Posted by Deneb on March 11, 2007, at 21:06:19
I went to the National Women's Show today.
There were a lot of exhibits and freebies. I got a bunch of coupons and free samples. It was fun. :-) I went with a friend. We entered a whole bunch of draws for prizes like gift baskets, trips, hair removal treatments, groceries and ipods. I hope we win something. Odds are much better than in a lottery.
I bought a coupon book from a spa for $45. The coupon book has coupons for a free 30 min facial, a free 30 minute pedicure, a free 30 minute manicure, a free make-up consultation and a free day pass to a fitness studio with cardio machines, strength training equipment, swimming pools, steam room and whirlpools. There are lots of other coupons that offer deals, free upgrades and price reductions.
I've never ever been to a spa before! I'm going to go now. I'm going to make it a reward for looking for and hopefully finding a job and also sticking to my weight loss plan. :-) It'll be a new experience. I'm going to let my nails grow long and ugly and get my first ever manicure and pedicure. LOL Long and ugly, yep. LOL I think I'm going to take advantage of the 10% off epilation to get my eye brows waxed for the first time.
Ooooh, I'm going to spend a day at the spa! I'm going to try to book early and do everything in one day. I hope I can get the facial, pedicure, manicure, make-up consultation, and eye brow waxing done in one day. So that's spending $45 dollars (the coupon book), plus %10 off $20 = $18, +15% tax = $20.70 for the eyebrows, so that's $65.70 including taxes but not gratuities. Should I tip for the free stuff? Or should I only tip for the brow wax? Tip would be about $3 if I count only the brow waxing. Tip would be about $10 if I add in the cost of the coupon book. I'm thinking I should only tip for the brow waxing because the other stuff is supposed to be free. Is that right to think? They are making it free on purpose to try to reel me into buying more stuff. I think I should tip for the stuff I pay for....unless....unless they rely on tips to make a living...I dunno anymore. I don't know if they rely on tips and have a meager salary.
Maybe I should tip something in-between $3 and $10. $3 seems kind of really cheap for 5 services. Sure 4 of them of free, but people still provide a service for me. Is $5 too cheap?