Posted by former poster on September 12, 2012, at 20:53:48
This is the 3rd time I can remember this happening in my life. I suddenly have flashbacks of the dreams I had during the night. Best way to describe it is.. My mind is split between the sleeping mode and awake mode. "Waking dream" of a sort. I remember this happening 3 times in my life. It feels like waking up from a nightmare, I know I am awake but the nightmare is still there in my conscious mind. Only this is happening while I am up and about, working on top of a ladder! Could this be TLE, psychosis.. I also recall great difficulty remembering what I am doing, what I'm working on, phone numbers, where I am going, etc..
2mg of Clonazepam eradicated this horrific episode.Please advise what is going on here? The last time I felt this way was about 12 years ago when I gave Risperdal a 3 week trial for anxiety. I felt better immediately after stopping.
Any advice greatly appreciated..
poster:former poster