Posted by Wildman on March 10, 2005, at 8:31:35 [reposted on March 10, 2005, at 23:07:36 | original URL]
In reply to why cant i come to a point of peace., posted by mmcconathy on March 9, 2005, at 22:00:51
My heart goes out to you in your difficult time. I've read much of what you've posted here and empathize with your struggle.
I can see in you, from your writing, a young man who has a tremendous amount of strength and courgage. I know you want to get better and move on in your life, and I believe that will happen for you. It's got to be tough living with your parents as you describe them. You can make it to 18 and WAY BEYOND. I see you in the future as a man who will use and learn from your current situation and will help countless others with their struggles. I see an intelligent young man who CAN be whomever he wants to be - just around the corner. Hang in there. You have potential, you have life and you have a tremendous amount of personal strength.
I am praying for you.