Posted by alexandra_k on October 11, 2019, at 15:07:15
I am feeling a lot better yesterday. Today.
Partly from having a good vent, I think. Thanks for putting up with visual spam of many subject headers.
Partly because I appreciated the good public services of the library. The employees were knowledgeable and helpful. The services were really good. I asked to speak to the law clinic people and for the first time I have ever seen...
There was a helpful person who listened. Gave me a pamphlet for an agency that might be able to help me (if there they can add value to the complaint that is their fee - right? that is how that is supposed to be to help justice for those whose money has been stolen is the problem)... sheesh...
and a student in attendance.
from someone who seemed to be doing a good job.
so that made me happy.
and then i got to thinking that maybe it isn't fair that i did not pay extra for bulky item delivery.
and then i got a free sample of contact lenses and the guy was so kind and patient showing me how to insert them. and demonstrating by taking his in and out multiple times for the purposes of showing me. and i don't want to purchase contact lenses. but i kinda wish I could give him a tip because i appreciate his time and effort and the value of what he did. so i know more about contacts and may decide to pursue that in the future... I have a better idea of the circumstances where they might be useful...
i suppose it has movitated me more to get a pair of glasses that i genuinely like. which is about paying more for them and appreciating they are an item that i will likely retain for... years and years. yeah.
and the ad block people reminded me that they keep working on updates and i haven't paid them a fair price yet...
and i should do that.
because without the work adblock does i would not spend so much time on the internet.
and i pay for other people to entertain me on the internet.
and perhaps not fairly a lot of the time.
the game developers. cohh reminded us that we really should consider purchasing games that we enjoy watching even if we never play them. to support the continued development of the games we enjoy watching people play...
and i haven't paid cohh. i mean, i know cohh is okay. he'll only spend the money on takeaways anyway. and beer. lolz. i kid. but seriously... he needs to get his whole development team out to twitch con next year...
and the point is that i realised. i genuinely saw. i did not have to reach. i genuinely saw that there is more that i can do. and that there are more things that people do that i profit... some might even say profiteer from... and i feel more... mindful.
i'm not entirely sure what i am saying.
i also realised that the falsified document thing... firstly it isn't a falsified document because it is an unofficial document. it presents as an opportunity. the dean gave it to me for a particular purpose.
it is a way of the dean saying to Auckland 'yes she somehow or other got through many years ago with a GPA that is very very very very high. we don't actually know how she would do amongst your students... she's also an arts student. who knows what that means for science. what do you want us to do about it now? It isn't like we can fraudulently alter her transcript and take it back.'
they can also say: 'yeah, a 120 point MPhil... in one year.' i don't think anybody else offers that. they offer higher points value qualifications for more years of time. but i wanted a very very very short qualification. 120 points. that was the amount of points exactly. none of this 'you need 120 points but the only way to get them is complete 360 points' nonsense.
so the other universities go 'why do you offer that qualification? we don't offer masters degrees that are less than 160 points and even more points is more usual...' and again, maybe Waikato won't offer that qualification ever again. it is isn't too late for them to take it out of their calendar. but the point is they DID offer it. and there are laws around contracts. Maybe the odd law. Even in NZ.
And so the Ombudsman and contracts law and so on and they really don't have any choice but to hand over my degree.
boo ya.
So... We can basically tell that to Auckland. Sorry about that Auckland looks like you'll have to train that one. We will try not to let it happen again.
of course I am supposed to say 'I haven't gotten in yet'. There are more hoops and so on...
But I need to take pleasure in tiny things where possible.
My barbell arrived. Was delivered. It is wonderful. Perfect. For the price point...
I have seen many crappier bars that cost significantly more money.
It is to IWF specifications broadly. By which I mean in dimensions and it has the grip marks. It isn't certified -- because there needs to be more precise calibration on the weight to fractions of grams... And actually... Maybe it isn't allowed to be the material that it is.
It is a bit strange. It certainly isn't an Elieiko feeling. Steel with a relatively fine knurl. But it isn't slice your hands open agressive knurl either - for which I am very grateful. It is actually a nice knurl. That is to say the patterning on it so you can grip it safely without it sliding out of your hands.
It is oiled.
Which you think would make it slippy...
I feel like...
This is what they are doing instead of making guns. Or... It is gun technology. Anti rust good grip metal. In a black color. That can be oiled to prevent rusting.
They do a bunch of things...
There is a 'gunner' barbell lolz.
The women's one is 'freedom'.
It's so... I don't know. Fitting or something. I don't know. It makes me happy.
Thats right. I'm not a gunner. I'm a freedom fighter. Lolz.