Posted by alexandra_k on February 17, 2022, at 15:09:37
here is a scummy scam for you:
enrol students in whatever degree you choose for them to be enrolled in. the main aim or goal or purpose is to bully and abuse them for as many years as you can get away with it. delay them a paycheque. collect up more and more money for having them. not really teach them anything. get them recalling arbitrary facts. have them believe that they aren't very bright and aren't very useful. detain and delay them. the important thing is the flow of money. from the students to the university. the anti-job.
then you can put them to work in the name of 'internship' or 'training'. you have them believe that it's soooooo comeptitive, it's soooooooo competitive, it's sooooooo competitive. they better do what they are told when they are told because they are told or they'll be flunked out, entirely. it's soooooo competitive.
and then you arrange for a bunch of pedophiles. bullies. psychopaths to abuse them. i think they read the studies about how if you abuse kids then they grow up with their entire being being a living monument to the depravity of their abuser. i mean, they never will move on from the atrocities. they must be forced to recount the atrocities over and over and over and over and over and over again to the delight of the judges.
and of course they must pay the courts. they must pay the courts. they must file the filings, and re-file the filings, and re-file the re-filings. they must attend case management conference after case management conference after case management conference while the judges repeatedly assert things they must know to be false.
they have certain one-liners that make them sound like going ot an AA meeting. you know what i mean... there's a thing that happens... to some church folks too. cross-fit. when people have drunk the cool-aid. the judges sound like that, in their judgments 'there is no legal basis' they say (when they choose to ignore half the laws) 'there is no evidence that' when they refuse to accept the evidence -- simply ignoring it. simply asserting that it does not exist in the face of it's existence.
there really and genuinely and truly isn't anybody home in our courts.
i don't know when the last time was (if there ever was a time) when they delivered a judgment that the people would actually think was just or fair. a suitable consequeqnce or even a deterrant.
the idea of the courts of new zealand is just another government abuse thing where the idea/l is to punish the victim and teach people not to speak up because those who do are only punished. they find in favor of the perpetrators.
i wonder how that can be so...
was that the real purpose or reason or goal behind the things like second year law camp and the internship programmes that seemed to be all about showing off that the senior partners could take any of the girls they wanted (the interns) -- else their careers would be over. that's how they choose the next generation of judges? the ones whose eyes genuinely light up.
i am trying ot remember what it was.. Oh yeah. it was ''Better Call Saul'' (which seems to have been cancelled becuase it hits a little too close to home on some of hte commentary)... It was the storyline with Mike (who was a former cop who was working in the parking for the courts). His son...
It was that he hestitated. He hesitated to take the bribe, or whatever it was, and that hestitation was enough for them to know that he needed to go. Because he wasn't jumping at the chance he wasn't happy about the opportunity. THey saw that he was reluctant. So it didn't matter that he rationally decided to play along and comply and so on...
His compliance wasn't going to save him.
Because they had already assessed that he wasn't like them. He didn't have the greedy opportunistic... He wasn't like that.
So he had to go.
So, you see, there is no point, whatsover, my trying to keep my head down and huddle in with the herd. Try and respond with glee when I hear about pedophiles doing thier pedophile thing and being like 'hahahhahaha, of course!! what did they expect!!' when I hear judgments from the courts where the sexual offenders and the criminals get off scott free (home detention isn't a punishment -- it's a covid restrictioN) while the victims are victimised and revictimised and rerevictimised by the courts. When the costs of the proceedings are awarded against them. When the legal fees of (likely both) parties are awarded against them. When the jdugments of the courts serve to perpeptuate injustice only.
Apparently our court of appeal is currently closed. Because of Covid. But there hasn't been anybody home there, for quite some time.
You can read for yourselves the judgments of the Supreme Court, even. 3 Judges it takes... To sign off on. To distribute the responsibility for the stupidity that is the judgment.
I presented to the court evidence that the Auckland District Health Board unlawfully detained me (they wrote in my notes that my status under the mental health act was 'voluntary' that I wanted to leave, that they were not going to allow me to leave) and drugged me (they wrote in my notes that I was coerced to taking medication and there was no prescription written by a doctor. that is to say people without the authority to write prescriptions forced me to take medication that is prescsription only that is mind altering medication).
THe Auckland District Health Board hired a Queens Council lawyer to try and have the case thrown out without a hearing.
The Judge granted them a 2 hour hearing of why the case should be struck out. The judge decided that I was to re-file my filings but the case would not be struck out (I think this is because there is more and more and more money for hte courts the more re-filings and re-re-filings and meetings and meetings and re-re-re-re-filings.
They plant o invoice orr bill me for all of it.
That's justice in New Zealand
We have met the health system.
We have met the tertiary education system.There is no healthcare. There is no education. There is no justice.
There's nothing here. There's nobody home.
All this was well befor eCovid.
Covid happened precisely becuase there was nothing here and nobody home.
Because the strategy was to strongly encourage (if not force) the people to breed and have as many babies...
So that we could abuse the babies...
So that we could grow gamma baby slaves...
So we could extract forced labor from them and sexually abuse them and all those fun things that people find so fun...
And then arrange for their timely demise.
I think that radiation therapy in New Zealand is about taking years off of people's life expectancy.
APparently it is a Masters Degree with a (upon graduation) starting salary for more than 100,000.
That means it's soooooooooo competitive. It's soooooooo competitive.
I think they put the radiation therapists to work in the hospitals, probably very very very soon after they are in the training programme. I imagine that other people (charge nurses?) tell them what dose to deliver and wehre to deliver it.
And their job is to (all Milgrim Experiment like) deliver the dose that is prescribed, because it is prescsribed.
How long do you think it takes them before they start to wonder if they are helpling -- or helping sort of kill people.
I suppose it starts when they realise that the 'treatments' are not happening early and are not part of the cure.. But when they are only really allowed to give treatment to people who, it has already been decided, are 'terminal'. End of life care. So they don't hang about too long at the end there.
Radiation therapy. Given right at the end of life, only. In places that doens't make anatomical sense.
What are you going to do?
You do what you are told when you are told because you are told... Otherwise they fail you out of the programme (and what is your student loan now?) and replace you with another student -- right?
So you spend the 10 years (or however long it is) being a student of radiation oncology. You pay the university, you pay teh university, you pay the university, you pay.
ANd then they fail you out, anyway.
What they really want to do is to fail you out the same time as they deport you becuase your visa is now cancelled.
Because it was personal -- right? You were just a stupid lazy stupid which is why you work for 10 + years whiile you pay them you pay them you pay them you pay before they deport you.
Of course theres all the additional things, too. Maybe someone at the university or the hospital likes to have sex with you. Wants you to live in tehir basement. You do what they say when they say because they say else you are failed out of the university. Right?
They say that teh people who graduate leave for jobs overseas.
Sure they do.
Yeah, right. Sure they do.
Nobody acknowledges NZ qualifications. Because they don't actually teach anything. Because they put them to work...
But it's not work.
It's slavery.
While they get deeper and deeper into debt to their slavers only.
Who are the slavers?
Teh New Zealadn administration and the New Zealand government.
The law people do not pay their workers. They do not prosecute crimes. They do not award costs to people who have been wronged. THey do not award legal fees to people who have been wronged.
They do not award legal fees to people who have been wronged.
That is to say it is not possible for good lawyers to see good cases and bring them before the courts (cases where it is clear that people with money and power have been abusing their money and power taking advantage of people because they are getting away with it) they will not find in the interests of justice and they will not allow good lawyers to mamke a living here.
Becuase it's soooooooooo lcompetitive. It's soooooooooo cmopetitive. It's soooooo competitive. Everybody wants to be the guy who gets to get drunk and abuse (physically and sexually) all the young ones. Right? That's what's so motivating and inspiring about being a lawyer in New ZEaland.
Being a judge.
I mean, imagine all the sex drug parties that you get to go to as judge. And who is going to do what about it? I bet you can even do surgeries or cervical exams on the little baby girls if you want to. You can do anything you want to -- right? anything anything anything with impunity -- right?
That's the point or the purpose of New Zealand -- right?
It's a little offshore detention slave camp from Australia. -- right?
I guess the trouble with the Australian National University was that there is a real division in Canberra between the people who are part of the goverment bubble there and the people who are expected to slave / serve them. And the slave / servant class go to their local university (sometimes, becuase they know they are set up to fail at Sydney and Melbourne only since they won't get accommodation etc). So they really need to do a number on the undergarduates, partiuclarly, at the ANU. Really teach them their place in teh world order. Grade their work accordingly etc.
Western Australia, too.
So this NZ strategy (I guess it was the strategy of the first arrivals to Virginia -- right? Get them slaving the plantations (the 'indentured servants' on false promises that they were not going to die of maleria. Or covid. Or cancer. Or whatever else).
That's where things are at.
Die! !!!! Die!!!! DIe!!!! It's sooooooooooooo competitive.