Posted by Dinah on June 12, 2005, at 21:10:24
I just got my iPaq, and I think I'm doing some exciting things that will increase my productivity. Including things as simple as moving deadlines up by several days so that the work will have time to be properly reviewed and processed. I think I've got this time conceptualization problem, and just that small step should help a lot.
In filling in Outlook from the company phone directory, I realized that the owners of the company, my bosses, range upwards in age from sixty to close to eighty. Only one is younger, in his fifties. There is only one possibility (a very good one, to be fair) for familial succession, and that person lives hundreds of miles away. Daddy was an owner, but I declined to be anything but a worker bee. And they aren't doing anything to try to attract young employees with an eye to the future. Their typical employee is more like me.
I figure the inevitable result is that in the next five to ten years, there is going to be a buyout. And my life, as I know it, will be gone.
I know this job isn't good for me. It's nothing but a series of deadlines and I don't handle stress well. I've had a series of health problems that manifest themselves after a stressful deadline. And my best frind who died, that was right after a stressful deadline as well. Her family blames her job. I don't think that's possible, but I'm sure it didn't help.
I know that I'm not in charity with a goodly number of my bosses. I'm angry at what I perceive was insensitivity after my father's death and after my friend's death, and a bit towards my father when he was in failing health.
But I've been there for a quarter of a century. Except for a brief part time job as a cashier in high school, this has been all I've ever done.
I'm also well paid, and have extremely flexible hours. Hours that will not be very likely to remain the same with a large company buyout.
My husband thought this was a wonderful thing, as long as they wait for another seven or so years, when we have my son's tuition stored away. He says I can be a student then, and just work part time.
I don't know...
I hate change.
When did everyone get older? Why didn't they consider a plan of succession?