Posted by alexandra_k on March 27, 2015, at 21:32:05
In reply to Re: population vs individuals, posted by alexandra_k on March 27, 2015, at 21:09:29
Mostly I worry...
That they put equity above all else... In a way that is actually bad for populations.
I mean... There is an awful lot of truly awful socio-biology out there. Some truly horrible social policies. I guess I thought... Things would all be... Sophisticated and advanced... But I'm really not seeing it. I'm seeing a weird kludged together rag bag of socially acceptable cliche's and ambiguous phrasings and indoctrinations and... It makes me feel awful sick.
I worry that they will start to think it is a criterion on this year that they get a salt and pepper grading distribution. So... For the population health paper, in particular, I... Feel like there is some kind of an edge to it where they are sort of... Taking great delight in screwing over the 'traditional' applicants as much as possible and handing out terrific grades to the 'equity kids' (for wont of a better term).
For one of the papers... We have multiple choice tests at the start of the tutorial... Instead of printing them off they display them on overhead projector in a semi sorta darkened room... For 30 seconds... Then the tutor says 'it's been 30 seconds'. Then after 60 seconds the next question is displayed... For a total of 5 questions in 5 minutes...
It seems... Designed to... Upset... Traditional candidates. It is meant to be based on the readings... But it isn't, really. And two of the available options... Are weird...
I've learned it makes no difference to how I'll do on the test whether I do my readings or not. I've learned it makes no difference to how I'll do on the test whether I have selected the answer vs had a guess without having read all the question / available answers.
I bet... I bet that test gives them a salt and pepper distribution.
At what cost?
Doctors who can't read / who believe there isn't anything to be learned from books... Etc...
I worry that we have decided to work towards the lowest common denominator. Instead of giving the shortest people the largest boxes (the picture they like to show us) I feel like they've decided to cut some people off at the knees.
I guess it is easier that way. And I guess it is hard to design a good multiple choice when one never was very good at them / able to distinguish between those two... In fact... One might come out with the idea that distinguishing between those two... Really was genuinely supposed to be random.
Thank god for Biosci and Chem...
Beam me up, Scotty...