Posted by Empathy on August 21, 2005, at 18:25:16 [reposted on August 22, 2005, at 23:08:57 | original URL]
In reply to i i i am so unstable i cant take it I CANT TAKE IT, posted by rjlockhart98 on August 21, 2005, at 17:58:40
You look perfectly normal to me - and very handsome, too...
I think most all of us look normal to the outside world... sometimes I think that is the hardest part, looking fine and normal and yet, NOT being fine.
I am sorry that you are experiencing a very unstable time right now. It has been a lousey week for me, too - had a "bad med experience", horrible nightmares all week and some serious computer addition problems. I am working on not feeling angry with myself. ACK!
During bad times like this, try to remember that there is a time BEYOND this time, beyond this moment in time. If we can just ride out this particular storm, there will be quieter times ahead. Sometimes it so incredibly hard to get past 'the moment'.
Try to hang on, I see great promise in your face, you will find your way... have faith in it.