Posted by alexandra_k on April 20, 2021, at 2:27:14
In reply to Re: yes, posted by alexandra_k on April 20, 2021, at 2:10:29
i don't know how much it's driven from overseas. australia, particularly, when it comes to new zealand.
did australia treat me better?
the ANU sent me away with no degree... i was bullied out of completing it. i mean, i chose to go there and work towards a PhD and then... after some time of my being there and working on it and for it... i didn't want to do it any more. i decided that i didn't care if they gave me the degree or not. what was the degree good for? they were saying it was only good for employment as a philosopher. they were saying that more studnets wanted to be employed as philosophers than there were jobs available in the profession so if you weren't certain that that was what you wanted to do... then you should let other people do that, yeah.
so i left without the degree.
and now they go 'hahahahhaha they pay me they pay me they pay me (and they don't pay you!)'
but that's just me.
what about other people?
i know of a couple who finished. got post-docs (i think that is 1 year of work) and then... one gained intermittent employment for various governmetn things in NZ and... he got some pay-out apparently and now he will never work again. he seems resigned to that. the other one didn't get any further employment insofar as i know. in both those cases the government pays their partners well enough to support the whole family.
what about other people?
another couple new zealanders left without completing. a south african. a girl from ireland.
what about other people?
one new zealander was working on a project but the guy he was working under left for the US and left him behind. then nobody wanted to allow him to complete that project. they were on about how it was crap etc. he... i think he was enrolled for 10 years or something like that and nobody signed him off. there was some joke about how long you were allowed to be enrolled in the university...
they blamed him. that was the idea. like they blamed me, i guess. we were blamed for not doing work. for not being productive.
but i gave a talk that was my 6 month review -- and my supervisor denied that it was my 6 month review. he was on about how it wasn't good enough for that or it wasn't in the correct format or...
and then again with my mid-term.
and at that point i was just like 'if you are going to be an arsehole you can shove it up your *rs*'.
the ANU chose to hire him. chose to put him in charge of students... i'm not sure what went on, exactly, because he had signed studnets off over the years... i'm not sure if he went mad in his old age or what... don't know. don't know if things got worse... don't know if he only got the job because of the kind of influence he would be there.
it wasn't long after that / it was around that time that a bunch of people left from the ANU to the US. and then the ANU did a big restructure and put the faculty with the research schools in this merger thing... because the research schools weren't signing their studnets off OR weren't performing research out put function (maybe those were inversely related) and often the faculty was doing teaching work and was also signing the students who were doing their PhD's off. so the faculty's were outperforming the research schools.
there didn't seem to be any way for me to do medicine in Australia. Because NZ citizens aren't eligible for HECS government loans for study. we were considered domestic for PhD only. i suppose only for the programmes teh Australian students didn't want to do.
Now... The australian students were all signed off, I think. All the ones I know. Maybe 1 or 2 got jobs in the US. The others got jobs in Australia.
Australia treats New Zealanders like 3rd class Australians best I can figure.
I do know one person who was signed off (by someone different from my supervisor). NOt sure how much they forced her project to run over-time. That particular supervisor would sign his students off... Other supervisors would, actually. It was mine who wouldn't. Wouldn't sign off the New Zealanders. And people who got caught with transients who were more interested in US and only really temporarily in Australia / who did not do right by their studnets / who abandoned their students when they left...
I just...
I don't know. PUt things a bit together.
You do the work. The work goes to examiners. The examiners examine the work and write reports. Then what 2/3 examiners says... Goes.
So... I did the work... Then I submitted the work to examiners.
Then the Univesrity of Waikato had a f*ck*ng melt-down that someone submitted their work to go to examiners without their permission.
They bully people out of submitting, you see. You are supposed to spend months and months playing some stupid game of grovelling to them 'ooooooooooooh I'm sooooooooooooooooooo afraid that my work wont' be considered good enough. I'm useless. Do it for me. I can't. Do it for me. You are so smart. I am so stupid.' Etc.
And I can't be fuckign bothered spending my life engaged in those stupid f*ck*ng games.
I did the work. Their job was to get the work to examiners.
I'm not interested in anything they had to say. I know what they have to say. They have to say these sorts of things:
YOu suck. You are supid. Your work isn't good enough.
They open their mouths and garbage sh*t falls out as they try and bully me.
And I've realised that if they don't succeed in bullying me into compliance... Well... I've realised the extent of the corruption. They will violate regulations. To keep their slave.
I see.