Posted by rjlockhart37 on December 14, 2012, at 14:16:47
I don't know if you reading this, turn on the news...its all over the networks...this guy was named Ryan Lanza, 24 years old...shot his father, then went to elementary school where his mother taught kindergarden...shot her, shot the principle, and 18 children....this is awful ... just a couple days ago there was a shooting at a mall....and it happened again, this awful
What needs to be done, these people are young and are filled with rage, or thoughts that cause them to do this....the colombine shooting in 1999, viginia shooting, they don't have criminal records, they do this and they do it discreetly until they act on their plans. I mean really there has got to be something done to stop this from happening, check the google search engines, keep record of guns that have been bought at gun stores....but its can't be totally controlled because thse people know how to resist the crime watch, they act normal until they get to their target. Seriously....this is a tragedy that will be rerembered.
don't be triggered by reading this. We have to got to find something to prevent this from happening in the future, new survaillance, higher tech reading on strange people that are buying weapons. Pray for the families.
thank you for reading friend....
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