Posted by rjlockhart37 on March 17, 2016, at 0:05:16
in 06 i was in accident, it wasnt major but it totaled my car, and i had my hand on the steering wheel and it jerked really hard and fast, when the car hit me, and the pain over the years has gotten when it first happened, it was nothiing, it was just a little bit of pain, but as the years went by this pain in my left wrist, i always have to massage my wrist through out the hurts, like it's arthritis something
i guess get a X-RAY?i have repeatly massage it, it's been 10 years but i shoud of got it looked at....
x-ray? because it's not a major issue but the pain has increased over the years....
not a genius but understand pain
"unheard pain is told through good company