Posted by alexandra_k on March 1, 2022, at 22:19:56
THe genocide of the Ukranians.
I guess they think it's not genocide if the women and children are picked up by sexual offenders and the like at the borders. The people wanting to enslave the women and molest the children, likely enough.
The boys / men aren't beign allowed to leave Ukrane, though, are they? They are conscripted?
While Europe and the USA etc send weapons... I suppose with the aim or goal that a bunch of Russian youths and Ukranian youths will get busy exterminating each other.
I don't understand how there can be so very many powerplants... And only enough power being produced to not even meet the needs of Ukrane.
That simply does not make any sense. It does not make any sense, at all.
I suppose it is the fake news, really.
But I don't see why the world is so busy to be seen to be throwing money and weapons into Ukrane.
I guess it is to make the nations people.. More compliant with domestic policy back home? To sign the euthanasia documents etc. To instruct the kids to take invasive nasal swabs... To get the 5 year olds to take vaccines because the government has mandated it.
Knock knock knock. THe Government has decided that you havve tested positive on a RAT so it's time for you to go into government custody, now.
The lengths they go to to prevent and prohibit education, justice, healthcare...
Because they would not allow women access to timely birth control.
Won't do it.
Forced compliance only. Forced compliance only. FOrced compliance only.
I didn't ask to be born and I certain don't ask to remain in hell on earth.
I am soooooooooooooo glad that I never had a kid. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
Fuckign psychopaths.