Posted by madeline on March 22, 2007, at 17:50:19
I swear sometimes I think that the soul of man can be made whole by coming to know horses.
Maybe it's their eyes, or their manner, or just their size, but they have advanced my recovery from all sorts of abuse just as much as psychotherapy (and have been quicker and cheaper about it too) :)
Maybe it's what they teach us too. I have learned more from the horses about life than I could have ever imagined:
1. Don't overdo instruction - tell them what to do & don't get in the way of them doing it.
2. Don't gallop until you are ready and you may never be ready.
3. Letting someone else take the reins sometimes really helps.
4. Communicate clearly and confidently.
5. Love and trust your partner.
I wish you all could come join me in one big babble trail ride and could share in the happiness and freedom I feel on horseback.
Maybe one day...