Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 1:16:46
In reply to force force force force force, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 1:06:41
because oraka tamariki takes the children whose parents are unable to look after them (for whatever reason) to sub-contract to staff to teach the workers how to do a brazillian ju jitsu take-down for...
their own amusement.
i mean you pay peanuts and you get...
why would anybody want to work for oraka tamariki?
why, it's the best country in the world in which to be a pedophile.
they won't initiate legal action against you until they have deemed you to have dementia. and then they won't use your dementia diagnosis to hold you in psychiatric care (rather than jail) they will interpret your dementia diagnosis as reason to let you off scott free.
that's what we teach our people. right? that's the aspirational goal? right? to murder and rape and torture with impunity...
to use these experiences you've gained to 'move up' in the world to sydney or melbourne or perth...
you really know you've made it in life when you get ALL of the money for committing ALL of the crimes with impunity.
for the pedophile rapist psychopaths
best country in the world.
so the nz government signed away it's citizens right to sue for manufacturers errors / liabilities in teh vaccines.
that means that nz becomes a destination for all the vaccines that did not pass manufacturers quality controls.
don't get me wrong, i'm sure the manufacturers had a little talk-y which went something like:
'you know your staff are not going to follow manufacturers instructions. the cold storage supply chain will be corrupted. doses will be messed with. etc etc etc. the vaccines will not be adminsteresd according to manufacturers instructions therefore we will not supply to you with liabilty for your own failure to adequately train your staff and ensure proper cold supply chain storage'.
and the nz grubby grubbity grubby grubs went 'sure just send us your factory seconds and our people are too illiterate and lead poisoned to do anything about it. we'll be responsible instead'.
so all the factory seconds get shipped to nz. all the shipments that got sent back by other nations before of errors in manufacturing / supply.
our government has no authority to authorise anything under emergency authorisation or dispensation because we are not in a state of emergency because we have no community transmission.
all we needed to to do protect our people was stop selling places (visas and places in quarantine) to wealthy foreign investors.
but we refuse.
they choose to put the lives of nzers in danger because they choose to sell out to the highest bidder. they don't do the most basic of things to look after the health of their people.
apparently the ministry of health still doesn't really grasp that the virus is airborne with airborne transmission. the utility of face mask wearing has not been grasped. the purchasing of fit-tested face masks has still not happened.
waiting for the bombs to drop.