Posted by TexasChic on February 23, 2007, at 14:54:08
In reply to Re: Lost?, posted by TexasChic on February 23, 2007, at 14:23:32
My favorite site to read about the shows I watch is They give a quick recap right after the show, and then about a week later they give an indept minute by minute account. The reason I love it is because they're always pointing out the ridiculous stuff that goes on in tv land. Anyway, here is the quick recap from Wed's Lost.
Stranger in a Strange Land
By Daniel | Season 3 | Episode 9 | Aired on 2007.02.21
------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, add one more mystery to the pile of unanswered questions about what's happening on this show: "Why aren't people in ABC's promo department allowed to watch the episode before crafting their wildly inaccurate commercials?" Why promise that three mysteries will be solved, when the one thing that is actually revealed (the story behind Jack's tattoo) isn't really a mystery, or even anything most viewers have even been wondering about.
But since that's what this episode was about, here goes: Jack spends some time in Thailand, where he meets up a mysterious Thai woman who says she has a gift, and they have a lot of sex, despite Jack apparently being suspicious that she might be a prostitute. He finds out she's just a tattooer -- well, she says she's more than that, because she can see who people really are or whatever, and marks them thusly. Which to me sounds like a bunch of nonsense in order to charge a hell of a lot more that a regular tattooer, because you don't suppose she'd ever say to a client, "Well, you seem to be a douchebag, so that's what I'm going to tattoo on your arm." I mean, Jack acts like a dick to her and she still tells him he's a leader, a great man, and he makes her tattoo him. She doesn't want to do it, because he's an outsider? So it would be wrong? I guess? but he makes her anyway. Why? Well, "why" is not a question that gets answered a whole lot this episode. On the plus side, Jack gets a royal beatdown because of his tattoo-demanding. Hit him in his magically-already-healed shoulder, guys!
On the island, we meet some new character who's known as the sheriff; she's there to find out what exactly happened with Juliet and Danny, and also she can coincidentally read Jack's tattoo. Well, thank god someone can provide a loose connection to the flashbacks! She's older and severe and -- dare I say it -- strangely erotic. The Others plan to execute Juliet for killing Danny, but Jack trades his continued care of Ben to spare her, which is noble, if I could shake the feeling that he only did it for the grilled cheese.
Kate wants to go back to rescue Jack, but Sawyer refuses. And Carl cries because he misses his girlfriend Alex so badly, and Sawyer punches him and tells him to "cowboy up" and seems to endorse Carl embarking on a suicide mission to go be with Juliet. Sawyer's just cranky because he thinks Kate only did him because she thought he was going to die.