Posted by alexandra_k on July 31, 2021, at 22:30:20
Lockdowns in Sydney. Brisbane.
Hasn't made it's way to NZ yet...
But it's coming...
They reckon about 2/3 compliance with vaccination in the US. Not sure how they are getting that number. Vermont is state with highest percentage of people vaccinated? Does that seem right?
Australia is saying they won't look at opening borders until 80 per cent compliance...
They will start hoarding in NZ, again. So people can have 3rd doses.
Fairly sure.
Not entirely sure how that will work. With their health records etc...
It's a trade-off between enough of an immune response -- and not too much of an immune response.
Covid on the one hand (that might be fatal) and risk of inducing problems with too much antibody production (a kind of a clotting problem) or too much b cell proliferation (a kind of a cancer) on the other (that might be fatal).
Gee... If only we had the cognitive capacity to make recommendations based on whether a person had a under or over productive immune system...NZ still doesn't believe in the utility of fit tested masks. The administration, I mean.
I still am not sure how much the death rates have been increased because of Covid vs... The usual sorts of deaths.
I also think that we were in exponential population increase (globally) which could not have been sustained indefinately and that an event to curb poplulation was inevitable.
I see you can get virus testing for up to 24 different things. Respiratory viruses.
Including Covid vs RSV vs Influenza A vs Influenza B... Etc etc etc... If you have around $1,000... They can do 'em...
NZ still doesn't believe in the utility of saliva testing. The administration, I mean.