Posted by Kath on January 25, 2007, at 13:51:24
In reply to Thanks Kath...., posted by kid47 on January 25, 2007, at 9:57:59
> I appreciate your support. Usually I avoid confrontation like the plague, but in this instance I had no choice but to weigh in on what I consider to be a matter of international importance and signifigance.
*********Indeed Kid - might we go as far as to say intergalactical import? I don't think that's taking it too far do you? I concur as to confrontation, but feel that we must rise above our erstwhile limitations in this particular case.
> Hopefully I can count you among my few allies outraged by this unforunate......lets not mince words.......CRIMINAL stance some have decided to adopt concerning these poor unfortunate victims of descrimination, ignorance and intolerance.****I hereby stand among the valiant few!****
In the immortal words of the great President, Bill Clinton, "I did not have sexual inter...." no was something like, "Sporks have feelings too, ya know!"
******LOL - indeed, SNORT! Hope you're having a great day! :-)) Kath*******
> KEEP ON TRUCKIN', sistah.
> peace out
> kid
> > I love it when people say "snort" - nay - might I say I LOVE IT when people say "snort".
> >
> > Kid - you ROCK - I quite love your diatribe against the unrelenting spork-bashers amongst us!!! You, indeed, must be a lover-of-language - in utter fact, a connoisseur of words!!!
> >
> > How I do love a river of words - nay, a torrent of words strung together with such utter abandon, yet shimmering, in fact scintillating with dignity and sophistication! to say nothing of the imparting of profound & unerring wisdom! - aye, wisdom and moral fortitude.
> >
> > Kid - I commend you for your bravery in putting forth your own truths in this weighty matter of the sporks.
> >
> > with great respect....Kath
> >
> > > People, people,!! Can't we just get along?!? All these utensilean slurs and the disparaging, down right hateful remarks directed at the sadly misunderstood Spork, have compelled me to jump to the defense of these poor maligned wonders of 21st century technology. Can you imagine what it must feel like to never quite fit in? I a fork?.. or am I a spoon? Shunned by forks and spoons alike, the Spork wanders aimlessly through it's brief time here on earth, victim of an atmosphere of intolerance. Try walking a mile in those shoes. Have you once ever considered what a difficult existence these courageous and questionably useful little units have endured. No? Just as I thought....caught up in this mob mentality....reason, compassion, and caring have gone right down the dumper. I think with the recent media fixation on global warming, war, gas prices, horrific hurricanes, we have lost sight of this, what I would consider, a top priority issue....Spork Bashing. We need to nip, nip, nip it in the bud. All Done, I am *shocked* right down to my inner child (and he was already on the critical list). I hold you responsible for launching this slanderous campaign of denigration, fueled only by ignorance and fear of that which is different and what we do not clearly understand. In the name of all that is good and just, I ask, nay, I DEMAND you retract your negative comments and humble yourself with profuse groveling and apology. I might also suggest that a rather large donation to the People United Defending Sporks (PUDS) would be an appropriate gesture. Frankly I'm surprised Dr. Bob has not blocked this entire group of posters for at *least* a year. I might suspect that Bob is a closet Spork basher....I find this whole thing disturbing.
> > >
> > > Peace
> > > kid
> >
> >