Posted by rjlockhart on March 12, 2006, at 22:32:05
We used to always have so good times when I was a kid, he picked me up in his mustang and went to movies with his girlfriend (long ago) know his wife (married in 1999)
I had such a good time growing up with Rick but things now arnt that way anymore.
He now is a lawyer, has a big house, a baby, and doesnt even seem to have me around anymore, i mean it just busted me when this happened.
What happened 1 year earlier was i crashed the company car (which he said he gave this mustang for my birthday) and i was leaving work at the law office because of school, but because of the accident i could do it anymore. What happened was one day i was working on his lawn and he said something really cocky to me and a threw a rock at his foot, and it accidnetly went into the laundry room and did a diagnol swirl and he turned his head and said "you just tried to kill me" get out of here, i dont want to see you.
I was like what? it was a freaking joke, what? he took me home and said you need to strainted up. I shut the door and walked to my house and said, im going away for a long time.
I did i didnt talk to him for 1 year because i could take what happened, not over the stupid rock. The car accidnet (not the recent car accidnet i was in an accident a year before, the work envoirment that was very unstable, and i didnt feel i could hold on to this intense conflict with my family (my mother and my dad) and it was getting very strectched over time, which i thought i was going to mess up all the time.
Now its not anything close, its cold, he doesnt want me around his family.
This is sad but i am going to have to get over this and make something of myself.