Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on January 24, 2012, at 15:43:56
Well I have been lately studying aobut diffrent "Gods" but you know the one thing that makes me think, is like back in Egypt they prayed to Gods that where Statues and they did nothing, of course they believed diffrently and thought they just had to pray harder. But seriously, this is one of my intrests. I do alot of research on majic , yet at same time I feel guitly because I belong to Jesus Christ. And I feel if I assoicate myself with any evil, that I would not be accepted into the lamb's book of life in heaven. But seriously, I do believe there are "demonic" Gods, and they do have powers in this fallen world. Like Pazuzu is the God of storms, I think, there's too many to mention. I just wished I could have a spiritual experience to see the other "side" of deminsion's. I know there are entities that will guide you through your hard times but I would not want a demon to help me because I know their intentions which is darkness. I've been reading about doctrines and I have read the book of Satan which I didnt feel satisfied because they believe in the "carnal" state of indulging desires and they just use "Satan" as a means of their way of life. Yet they still do much rituals and say his name for him to come forth. I couldnt do this because I have a very faint spirit, and I need Jesus to be there for me. But ... its still intresting. You have know alot of stuff before you can actually particpate in "channelling" and doing things that evoke spirits because some of them that are dangerous and malcious entities that will cause insanity, or suicide. Yet, most of these reports are not known to the public, you have to find them and go through alot of researching. I've read this through reports on variuos websites and watching the history channel. I just wished I could have power over something. I have power, I just lack knowlage and wisdom. But has anyone had any expeiences with spirits, or anything that is on the other "side".??