Posted by alexandra_k on March 4, 2022, at 15:24:39
the judge orders re-filings in ways directed by the judge.
over and over and over.
case management conference after case management conference after case management conference. so the judge can order the re-filings to be comprised of this, that, and the other thing.
it's like the judge thinks their judgmeent is some kind of a PhD project that they write for their student!!!
the judge refuses to judge the case that has been brought before them.
the judge insists on substituting in their own case. it is always (suprise!!!) the one that is in favor of the obvious perpetrator in order to punish the victim. becuase that's what justice IS or MEANS in upside down and back to front retard land.
our courts are not functional. are non-functional. l we don' really have courts at all.
Chris Hipkins says we have the court of popular opinion. Apparently that is taking off around the world. Prince Andrew??? There didn't need to be a trial because the people already decided so consequences and sanctions for him (other than prison, obviously) with no trial. Gloaty gloat gloat goes NZ. Our way is catching on.
There is no justice here.
There is nothing here, at all.
Good people cannot function. THey are seeing about having them consented for euthanasia. Thinning the herd so as to breed qualities valued by the government (compliance most notably). Gamma babies. Compliance.