Posted by karen_kay on March 21, 2007, at 10:27:40
and i'm drinking a beer.
being out of sorts lately
no worries, no fear.
thinkning the sunshine will do me some good.
taking up running again. perhaps to work on that commitment to quit smoking by the big 3-0!so, may be straying from the boards a bit. then again, i'm anything but consistent. could be back in five minutes stating 'i'm on top of the world folks!' but, i think i need some sunshine and to get off this board for a bit. esp the archives! (just posting this so no one worries, if i'm gone for a minute ro two, i do know how people tend to worry, esp when they shouldn't).
and i've been babying this beer. not yet 1/3 through and had it since ten am! not even sure i'll finish it, but getting that first gulp down went great with the mornign coffee.
still checking mail though, jsut trying to cut back on being indoors, hoping the sunshine will be the cure all for this moodiness and meloncholy i'm feeling. who'm i kidding, i don't know what's going on, i'm just one moodie woman! and i tend to archicve in spare time (to which i don't have but make time for). archiving not a good thing for kk.
have a lovely day folks!