeeeeeeeep working. just keeeeeeep working. just keeeeep slaving, slave. just keep slaving.
hehehehheheehhehe ooooooh we just can' wait to see what she will do!!!
it's soooooooooo competitive.
that the money goes from the government to the people whose job it is to get my work to the externals.
tehy had one job.
i mean, i guess there is a notion or sense in which they are actually supposed to help you. you know, that is why they are being paid. they aren't just supposedt o get the work to the externals, they are supposed to help you do your work in the time that there is. the time that was contracted for, you know?
but if they want to spend all their time off travelling or hangin gout with their family or... well i don't care. why should i take extra time while they choose to spend their time spending the money they are paid to get my work to the externals on holiday trips for themsleves and their families.
i didn'dt begrudge them a way of life. a living. a job. apparently they are living the dream. they get paid to teach and write philsophy. yay them. that's great. and there never will be enough of those jobs to go around and some people must miss out etc etc. so if someone decides they would rather go do something else then...
why not just feel all happy in yourself, then, that you won the competition. if that is how you wan tto think of it or how it must be. that it's sooooo competitive so you are a winner that you get to do it...
that's great. right? yay you. right?
can you console yourself with your winnings and let other people get on with what they want to do with their life?
or no...
they have to sit about singing your praises all day?
i thought they were my friends.
and there weren't enough jobs to go around.
so... what's the problem, then, of my going off to do something else? why cant' they help me get into what it is that i want to do? i mean... how is it any skin off their noses?
if i go do that.. i might even get access to other sources of funding and then that could be great for both of us...
but nononononononono you would rather i have no job at all and you have all the things and i just sit about sinigng your praises all day.
yes. you win. you are better than me. you won the great competition of the great hierarchy of being! all of the things for you and your family and not anything at all for me.
i mean... i can't even do a 1 year research project in 1 year. right? i'm not even literate. not even a little bit literate. i mean garbage garbage output. right?
garbage output gets me A grades through undergrad and garbage output gets me scholarship...
right up until i'm expected to live out the rest of my life being a slave for you.
because you wont' get the work to the external examiner. cry cry cry cry cry cry. allllllll about you.
how many supervision meetings did I have at the ANU?
i remember one meeting. the meeting where it was agreed that i was going to leave Australia and return to NZ without my work being submitted to external examienrs (to see if they would direct changes that they would sign off on once the changes had been made).
how much money did my supervisor and the department get from the goverment for 1 supervision meeting where i was sent home with no degree?
with friends like these...