Posted by Susan47 on March 18, 2005, at 10:35:45
In reply to Re: The Greatest Happiness Machine, posted by Susan47 on March 18, 2005, at 10:00:02
In my world, you see, the belief I hold, is that no matter whether there's a higher being, a greater intelligence that holds us somewhere in its conscious OR NOT, we have the opportunity and the ability, all who are born mentally whole, we have the ability together to make survival and the passing on of generations a Pleasure in spite of all the hardships of nature (and the joys of nature, too. Ever skinny-dipped at midnight, been nude in the sun on a gorgeous summer day in a meadow ...
Anyway, off track, way off here but the point is that my personal belief and isn't that what all behaviour and decision-making is based on? Personal belief? But my personal belief anyway is that happiness generates happiness, misery generates misery. I believe that's a law of nature, that's my belief, I have a high school education folks, and not a very good one at that, everything else is strictly very very very limited personal life experience ... just to make it all official ... hmmm anyway so everything is generative ... and because I make happiness a goal, that happiness spreads to my kids, my ex-husband, all the people I see every day, everyone who speaks to me, everyone who interacts with me in any way at all ... and if every fr*gging person in America were truly happy and understood where it truly originates and how to pass it along so it comes BACK AGAIN, then that would spread you see, to other people who need it so desperately, because all of a sudden, we would ALL understand that we don't NEED all these material goods we THINK we need, and we don't have to be anxious about anything because we're already happy, you see, we can let go of that second car and the bigger house because it doesn't make us happy, our PEOPLE make us happy, ad nauseum you see, and then suddenly there's more for everybody, and that spreads ... and the fricking planet has a chance for survival with the human race actually ON it, and DESTROYED BY ITSELF. So yeah, if human generativity is the goal, then happiness is the goal, and human generativity is happiness. So that means that happiness is survival. Hmm.