Posted by willyee on December 1, 2005, at 17:26:46 [reposted on December 3, 2005, at 14:38:50 | original URL]
In reply to Re: ...or overgeneralizing? » badhaircut, posted by Larry Hoover on December 1, 2005, at 13:08:02
"I think I'm smarter than my pdoc, and I post to Babble. Other people post to Babble, therefore they think they're smarter than their pdoc."
Whoa Whoa Whoa,that is a mighty strong statment there.I dont think i have ever seen anyone state they felt smarter than there docs because they post here,just pointing out that statment is your opinion and to me grossly false and in fact i dont know where it you yanked it from.
Anyhoo i personaly post to babble because YESS,I AM NOT HAPPY at all with waitng 2 weeks to see a docter for 15 min,and that docter is not willing to discuss pharmoclogy with me,as if IM too dumb to understand.Or perhaps they dont know,this could only be speculation.
What i do know is i use babble as a resource,togther with information from various other sources such as remedfind,vault of erowid,and data sheets,this staifsys me much more than my doc does.I am not speaking of a single one either,im speaking of docs i have seen over many years,i come to find out in my case at least a p-doc has no intentions on discussing pharmcology with a paitent,even if asked.
This is not a contest,i dont win a prize cause i DO AT TIMES feel i know more on a particular med than my p-doc,in fact it frusttrates me,scares me,and leaves me disappointed.I want to feel totaly confident that my p-doc knows this drug they are agreeing to give me inside and out.
Now i know you might say well thats not the case with everyone,BUT if i had to roll the dice and guess id say half the people found there way here to this group because they just could not tolerate the slow paced level of treatment,and wanted answers.Were looking for answers and help,not a prize,no one is standing tall and claiming they are smarter than a p-doc,i read this group everyday and i have yet to see an individual,even the smartest of them here EVER claim that.Your comment i feel is grossly inaccurate.