Posted by Fivefires on December 1, 2008, at 11:31:02
Having some symptoms.
Scared. Move slow. Keep spilling things. Overly forgetful. Sit down to enter search word and type one letter and the thought is gone.
Felt disoriented, queasy stomach, didn't know what did or was supposed to do, so went lie down and try really relax. Called nursewise (psychline) to ask what dementia was. She sort of scolded me, telling me it is not a psychiatric condition and I should call a nurse. I said, dementia isn't a psychiatric condition? She said 'no, it's a neurological condition' and hung up. I called a medline and this nurse thot the aforementioned was off-the-wall. Explained the many causes, some symptoms, told me lie down rest and clear mind, and referred to site for more info. Her reaction to my twice being taken off benzos w/o titration wasn't good, saying the feeling I had on the top of my head may have been some kind of damage. I guess a brain cannot fix itself :-/, but new pathways make their way to get info from here to there (I say that a little loosely.) Sorry just one big paragraph, but hitting enter is another thing and right now I feel like I'm slowed down so very much I'll just up and stop moving at all.
So thankful for any help you all. I don't wanna' stop. I'm expecting a new grandchild. Not old enuf.
I'm still havin troub' w/ email going into wrong folders, but will search for ya', as at this time, too ill to repair or delete rules. Deleted them once, logged off, shutdown, pulled back up and there they still were :(.
blessings, 5f
and: I need to enlist someone to help me eat.